Kitten Is Driving Us Crazy


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 5, 2018
How bad is normal? I have another cat, I've had other kittens, puppies, dogs, etc. and never had trouble like this.

Very frequent, unsolicited attacks that don't feel playful anymore. She sinks her claws and teeth in deeper if we react in pain. She attacks us while we're eating because she wants our food and we remove her from the table (she will try every single angle she can to evade ever submitting to any kind of training or discouragement of this behaviour). She doesn't ever stop coming back, swiping at your plate/face/hands. Haven't slept through a single night since we got her-she will sit outside the door (which has to be closed now that her playful nighttime energy is being used to sink all of her claws into my back and then leap away, ripping chunks out of me) and scream, throw herself at it, claw it, etc., for five, six hours at a time. Ignoring her seems to have no effect on her determination. Can't close doors or she screams (going to the washroom is rly fun when she's reaching under the door and cutting open your feet). Has shredded the shower curtain and attacks you while you're showering from the edge of the tub. Breaks everything. Won't stay off surfaces no matter what kind of method we try. She's now sitting on the top of doors (like, the 2 inch thick rim at the top) so keeping her down from things is basically impossible. Drinks dirty dish water, eats old food and garbage, rips cupboard doors open, throws things all over the floor. Has "bursts" of energy at least three times a day that last 2-3 hours where she's just running, without ever taking a break, through the house like lightning ruining and attacking everything in her path (which is often us). Is ruining our floors bc no matter what vessel we put her water in, her favourite game is to push it around violently making a ton of noise until all of the water is on the floor, which she seems to love, bc she couldn't possibly hate water like every other cat out there, lol. It's worrisome bc we have another cat and if we aren't home we can't figure out a way to make sure everyone is hydrated when she's spilled every drop onto the floor. I think it's her determination and stubbornness that worries me most. If we do negative


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016

How old is she? I am guessing she is young still.

A lot of this sounds pretty normal. It sounds like she has a lot of energy. So I would like to do a few things.

Play is one of the best things. SO I would play with her as much as possible to build confidence and to drain some of that energy. After play feed either treats or a meal. Also, look into toys that don't require human interaction. Also, make sure you add cat trees so she can run up on them and down. Also, consider cat shelving so she can go up and down on those and burn energy on her own. I like to add cat trees, window perches, by windows so a cat can look out and see all the sights. Make sure they don't have risk of falling into the glass etc. So make sure they are safe and secure. Make sure she has really warm and comfy bedding where she can hang out, sleep and feel safe and secure.

Cats take on our emotions so try to be as calm and confident as possible. I know this is stressful but trying to just accept this and work towards improving the behavior is important.Talk calmly and confidently and lovingly to her. Be firm with a "no" but never yell. We don't want to escalate the situation.

You may want to feed her before you sit down to eat so as to keep her busy.

How exactly is she attacking? When does this happen?

See if you can have a very heavy water bowl that she can't move, knock over, etc.

At night you may want to play soothing music or sounds for her, see if she likes it (with her warm and comfy bedding).

Hopefully I touched on everything but if not please ask. I am happy to help. Overall, it sounds pretty normal but I think we can do the above to improve the situation.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 2, 2017
is there nowhere you can put her when you eat? how old is she? how long have you had her? I got two ten week old kittens in August that are now about eight months i think. they have settled down considerably since that time, but still randomly attack me, not my husband. we have a basement though and put them there when we are cooking or eating and at night, since I have two older resident cats as well, and keeping them together at night is not an option, since they will fight to sleep with us. I have to put the kittens downstairs while we cook or eat as they will walk all over the stove when it is on, jump into the microwave if it is open, as well as the refrigerator. they are slowly settling in though


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 2, 2017
they also drink dirty dish water, and used to bury their feces with their noses, but that has stopped a lot. at least they cause us to immediately clean everything right after eating so I guess that's a good thing.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
When I read your title, and then your post I thought to myself “yup, that’s kittens”. Just like with human babies, sometimes you get lucky and get a good reasonable one, even a few times in a row, and then you get the one that tries every bone in your body. All you can do is kittenproof so the little thing doesn’t kill itself and breakage is minimized, give it things to chase and to climb and keep telling yourself in a year or so this will pass.