Kitten suddenly scared of us!

lulus mommy

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 2, 2014
South Africa

I found this thread because I was searching on the internet out of worry for MY kitten: .
We've had Lulu in our house now for 3 days, but she was born here and her mommy died (hit by a car) when she was 6 weeks old, so she and her siblings stayed with my mom-in-law (on the same yard as us) for the past about 4 weeks... She is now 10 weeks old.
She is THE most loving kitten I've ever seen in my life. And playful. She'll often even chase me around and catch me bite my feet (her mom had the same behaviour)...
Well, Lulu has a habit (which I don't really enjoy but I'm going with it) to come and rub in my face, even lick my face and she'll purr loud constantly. She basically only stops purring when she's in very deep sleep...
Last night, all of a sudden, her hindlegs seemed to go numb... She was still rubbing against my legs, then I noticed she's sort of falling over. Then I put her on the bed. The next moment she got SO scared...
She looked at me and my husband as if she never saw us before, you could literally see the fear in her eyes. And if we tried to speak to her or touch her, she would back away...
Till the point where she ran away from us and went to sit in another room...
We decided not to hassle her too much, so we just went to sleep...
Luckily during the early morning hours (around 3am) she came back to sleep with us like normal. Then she was purring loudly again...

It is scary and worrying to see your cat not recognise you and being SO jumpy...
I would also love to know if there's anything wrong with Lulu
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TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 2, 2014
I really would have to give advice as to what was wrong... from my knowledge of biology, I can think of more than a few possible issues, not all of which would even show up much afterward, or necessarily recur... has she shown any other symptoms?!?

What I would do is take her to a vet though...

I hope all works out well, please let me know how you get on!


TCS Member
May 30, 2014
It is so distressing to see these strange manifestations in the little ones we love. Samantha has her bizarre episodes, but even though she may run from me, she never tries to get away if I can catch her and get her calmed down on my lap. As long as we sit together she is fine. She sleeps well with me all night, but as soon as her feet hit the floor in the morning, the twitching licking, chasing her tail starts. It is only for a short time and as it is close to food time, she totally focuses since she is very food driven! We are going back to our vet today after having seen a "cat" only clinic 2 days ago that totally depressed and freaked me and poor Samantha out. Best of luck. But, I would get kitty to a vet to rule out any obvious problems