Kitten care and situation

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  • #21


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Young Cat
Dec 26, 2011
 ok im just confused- i go to a vet, and recently, someone there took in some kittens someone left. They put the kittens in cages. One vet tech I was talking to through phone, at one point told me she'd 'bring them to my house' because i said i was sad about something. Then she said later "well i have to ask the vet first." then she said theyre property of the vet and i could go there to play with them. Again- strange. Days after they were brought in, they let someone take one of the kittens- adopt it out. Days later, I went there and found out one of the smallest kittens was sick and almost died. right away i said i wanted to adopt her. They said i had to ask the vet. Then, one other tech told me that "i cant adopt it yet" but she was just saying that- she had no idea and is new anyway. I said well they adopted one out? the other techs were acting as if they were glad someone took the other one. why did the one 'new' tech tell me "they cant adopt it out yet and only adopt kittens when they're ready" (total bs), and the other techs are telling me to take this one kitty. 

Then, the tech i was chatting with almost seemed to mess with my head about the kitten. She said she was taking it home but then never did. The small kitten was doing ok but sick off and on. the kitten they let get adopted came back wasnt eating and then died. They didnt even show the people they gave it to how to care for it. I talked to the vet about adopting it and she said ok but some of my cats had the cold so i couldn't take it home yet- which is understandable and i wouldn't want to. But it was more that, it almost seems as if they didn't want me taking it or didnt want me having it b/c i wanted it type deal--kind of like ok let's play a game here or be weird about this, but gladly give one cat to someone who wasnt even feeding it and not even tell them how to feed the cat since it was so young.  It was in the care of the techs, and i remember at one point, it was doing well. In fact it seemed to go from super skinny and tiny, to almost sort of fat. I thought it was a different kitty- it looked healthier and i was surprised. But the tech who was taking care of it then I think went on vacation for a week or so. So now it was being taken care of by other techs. One morning i found out again it wasn't doing well- and i knew it wouldnt do well b/c i came to play with it days earlier and the techs abruptly stopped playtime after a few mins and shoved them back in the cages. Also the vet agreed the kittens need care and nurturing but didnt care to think that here i was willing to give it to them - but couldnt due to this situation with my sick cats. Its almost as if they wanted to keep them, in cages suffering almost- trapped with no real love or nurturing which they desperately needed. One day I went to play with them and the techs abruptly stopped me after 10 mins cuz they had to leave..and did so kind of harshly- traumatic for the kitties and then the baby one seemed to be sick after that. I can say that the small one was doing good at one point and had a lot of life in her--she was loving too and would rub against you and was happy. Then, they said the techs were going to take home the kitties at night- some of the small ones. Now I went back to check on the kitty- and she just seems to be doing much worse. Then they said they had mites and were treating them. but the small one again just seems to be raelly sad and upset- miserable. In fact when I tried to hold her now she screamed and was angry and really upset almost screaming as if "dont touch me." This was really different from the kitten I held last week who was full of love and happiness...ever since someones been taking her home- she seems really unhappy and a wreck. Strange b/c up until that point she was a happy lively kitty. I held her in my hand and she was so full of life and curious. Now she looks at me and doesnt have the energy to even feel any way. She just looked at me as if "please help me im suffering." I of course want to take her but can't now b/c she has scabies and my cats are still sick. If the kitty goes from being happy full of life at least, to now angry, upset not wanting to be touched- could this be a sign of abuse? of course i dont trust some 'random tech"--who knows what they might be doing behind closed cant trust anyone. In fact she looks much worse. All the kitties look worse than when they first came in--when they came in they were all healthy and happy seemingly- now one is dead, and the other 3 are miserable and one is really in not a good condition. The vet said its b/c theyre sick and wouldnt have been able to thrive. But i dont know if i agree--what i saw were really deprived kitties who needed a lot of love and nurturing- instead theyre stuck in cages, around chemicals, dealing with chaos and multiple ppl handling them,no real love or who knows what is happening to them esp the little one who is fragile. vet even agreed they needed nurturing but i guess being stuck in cages is better for almost feels as if ok let's keep them trapped in these cages, suffering, miserable, and see who can survive all this chaos and hell..the little one just needed some special attention and love, and these idiots seemed to do everything to not give them any love or attention. worse not care to let someone who wants to give it to them have it and act weird about it. What i saw were seemingly healthy cats come in--looking very good. Now theyre stuck in cages, maybe semi neglected from true nurturing, not given any playtime, around lots of chaos and chemicals being sprayed all the time, dogs, cats, and other animals around, alone in these cages most of the time- i would think that would be a destructive and chaotic environment for any kitten period. The strongest will survive of course but the weakest and fragile aren't going to survive this... 

