Kitten constantly trying to jump on my shoulder at bedtime


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 28, 2013
I got an orange tabby kitten from a friend 4 days ago.  She found it inside a box with holes under a tree, somebody had abandoned it there.  From viewing pics on Google I think it may be 6 weeks old, I think it's a boy.  I spend a lot of time with the kitten since I'm only working part- time recently, the most I leave him alone is 5 hours at a time.  He cries when I leave or when I'm taking a shower,  I play with him as much as I can, feed him 3 to 4 times a day, got him toys (catnip mice, teddy bear, laser light, etc) and a scratching post and I pet him all the time.  I've also placed a chair by the window so he can look out when I'm not home.  

He's a very sweet and gentle kitten, the only problem is that he's constantly trying to jump on me, he likes to sit on my shoulder and chew my hair, earrings and necklace.  He also tries to sit on my neck especially at bed time and licks my neck and eye.  I've tried putting him on my lap or on my side to sleep but no matter what he keeps trying to jump on me so he can sit on my neck or shoulder.  I've removed my jewelry to see it this stops him but he keeps doing it regardless.  The first night I had him I barely got any sleep 'cause he kept jumping on me.  From then on I've been putting him to sleep in the kitchen with the door closed,  I put one of my shirts on his bed and his toys so he can play.  He cries for about 20 minutes and then stops.  I feel badly about this but it's the only way I can get some sleep,  is there something else I can do to relieve his separation anxiety and stop him from jumping on me?


TCS Member
May 5, 2012
Waldron, Arkansas
He is missing his mom and litter-mates. He now sees you as his mother and plays with you as he would usually with his family. If he is only 6 weeks old, he has not learned 'cat manners' from his mama. He wants to get on your shoulder because he feels more secure up high where he can see everything.  The only thing I can tell you is when he jumps up on you, say no and put him down on the bed or floor.

Welcome to TCS. Post a couple of pictures of him and we will tell you how old we think he is.
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TCS Member
Jun 27, 2013
My kitten is like that too. i dont mind shes learned to sleep longer and only wakes me up to eat in the morning ( five fifty am lol) before that she will come up on the bed and lick my and my husbands face and eyes groom me a bit and fall asleep again on me ( she sleeps in a drawer at first) and the climbing up is for everything . kittens are curious they grow outta it after a while.


TCS Member
Jun 27, 2013
Nice problem to have if you ask me . I am dealing with the opposite.
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TCS Member
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Jun 28, 2013
Well I wouldn't mind him sleeping on my side but he'll climb on my shoulder when I'm sitting down or laying down in bed, then he'll either turn and his little butt will be right on my face (and he's gassy sometimes lol) or he'll actually lay across my throat.  I try moving him down towards my belly area or putting him on  my side but he'll keep coming back to my throat area.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
I wonder if he likes the sound of your heartbeat?  He may find that soothing.  My Mom's cat Pumpkin was a preemie and tiny when he first came home.  He loved to be on your shoulder or right up on your chest near your neck.  The workers at the shelter said they carried him around in their shirt pockets sometimes to help him stay warm.  Now full grown he likes to sleep in the crook of my Mom's arm. lol

My Mooch likes to lay on me as well. As a kitten it was up on my chest but eventually she just got too big for that (it was hard to convince her she didn't fit...).  If I lay on my side on the couch she will lay on my hip and side.  Otherwise she's on my stomach or lap.  The only time I mind anymore is when it's hot in here!  I'm just used to it and now the sound of her purring is soothing. 
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TCS Member
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Jun 28, 2013
So I finally got him to stop sucking on my earlobe but now he started sucking on the piece of skin between my thumb and forefinger while sitting on my lap.  That didn't bother me so I figured there was no harm in letting him do it, the problem is that now every time I sit down he sits on my lap and wants to suck away nonstop!  I mean, it's like he's addicted to suckling.  I've decided to not let him do any suckling on me anymore 'cause he just won't stop and it seems to spoil him more. I noticed that when I let him suck, he cries a lot more when left alone, it's like he regresses.  I've had him for 2 weeks and he still cries when left alone even if I go in the bathroom to take a shower,  I leave the door open so he's on the other side of the curtain crying, practically wailing as if someone is murdering him.  I've tried getting him to suckle on his teddy bear but he won't do it, I'm thinking about getting a small plastic nipple and attaching it to the teddy bear to see if that will make him feel better.