Kitten Died Few Days Following Spayed


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 8, 2017
I am after any advice on what may of caused it, vet says unknown possibly a reaction to stitches or material of something, apologies for long post!

I'll explain a little more about about history, she had injections etc, 2 weeks before spayed she had a year infection, got antibiotics and was back to normal within 2-3 days. She was 5 months old.

Week of spay she went in tues for pre op check, checked eyes, heart beat, teeth etc all looked good and said come back thurs morn for op.

Thurs morn arrived my partner took kitten in for op 8am, by 10.30am had call saying she had op and ready to be picked up 11.30am or 2pm, we chose 2pm. My partner picked up got told everything went ok she's not drinking water though, if she is in a lot of pain can come back from another pain injection, other than that is was we will see you tues to have a post op check.

She returned home 3pm full of beans, had a bit of food and water and was usual wild self.

Following day she was tired and lethargic, think anesthetic finally worn off and was not really interested in eating or drinking. We expected this for a couple of days post op so didn't think anything was seriously wrong.

Day after (sat) she hadn't really improved, still only 48 hours after op, was hoping she would of improved but still soon after op decided to give her a few treats and try give her a little water with a syringe, I thought if still same tomorrow have to take to vet, she was a little warm but our house is warm anyway. She drank a little water before bed, I thought finally she is on the mend will be better tomorrow.

Sunday morning I woke up she couldnt be seen, I finally found her under cooker, we have tiled floor maybe went downstairs to lay there to cool down, shined my torch under she wasn't moving or responsive, I looked at belly could see she was still breathing but wasn't responding, I dragged her out, her body temp has dropped and zero movement. I rushed to vets and they took her in said will keep her in till tomorrow, call back in afternoon for update. I also noticed she had been vomiting throughout the night we we had been sleeping.

2.30pm I called back feeling slightly positive no news would be good news as in great hands but had bad news, unfortunately mittens had not responded well and passed away 10 minutes ago, my heart sank, my daughter was staying at my parents and loved the cat, 6 months after dog got put down due to cancer she was still suffering.

A few days later I spoke to manager asking why, she ruled out dehydration, any internal bleeding etc could only say could be a rare reaction to material of stitching or something. They tried warming her up, gave her a scan everything internal looked ok and gave her a high dose of fluids she said.

You might ask why I never called vet sooner, well this was my first cat and had no experience, before op I expected her to be a bit lethargic for a few days after, she didn't seem in serious pain so just thought nurse her for a few days and she will be back to her usual self.

She wasn't given anything to take home meds wise, there was a sheet just saying animal may feel groggy for 24 hours this is normal, also feed light day and also monitor wound for any swelling discharge which I done. There was no sign of any blood discharge or anything.

I now feel terrible, trouble sleeping, dehydrated constantly and feeling guilty, if only I took her 24 hours sooner etc, I'm just trying to find out answers as it constantly goes round and round in my head.

Thanks in advance for any replies!
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
I'm so sorry this happened. It's not your fault, sometimes this happens with spays. Did she have any vaccinations on the same day as the spay?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 8, 2017
I'm so sorry this happened. It's not your fault, sometimes this happens with spays. Did she have any vaccinations on the same day as the spay?
Hi thank you, I'm not too sure what she had day of spay, I know it was a combo of ketamine and something else, she had 3 injections 2 weeks before when we took her in for ear infection as she hadn't had any injections prior to this.


TCS Member
Sep 11, 2022
I just had my kitten Spayed on Friday Evening about 6, she was 3 1/2- 4 months playful happy. Healthy befor hand.
Seemed good day after as well (Sat)
But Sun she had. Shot I brought her home i no test that Evening she seem to be limping I thought it was from being sore from the shot. That morning she did eat a little bit so I left for work. When I returned home that evening she was in the litter box she was lethargic she could not stand she would roll over It was like she had no movement or control or strength to stand. She was dehydrated dehydrated this was on Labor Day nothing opened I tried to contact my vet and sent him a message I had placed this kitty under a rescue so I contacted the rescue they informed me to give fluids which I did I gave vitamins and a bit of karo syrup on her gums. She was dead a few hrs later.
She only kept getting worse and worse my vet contacted me about four that morning saying he just saw that message. I did take her in they said she died from pneumonia possibly an a reaction to the anesthesia from the spay. I’m more thinking that it was the live virus from the shot that she got on Sunday evening. Have you ever heard of anything like this I can’t send pictures of her reaction and how she was reacting in the video. I saw the post from the person that had her cat pass after spay and I’m thinking she also had these injections I’m wondering if it’s a combination of spay and the other vaccines and this vaccine that had triggered this reaction and caused the death. Very traumatic. I helped the kitten going in to be spayed. Then getting a shot a day later rather two days later. And then ended up dead that evening of the next day or early morning


di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
OMG, I am so sorry......RIP sweet girl.....that is SO traumatic. I have had countless females spayed and given injections at the same time, and all have been fine, many were ferals. I lean more towards sedation, especially since vaccinations usually take time to build up. Usually a week or more. It was too soon for infection too.
My heart goes out to you. I know how much I worry when I bring one in. I just wanted you to know this is very rare, considering how many are spayed every day. You tried to give her a better life. Please accept my sincere condolences......