also these people seem a litlte rough with esp the smallest one--i mean not as gentle as they could be. its very frail and small...i know that with a little love and nurturing this kitty would have been doing good, not again stuck in a stupid cage being mishandled by idiots and it seems as if the vet acts as fi theyre in good hands or something- im a little confused. i'd think it would be better for kittens to be in a loving home where someone was taking care of them and giving htem fun playtime and love--not being neglected and treated like what this place is doing not wrong but given other options, shouldnt they let the kitties go to a foster home or focus on giving them nurturing and love? It seems like they want the cats there stuck in cages all the time.  also two of the kittens arent even let out regularly and played with. I had to almost tell the vet tech--hey why don't you guys take these other two home too? theyre stuck in a cage? why not even let them out and play? she told me she'd let them out and run around in a room..really?? i mean all this time they dont care to let them out and weird to me. Is it normal to want kittens to just be stuck in a cage for days or weeks with no real playtime? wouldnt a clinic want help or them taken off their hands even for a little bit? why so possessive over kittens they dont seem to care about that just wondering if this seems like normal behavior or not
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Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Young kittens can go downhill extremely quickly, especially during the period when the (partial) immunity to diseases they got from their mother's colostrum has worn off and before they've been fully inoculated and immunity has had time to develop. Isolation from other cats (especially ones like yours who've been ill and aren't UTD on shots) is SOP and for the protection of both the kittens and any cats/kittens they could expose to potentially fatal illnesses like panleukopenia. It would be extremely risky to allow those kittens to run around at the clinic. Since one has already died, it makes sense for the others to be kept at the clinic or at the home of a qualified vet tech rather than placed in a layperson's foster home or shelter environment.

As unpleasant as quarantine is, it's the sensible approach and doesn't constitute abuse. I know the shelter where I work would lose its licensing if quarantined kittens were allowed out of isolation to play. You also aren't really in a position to judge how much attention the kittens are actually getting unless you're there watching the entire time, are you?
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  • #23


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 26, 2011
 oh ok--well thats understandable- depending on the situation- i dont know rules and regulations but the problem is they adopted a kitten out right away to someone and didnt even explain to them how to 

 care for the kitten- which to me is negligent on their part. Im not disagreeing about letting the cats at my house- obviously they can't be there but its more in the shady way they were acting about it. 

 again some techs were eager to adopt the cats out and one said no but she was lying. and the reason the kitten died was b/c it was adopted out again to someone and not given proper instructions

 not because it just died-  it was weak or traumatized and wasnt eating and needed to be fed. they even said the cat wasnt eating and people were just putting food out- apparently not noticing it wasnt

 being eaten, which was the sign of people who obviously werent caring for the kitten at all properly. so if they really cared about taking care of the kitten why did they quickly give it to anyone who wanted it and peopel who werent even caring for it properly. negligence on everyone's part. so yes they gladly gave the kitten to an actual LAYPERSON who didnt even care if it was eating or not and it died due to everyones negligence. so yeah this is really about the interest of the kittens? not what it seems. If they cared so much abt the livelihood of them they woudlnt have given the other one out so fast right away and not even told them how to feed the kitten--no one cared apparently. if i was a clinic and someone wanted to foster kittens and take care of them,  i think i'd give it to that person b/c these people aren't taking care of them--not feeding them the way they should be. What are they doing? storing cats in a cage with water and is this doing them any kind of

 favor im confused... keeping kittens in a cage and feeding them-- being around chemicals noisy animals dogs and a clinic? barely giving them playtime or love nurturing--yeah that's

 really helping kittens out im sure. common sense is that giving them to a foster home who will care for them temporarily even a week is better for them...the kittens are usually alone in a cage

 and they seem pretty miserable. the baby one seemed very scared sometimes and its obvious they just needed some personal attention. and really if the kittens were somewhere isolated in a room away from all the chaos, then it might not be so bad--if they were in a cage and not around all the examining medicating area--if they were taking them out at least once a day and playing with them giving them attention playtime exercise- then it would be better- but they're not. just the environment the kittens are in is really chaotic and you can tell its not good for them at all.

