kitten hates my other cat she gets very mean towards all of us

melanie cartel

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 24, 2013
5 month old kitten is aggressive towards my older cat and even myself..i have given her a separate room with all her own stuff safe places for her to hide as well what is the best way to get them to be civil will it just take time? its only been a few days she's improved with us but not my male he is fixed she is getting fixed asap looking for tips and advice on how to help them both integrate as happily as possible


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 26, 2013
You don't describe what your kitten actually does so it's hard to tell whether your kitten is truly acting aggressive, in which case fear is the motivation, or whether your kitten is simply pestering the older cat and playing too rough and the adult cat hasn't yet reached his limit of tolerance to put the kitten in her place.

A confident kitten will go looking for the other cat and when she finds the other cat she will pester the adult cat, pouncing on him, stalking him, play attacking him with teeth and claws, playing too rough, even growling,  and testing the adult cat to see just how much she can get away with before the adult cat finally has had enough and puts the kitten in her place. 

Usually an adult cat will tolerate a lot out of a kitten, usually more than a human thinks the adult cat should put up with, before the adult cat finally disciplines the kitten.  Mother cats actually usually tolerate less out of their kittens than other adult cats will tolerate. When an adult cat disciplines a kitten, the adult will firmly but fairly discipline the kitten by just giving the kitten a couple of quick "cuffs' (smacks) at or on the kittens muzzle or head sometimes accompanied by a growl or a hiss.  This is the way a mother cat disciplines her kittens.  Mother lions and other big cat mothers discipline their cubs this same way.  It usually only takes a few times of being disciplined by the adult cat for the kitten to get the message and inhibit her behavior. 

Aggression in a cat is almost always defensive aggression  caused by fear.  A fearful cat or kitten will avoid the other cat and will show fear aggression when it sees the other cat or the other cat gets too close to it.  I advise people to allow at least two months for an adult cat to settle in a new situation.  Although a kitten usually adjusts quicker, it still can take up to a month or two for an older kitten to adjust and start forming a positive relationship with a resident cat. 
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melanie cartel

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jan 24, 2013
I'm sorry for wasting your time she is totally fine now she was just scared of a new place and my other cat but they are getting along much better now 


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
It's no waste of time. 
  You were concerned for your kitties and we are here for all kinds of questions! 

I'm glad things are better now!
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