Kitten blues?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 10, 2020
Hi! I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this feeling.
I got a kitten a few months ago, a lovely and friendly little boy. He is so so loved. He’s my first pet really.
However, we had a rough start, he became sick shortly after we got him, didn’t keep food down and lost a lot of weight. Our first weeks together were full of anxiety and vet visits. The first week and a half of this, I kept taking him to the same vet who kept brushing us off with the answer of ‘he needed to settle in’. So it really felt like such a fight to be taken seriously. In the end I did my own research and took him to a new vet where he was actually treated. He pulled through and health wise is perfect.
I really do think the world of him, and I love him so much. But I can’t help but feel consumed with constant anxiety. My head is usually full of: Am I feeding him a good diet? Is he happy? Is he bored? Am I meeting all his needs? Does he feel loved? Analysing every meow. Just constant worry over his health and behaviour when everything suggests he’s fine. I took him for his next kitten check at the vet the other day, she had no concerns and had such positive things to say about his health and personality. But I just can’t shake the constant anxiety, I wish I could enjoy this time more. 🙁


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Deep breaths. More deep breaths. If your new vet, whom you trust and who straightened out the issues ignored by the previous vet, says all is well, then believe her. I can tell you that cats and kittens are little energy sponges, and can pick up our anxiety. And DON'T get anxious over that! Just remind yourself of how far you have come, and how playful and happy he is. Time will fix most of your worries, and we've all been there at some point or another!

You might want to browse the articles here. There is a wealth of information on all phases of cat care. These four sections will be the most helpful to you:

(566) Cat Care – TheCatSite Articles
(566) Cat Behavior – TheCatSite Articles
(566) Cat Health – TheCatSite Articles
(566) Cat Food & Feeding – TheCatSite Articles

And if you love him, and I can tell that you do, I will guarantee that he knows he is loved.