 if they cared so much about the welfare of the kittens why on earth would they just adopt one out immediately, not tell the person how to care for the kitten, the person they gave it to

 didnt even know if the cat was eating or not which is crazy, and then it dies b/c it wasn't eating and was traumatized. so yes they gladly gave the kitten to a layperson or anyone

 who would take it. they should have let all of them stay together for another month, get cared for acclimated etc. Obviously whoever wants a cat will get it- and they could care less who

 wants it there. Except for me- the fact that I wanted it or them and care about them so much really seems to make them not want to give it to me- b/c they know how badly i want it

 and would take excellent care of it- far better than they theyre wanting to give the kittens away to anyone but playing games with it too.. they had no problem giving the cat

 to the least competent people and right away too. 

 plenty of people foster kittens and even raise kittens from birth or find them somewhere and can

 raise them and some might have issues or die but for the most part, many kittens can do well and i dont think these kittens were getting sick because they lost immunity somewhere

 they are obviously not happy traumatized and miserable in cages. and in this case,  one kitten sick, then he's healthy again suddenly and doing well. I really dont think that it takes rocket science to

 take care of kittens as thousands of people do and can do successfully-- a clinic for sure isnt the best place you would think it would be but not from waht ive witnessed. the kittens arent getting a lot of care or nurturing otherwise they wouldn't be acting the way they are. I would say that  the kittens would be far better off in a foster home with someone who was taking good care of them than in a clinic in cages. Also this isnt  a shelter but its a clinic- and the kittens arent quarantined-- people are allowed to take them out and play with them- so not sure what that means. 

 and i would say yes that based on the way the tech was acting, the kittens arent let out and played with and they are allowed to come out and play- but they arent given much personal attention such as  caring and being played with which they can easily do with them. and my cats not being up to date on vaccinations- total bs. my cats are sick either b/c i took in a stray cat recently most likely b/c of him and hes not vaccinated or they caught something at this clinic or another one. Also the vaccines dont always prevent colds they just lessen the symptoms. and my cats have never been sick before its just because of this stray cat who wasnt vaccinated or had something most likely. Also i didnt realize people police others on vaccines before they give away cats or kittens..funny and weird.
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  • #24


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 26, 2011
im sooo confused and SO so sad :(( recently a clinic I go to took in kittens- it seems ever since these kittens got there they were doomed. They were very cute kitties and I instantly got attached to them- i could tell they needed some love and care big time. Its weird but the clinic just didn't watn to give them to me to foster well, i didnt ask the vet but i did ask the others and at the time my cats suddenly got URI's. They gave a kitten away instantly and she came back a week later and died. They gave her to an irresponsible person who wasnt even feeding her properly. my dream was to take these kitties in and give them some love and care :(( I worried about them day and night- the vet even said they need some TLC...its so odd how this stupid clinic just didnt want to give even one to me??? there was another small one who almost died- i wanted to take her...but my cats had URIS so i couldn't. so i waited patiently- going to the clinic everyday watching after these kittens. It seems as if these idiots were almost controlling- im not sure why they wanted to keep this cat--it almost seems as fi they wanted to kill the ktitens??? torture them and kill them...i swear...i wanted to give them love...that's it...i wanted to help t hem get better. they were MISERABLE in the could tell--homeless sad miserable. Also the vet techs, how can you trust theM? i saw one dancing with another kitten almost kind of aggressively. They were taking two kittens home, the small one and one new one that came in...they ignored the two who 'were eating.' i kept saying they need love...they need exercise...

everyday i worried about the kittens...freaking out worried. I still couldn't take the 'small one home.' then they had 'mange' two were being treated for mange...again trapped in cages sad could tell the kitties were miserable and hopeless. I had hopes for the tiny one...i wanted to take and yes she was small...but its not that small ones don't survive or can't. now they tell me the small one died :(((((((((((((

wow....its like they wanted to keep her in this stupid cage where she was MISERABLE..she just wanted some love and care..that's it...
its so so sad...i dont know how she was being handled...its torture in some form????

