Kitten can’t poop!

Kate’s Cat

TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 5, 2023
Hi, we rescued a kitten about 6 weeks ago and she was in a pretty bad state. Only about 6 weeks old and had eye infections, swollen belly, the lot. She’s all but better now apart from the fact that she cannot go to the toilet without a constant laxative. She’s been in and out of the vet and he’s had to give her an enema, emptier her out, but still she is struggling to go. He said it’s very rare but the next course of action is looking like an anti inflammatory injection in the anus as he thinks it’s something to do with that. Does any one have any insight into this or any suggestions on what might help??
we’ve tried special digestion food, water in all her meals,no dry kibble, and she’s still on and out of the litter box straining!
thanks for reading!!

silent meowlook

TCS Member
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Nov 10, 2014
Hi. I strongly urge you to get a second opinion with an internal medicine specialist. This is a serious condition. Hss as ve radiographs been done? Has the vet mentioned mega colon?
Sometimes a.neurological problem can cause the muscles in the colon to not work properly. Sometimes severe constipation can stretch the colon to where the muscles become weak. There are medications to help with that. I have never heard of an in injection being given as you describe.
Please don’t give any sort of laxative, fiber, miralax, or pumpkin without speaking to your vet as this could be harmful to your kitten.
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Kate’s Cat

TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 5, 2023
Hi! Yes she has had an X-ray done which showed showed severe constipation. After this the enema was done, which managed to flush her out a good bit. The laxative has been prescribed by the vet, and we are going under his guidance with dosage. He is also aware that this is not a long term solution as the laxative contains sugar and could cause diabetes also! The vet said it’s not Mega colon. I may look at getting a second opinion before we go down the route of injection. The laxative is helping her go somewhat, but as soon as we start to wean her off, she becomes constipated again and struggles to go. Thanks for your suggestions and response.