Kitten meowing more


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 22, 2016
My 3.5 month old kitten Kuro is meowing a ton more then he use to when I leave his safe room, my bedroom, to do stuff. At first I thought it was just the whole gets worst before it gets better but it literally went from a minute or 2 type thing to 6 to 7 minutes sometimes longer in just a few days. When I do the whisker city calming spray it seems to help, not as much as the Feliway with his carrier which I can now put him in with fighting, so this makes me wonder if he has anxiety.

I mean the calming spray helps with the meowing and based off of the kittens I have been seeing at Petsmart, go there every so often to look at toys and treats for him, I think he may have been taken from his family too soon. They are adopting out 2 month old kittens, that is only 8 weeks, so who knows when he was taken in by his foster family before I adopted him.

I really do want to get him a buddy but I plan on moving outta my parents place in a few months and the person I will most likely be room with already has a cat, 2 cats will already be hard to to get use to a new place and each other.

What do you guys think? Should I get the feliway diffuser to possibly solve this?


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 24, 2016
Does he have access to the entire home? If he is limited to only your room, he might be missing you and wants to be with you. My kitten, Inari also stays in my room and will meow because she wants to be out in the living room, but can't. She meows, wanting to be let out. My other cat, Sebastian when I first got him stayed in his own room for about 6 days. He meowed at the door, ready to come out and join the rest of the family. Me, my mom, grandmother, and my two dogs.

Maybe your boy wants you to let him out.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 22, 2016
We tried that but there is this one room that we have to keep him out of cause it has things he can get into that we have no physical place for, which is really hard since except for our bedrooms garage and bathrooms our house is completely open. I'm looking into cat deterrents to keep him out of that room. Not to mention whenever we did let him loose when I was home to explore as long as I was there to supervise he got way to worked up being in that room. I would bring him into my room, after playing with him for a hour before bed and after he had been out their for a few hours, and he would be bouncing off the walls.

I can't introduce him to one room at a time cause our house is a pretty decent size and has a open floor plan. It just seems like it is to much for him to fast, if I lived in a apartment which I plan to in a few months it would be easier for him to adjust since it would be smaller. I'm just trying to make him feel less alone with what feels like the right thing to do at this moment.

That is why I was thinking Feliway diffusers, cause if it worked to help calm him in my room then I could buy a few for around my house to introduce him to the rest of the house while keeping him calm so it won't be to much to soon. I hope I'm explaining this clear enough.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
   I totally sympathize! I have THREE kittens, about 9-10 weeks old, that I "pulled" from a feral colony when they were about 3 weeks old. They went from hissing and scared to total "velcro" kittens. Until a couple of weeks ago, I was able to crate them mid-morning, so that I could go to work, and they would nap most of the day (I covered the crate with a large towel - it had a small litter box that I made from the bottom of a cat litter jug), plus a small water bowl (made from an empty cat food can and attached with large rubberbands) and food dish attached to the door. I also put them to bed at night the same way and although they would cry a few minutes, they did settle down to sleep.

THEN the next stage of maturity has kicked in and they will fuss and meow for hours when crated, then drift off for a nap, then wake each other up to start the protest again. I finally had to resort to letting them out in my room to sleep with me at night which doesn't always work because they like to wake me up about 3 or 4 a.m. for a snack. So I guess it isn't necessarily loneliness that makes them meow, but rather, they want my attention. About 6-8 weeks old is when they really get alot of attention from their mother - she gives them lots of training including tree climbing and practicing hunting skills - so my theory is that they want to be with us to get "life lessons". Extra play time seems to help the best - although I get exhausted before they do!


TCS Member
Oct 1, 2016
I empathize with you, was given kitten from shelter. I was disappointed for the kitten was feral. For awhile she stopped eating. I thought i would have to take her back. She could barely stsnd up, because she was starving herself due to fear to come out.
Then i found my three year old refused to let her eat because the kitten wasn't nice to him.
Her claws are way to long and im adraid she will hurt my three yr old cat.
She, the feral wants to play... but 3 year old chases her because her nails draws blood.
What can i di?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 22, 2016
Has anyone tried Feliway diffusers? Do they work for stress and anxiety well or is it all just marketing?