can someone please expklain to me why this selfish clinic thought it would be better to keep kittens trapped in a cage miserable suffering...dying in the care of VARIOUS vet techs being taken home was this beneficial for the kittens????
i dont get why a clinic a vet clinic that already has like 10 stray cats wants to keep more kittens that it seems they can't take care of?!
its so it normal for a clinic to just want to keep kittens they dont need and take care of yet just kill apparently...
its so obvious those kitties were tortured--just internally they didnt want to be there--they needed a home to get some love/care

nah, the clinic didn't care...its "let's keep these kitties in cages for weeks just suffering and miserable'..yeah good idea.'
she said "oh she'll be ready to take home in a few weeks"...oh yes ready for sure??? ready as in---let's keep them in cages for another few
weeks miserable and suffering...yes and see if they can survive these cages and rough and nasty vet techs--yes of course...
if she can survive this then she's ready to be taken home!! they acted as if they were nursing them back to health---the kittens
were HEALTHY when they got there...and so sick afterwards...and yes it happens...kittens get sick and things happen...they have illnesses
they develop at certain points...but wouldn't some love and care have helped this cat--even being in the love and care of a loving home
so if she did die she'd die in peace...not in a a clinic which is chaotic and nightmarish??

the kitten died??? its so sad...the little one died???? i knew she wasnt doing well...they said oh shes fine

worse they said she had coccidia..and no one noticed this at VETS OFFICE?

was this vet's office negligent and cruel??? shouldn't they have let the kitty at someones house? i feel they didnt want me to have
this kitty...they wanted to keep her and she'd end up dead of course...anything to not let me have her...anything to make sure
i can't take her in... that's the feeling i got...such a show of sadism and cruelty...just to be able to mess with me...

can someone tell me that little kittens are better off in cages in a vet clinic with chemicals while they are obviously miserable
rather than at a caring loving home with people who will give them a good home and love????

they said she'd die at my place with the URIS' wait..she DIED in THEIR CARE WHILE THEY DIDNT EVEN PROPERLY DIAGNOSE HER
and ?!! is this normal for a clinic to act this way with kittens? but they gave away her sister right away with no care and she died too
and now they just wanted to almost possessively keep them away from me when i actually cared about them...on another level

their vet techs adn people have numerous stray cats on hand...isnt it selfish to want to keep these kitties in their care when there
is a good home and willing foster parent ready to take them in....esp the tiny one i wanted??

oh and no one plays with the other two kittens...theyre stuckin a cage non-stop one is getting fat...he is miserable you can tell
so so miserable...a vet tech said "well its their life, its all they know"...oh if its their 'life' and lal they know why are they
desperately trying to get out of the cages?!! why are they so miserable???

the kind of anger i have can't be displayed...hopelessness and anger.. i spent weeks...just wanting to take her in give her love and care... who knows how the other vet techs the rough ones were handling her... i feel she would have lived with me...
she so so badly wanted and needed some real love and care---nope!!! the clinic needed to keep her and kill her...they wanted her
to die alone in a cage cold and misreable and suffering.... that was their goal....i truly think they juts wanted to crush me because
if anyone else had wanted to take her i bet they'd be like "here you go"...they didnt want those kittens or gave a thought about them
and made sure to keep them away from someone who cared about them more than anything in the world....
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TCS Member
Super Cat
Jul 28, 2015
I feel your pain and I wish I could lessen your burden somehow.  You are correct that these sweet little baby kittens needed love and nurturing.  But the reality of the situation is that the world will never run out of cute little fuzzy butts needing a human... and if you try to take in every single one, it will be to the detriment of your health, and the health of your resident cats.  This is how hoarders are born!

I used to be a foster parent for human children too... and the need for people to love and care for animals and humans alike is great... it is devastating when we do all we can, and we see what a small drop in the bucket it is compared to what is needed.

I can't judge the vet clinic. I am not there, I do not know anything about the situation except your side of the story... but I have to believe that they did the best they could.  As did you.  Finding out it isn't enough is never easy.  I get so mad too at overcrowded shelters charging so much money for abandoned pets.  But from the shelter's point of view, if someone cannot afford the adoption fee, they cannot afford a pet.  Our cat was already spayed when we she made her way to the shelter, but we still had to pay the fee for spaying... we did it, it might save some other animal, but there are lots of people out there who would love all the caged animals, but are not willing to pay the fee for an older, often sick or with behaviour problems.  But how responsible would the shelter be if they just handed out these animals... they would end up back on the street, in worse condition that they currently are...  Its just a no win situation sometimes.  Pray for them all.  The ones we save, and the ones we can't.  If you want to make the situation better, find a shelter, they love volunteers... but it is heartbreaking, and you really have to know your limitations.

Do what you can, trust God to take care of the rest. Hugs... hope peace finds you soon.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Clinics tend to become hardened against pain and death, just like a  health provider gets used to blood and a lot of things that would make most of us sick. It happens when they see something over and over again, and the compassion and pity gets pushed further and further to the back. I'm not sticking up for them, I have a vet who has had many years of practice and still cries with me. The best way to protest this is to not give them any business. I don't understand why they won't let these little ones be fostered out or taken from the facility?  If you truly believe they were abused, turn them in, or INSIST they turn the poor little things over to you or you WILL turn them in.  Even a national abuse facility would get involved. My heart goes out to those sweet babies, I pray they will rest in peace, they never had the love they deserved, but they may have sensed you cared. Please know you are not alone in your grief, don't give up the fight, if ONE baby can be helped it is worth it!
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  • #27


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 26, 2011
thanks mollyblue...this was just a local small vet clinic...i feel they didnt do anything except keep kitties in a cage where they shouldn't have been. they werent trying to make any money off them...i really wanted to help them out...sometimes you get attached to certain cats and worse, they gave the sister away immediately to someone woh was not responsible- so imo they just wanted to keep the kitties away from frustrated....i think it was an act of being sadistic and cruel...such as they knew how badly i wanted the kitties and purposely kept them away from me (yes i had the URI at my house but its gone now), and they wanted to keep these kitties in a cage where they were miserable...rather than give them to me even temporarily...esp i mean even juts the small one.

they didnt care about the cats at all-- they cared only about not letting me have them and give them love/care. I mean mostly the small one- i also dont gte how they missed coccidia and said the cat was ok... i really will never forgive them for this... they gave the sister away with no anyone who would take her and she died, and the most caring loving person who wanted the kittens they made sure to keep me away from them...i don tthink the clinic acted in any way for the kittens...there was no rationale in anything they did...if they cared about the cats they would have sent them to a loving home willing ot take them temporarily..not keep them from a loving hurts badly that i couldn't even give the little girl the love and care i wanted to so so badly....that she needed...

i will not take my cats there anymore...i think they're sick people...even the vet was involved- she said to me weeks ago "well your nurturing side wants to nurture them"...what did that mean??? that the kittens were better off 'in the clinic"??? she almost also seemed upset i wasnt taking another cat of theirs who is older and a kitten... i find it so weird that they gladly gave the sister away to anyone and she died. for me i can never forget this...its huge for me...i spent weeks worrying about them freaked out suffering myself...these people i think used this against i am going to the clinic repeatedly worrying about the cats..i mean its an obvious power play...just to be mean/cruel... 'let's watch hre come to the clinic daily" odd they wouldn't give me the kitten!! yes she was mine and i claimed her...and i was waiting yes....its just sickening..its the worst....humans are screwed up--many screwed up people out there...

there are cruel humans out there--they see someone loving/caring and their goal is to rip that person apart---i really believe this is what these people were doing...the vet tech--and another alraedy messed with my head weeks ago....they really i believe did this to torture me...and people have done things like this before...they want to crush someone for no reason....they saw how badly i wanted to help these cats and they wanted to control the situation and not let me do wasnt for the benfeit of the cats---what benefit was there??? miserable kittens in a cage---some animals can handle being in a cage--or they get used to it...its obvious these kittens did not feel ok being there...they were miserable on another level...i feel they used the kittens as a leeway to control me and my emotions-- even the nasty vet tech who was supposed to be texting me- she was playing games too--she'd text me when fit for her- but when i was worried about the cats, she'd stay silent for was like a game...they gladly gave the sister away days after the kittens arrived yet made weird excuses to not give them to me AND, had me freaking out daily worried about the kitties...does that make any sense?? sick people...twisted people...all about control...

this horrible clinic tortured and let these kittens die juts to make me suffer....sorry for the anger but there is no other way to see other way to perceive why this horrid clinic just wanted to keep these kitties and watch a caring loving person freak out daily needing to know how they were was all about control :( it was really cruel and sadistic... if i see the benefit in keeping the miserable kittens there-- then makes sense. But they have a female who is freaked out wanting to help these cats worried sick to death about them...and this clinic did EVERYTHING to keep me away from even the one kitten i was supposed to adopt? i mean seriously...??? crazy stuff....

i agree di and bob--it makes no sense..its weird...i wont be going so shocked and sad :( and yes they do become hard to death...but its so evident with the way they treated these was like a game and i knew that...and i was just waiting...i was hoping the kittens would survive this nonsense...i dont know if theyre being can't tell at all :( vet techs these people...i saw one kind of dancing with one kitten like moving it harshly back and forth with her hands...form the way the cats look---they were really really miserable....really miserable...that's what concerned me...they shouldn't have been there or have been in better care :((( i wanted to do aynthing to save them....first they had mange, then one had hookworms? (the small one according to this vet tech), now shes saying they all have coccidia yet no one saw this? im so confused..i feel they werent being taken care of properly :((( its so devastating....its so despicable...i can't prove any abuse was going on but when u see really miserable animals like this, you know something is going on...or most likely something is...also why so selfish? why the desire to keep them there in the state they were in? the kittens were so miserable and yes they sensed i cared and they sensed and knew i wanted to take them...i think animals def know...and they knew based on how i was feeling they were being kept from me...also the kittens were so so misreable...crying to be let out..even looking at you as if "you're not taking me"??? but they knew :( it made them sadder I think...even the new kitten he is miserable...and its not that keeping them in cages is bad...but its obvious they werent getting any love or care they needed...and the vet tech didn't care---she said to me "they got plenty of love here"...really? did they...if they got so much love why were they so miserable? how can you get love in a clinic in this way...its more the fact they were doing this on purpose to keep them from me and play this twisted game.. its not that the cats are mine...i just wanted to really give them a lot of love and badly i can't describe it....worse im calling them daily, rushing to the clinic if the little one is sick--how weird they did everything to not give her to me... i get the URi's...yes it was dangerous for her--and i totally get that... but now, the URI is gone..why couldn't i take them to a hotel for a day and play with them? it feels like a bad horror story :(

its also not that theyre a bad clinic :(( i can't or don't awnt to report them...but i understand that in this case I do believe they were using all of this against me on purpose and not doing what was in the best interest for the kitties...why did they give the sister away so fast to someone who wasnt even feeding it properly or awtching but kept them away from someone who loved them more than anything...just so absurd...i hate these people...but that's what they wanted--im sure deep down they are thrilled im going to be a wreck and so upset....they don't care... i feel they sacrificed the interest of kittens just to make sure im was like a move psychopaths would ok she wants them well let's play a game now...mess with her or what not...let's watch her freak out coming to the clinic daily wanting to care for them....nah don't let hre have them dont let her or them be happy....let's watch everyone suffer.....why let your lame vet techs work extra for cats you dont even care about?? the vet techs didn't care...its so obvious it was almost a game...why keep my cat who is assigned to me away from me?? what??? i just had a weird feeling i wouldn't be taking her home...something was going to happen :( oh but hey-- lets give away the sister on the third day they were let in, too young, no insrtuctions on how to feed it! freak the other ones out....and the owner didnt even care abou tit eating...yes they cared so much about them?

willing to give away to anyone but purposely keep them from someone who loved them so dearly...they are sick twisted people...and i know this one vet tech inside she is happy...she doesn't give a crap...i can tell by her texts and responses...shes thrilled i didnt get to take the girl a psycohpathc or narcissist gets a reaction out of someone...from doing a cruel act--- this is what these monsters wanted to do to me...

sorry im so ranting and so so is like a bad nightmare...i'd even feel better knowing the little baby girl got the love and care she needed and deserved..even for a few weeks?? she died cold alone and hopeless in a cage around these jerks...i know its just one kitty...there are millions more, but these are ones in my life and presence....they are the ones i could have helped...they wanted to stop me from getting the positivty of being able to give them this love...they wanted to create a tragedy...again twisted was the most evil power play...the vet didnt really tell me why i couldn't take her hoome yet...she just kept saying "well she would have died with the URI's or been wiped out" ..which is true but why not say...ok well are your cats doing? Is your place healthy now? it was all in her control....she wanted to control it all...they all wanted me running to the clinic worried upset...they are sadistic pigs....yet someone wants the sister they give her away callously with no care....sure here you go...dont worry about feeding them or making sur etheyre eating...traumatize the siblings and the sister..seems they did everything to make sure these kitties suffered...not helped them out....i can't fightg this...these sickos wanted me to suffer and they won...they used my love for the kitties against me to do this...there are many evil people in this world who do bad things to others....they wanted to keep her away from me and they did and won....that's all that matters....they won their game and tortured us all... im defeated? a kitten is dead....nothing i can do....what a sick world we live in...horrible do u think i have the desire to care for the other kitties? of course so bitter and devasatted heartbroken sickened...that's what they wanted...they wanted to crush my spirit my love desire to want to give love to these kitties..they are psychopaths....sounds nuts but i wish i could go to heaven to give the love to theis kitty that i desired to give to her so badly...shows how evil the human being out there acn be and even in small situations like this...they used my love for these kittens to dominate control me, control my emotions- it was so bad there were times i was worried sick about them- i mean really worried i was worried all the time. I also had a strong feeling had i asked the vet for her now, she would have said "just wait a few weeks, she's still tiny." Again this was all about control and a powertrip and powerplay...they saw a super loving person and thought...yep let's crush and devastate her...and they got their wish...psychopaths ...abusers and no one cares...what can i do? i had no power or say in it...they did...they got to make me suffer devastate me and the kitten- they didn't care about it...didnt diagnose it properly. Their only goal was to make sure I didn't get the kitten and they had total control over take the control away from me--its death wont phase them at all. they kept her with them to make sure i didnt get her...and with their shady vet techs who really don't care of course. Let's send her home with the vet techs who dont care about her--everyone except the person wanting to adopt her...makes sense.. Just like the sisters death didn't- they gave her away right away and no instructions on feeding her... They won- they wanted to crush my desire to love, my dream to give love to these kittens, and to nurture them. theyre like nope- she isnt going to nurture them, we're going to keep them right here in our cages, where we have tons of strays in our small clinic who we're looking for homes for....we need more kittens for no reason...must've been a fun little game for these monsters to play on will affect me the rest of my life...
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  • #28


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Dec 26, 2011
 ok update on this thrread---i still havent received the kittens..

 the female one died, which almost killed me- i now wanted the other two. I'm told they have 'mange' and it could be weeks. These people are messing with me? its turned into some kind of weird sadistic game not even sure what's going on but it's crazy...i'd like to report these monsters

 but im not sure what to say or do. I went and personally talked to the vet and she said "yeah sure"...i said i wanted both--but then she said it might be a few weeks- that's it

 all vague answers...i'm not sure what is going on or how to handle it....ask them for paperwork or proof those cats will be mine? It's really crazy what is going on...

  i sense extreme sadism and a joke or something....

 ive been through hopelessness, fear, trauma, desperation, anger pain sorrow...angry at them hating them...but i still have to 'pretend' to be nice to them and like them

 thinking i have to do this to get the cats??? now there are  'signs' up on their cages saying theyre sweet and's if theyre wanting to adopt them out

 i get the feeling they are going to try to adopt them out and screw me over---again just for this evil sadistic abuse they are doing to me---though i asked the vet and she said yes

 i dont trust her or any of them- i asked the tech and she wasn't very reassuring though i told her "ive been coming here for weeks even months now"....she said "oh yes"..

 it's really scary---

 the kitten I was supposed to take home supposedly 'died' there are two left...thta almost destroyed me and this is like a sick game going on? its so confusing...
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
For what it's worth, it doesn't sound to me like they're torturing you (or the kittens) on purpose. It sounds like they are trying to let you down gently as to why you can't have the cats.  You clearly care a great deal for them and I hope you can find somewhere else to volunteer your time.