Kitten ate sewing thread!!


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 16, 2022
My 8-month old kitten ate some bits of sewing thread that I threw in the kitchen sink this Tuesday - I found her over the sink with a long piece hanging out of her mouth which I was able to get from her. I didn't really think she had actually eaten any at the time and thought the rest had washed down the sink. Called the vet and he advised either to monitor or the ER, but it was a tough call since I really didn't think she had eaten any and so I monitored her VERY closely all night. Well, I guess it hadn't all gone down the sink and she had fished it out of the drain because to my great horror, the next morning she had pieces of thread hanging out of her bottom after using the litter box!

Call the vet again and I cut it as close as possible and kept monitoring her until the next time she used the litter box which was the next morning; the first piece that came out had a LOT more thread that I thought she could have possibly eaten. At least 3-4 pieces, which left up to 1-2 pieces (perhaps anywhere between 1.5-4" in length) potentially unaccounted for; I think I dropped one down the sink when rinsing them, and it's also possible one or two went down the kitchen drain initially but I can't be sure.

Took her to the vet later that day because online searches were absolutely terrifying - like every single event ends in complicated surgery with high risks, and often death. She was evaluated and palpated and checked and x-rays were taken not showing anything of interest. The vet noted that if that was it, we were extremely lucky, but that he wouldn't necessarily consider us to be in the clear until about at least a week (!) had passed. I honestly thought the vet visit would make me feel better and although I do value the honesty, it certainly made me feel a whole lot worse.

I am leaving the province tomorrow morning for four days and although we have someone come in once a day to feed and check on the cats and I have four cameras up, I am absolutely having full-on panic attacks. This person would be coming by once every 24 hours or so and has been advised of the situation but she doesn't "know" our cat. By the time I leave tomorrow morning, it will have been about 3.5 days or ~90 hours since ingestion.

I don't really know what I am looking for here, I realize there are probably not "good stories". I feel terribly stupid, guilty and like the absolute worst. If anything should happen to this kitten due to my negligence, I do not think I could deal with it. I honestly thought that after 3-4 days, it would be unlikely to cause any issues, especially if most of it had already come out. Throughout all of it so far she has been her normal self, still getting the zoomies a few times a day. She's just the sweetest thing and I feel so very sick about this. I'm worried that maybe she'll hide or the person won't notice any changes and a million other things.

P.S. In case anyone is wondering why the sink, well - ironically enough, I usually put pieces of sewing thread in the sink and wash them down as opposed to throwing them into the trash bin to ensure all bits are really gone and nothing falls on the floor and is missed. I do usually ensure they fully wash down but this time they didn't and I needed to pull the faucet thing out but my hands were full so I stupidly walked away for 5 minutes to put them down and she was on the counter by the sink when I came back. In the six months I have had her, I had never even seen her on the kitchen counters.


Cat mom, cat foster mom
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Mar 6, 2023
First, don't beat yourself up too much! Kittens are like any baby creature - you take your eyes off them for a minute and they're into SOMETHING - and often not something "approved"! Make sure you have your sitter report out on eating and pooping while you're gone. Leave the info for your vet/emergency vet. My cats accidentally ingest my hair all the time and the worst that has happened is one of their "logs" follows them around the house bc it's connected to them via a hair. You're not a bad cat mama. As I often say, once you know better, you do better, and that sounds like that's the case!

Mighty Orange

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 9, 2022
My cat peanut butter tried to eat a ribbon 2 days ago. I got her in the midst of eating it and pulled 2 foot out of her. I will never leave that lose again it broke of an automated cat toy.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 16, 2022
I did notify the sitter to look for things but Chloë is sort of a grazer so she doesn't always eat when you put food down. Plus there is two of them, so it's very hard to say who ate what and who used the litter box, making things all the more difficult. I can't help but imagine the worst outcomes when I look at her little face, especially with all the threads online.

I am glad you kitten did not eat the ribbon, Mighty Orange - it's terrifying! I was told that the thinner thread was even worse too! : /


Adopt don't shop.
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Where do you think?
I would not wash thread down the drain, I do quilting and all my threads go in the trash. Any used needles go back in the plastc case with a black mark on them and I throw the whole case out when the machiene wears through them all.

My concern with putting it down the drain is it clogging the drains, also septic tank can't digest polyester or rayon. But if the thread gets caught in the plumbing it can quickly turn into an expensive plumbing repair as it collects hair, toilet paper, waste, soap, etc. Depending on where in the system it is caught.

A simmaler effect can happen in the cats gut, the caught thread collects food, hair, etc and creates a blockage. Thats why the observation period is so long. I'm surprised they didn't do xrays or imaging. When my old cat ate tinsel on her first christmas they did xrays to be sure it wasn't caught they had to keep her overnight.

If you can't reargange your travel plans maybe consider bording her at the clinic so they can keep an eye on her.


Adopt don't shop.
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Where do you think?
Don't google if you are eating but googling "drain clogged with hair" shows this kind of effect thread can have on plumbing.
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 16, 2022
IndyJones - they did do an x-ray yesterday afternoon and everything looked normal but obviously we can't see thread on an x-ray, only the issues it may be causing. Boarding her would be difficult this late in the game - there's not really a lot of options plus she is very bonded to her brother who is absolutely terrified of leaving the house.

Trust me - I feel absolutely terrible and definitely beyond guilty, and truly at a loss here.
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 16, 2022
Well we definitely found most of it, but there could be one or two more pieces, like I said - I can't be 100% sure. I really hope things will turn out okay, I'm so very devastated.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Dec 11, 2023
Well we definitely found most of it, but there could be one or two more pieces, like I said - I can't be 100% sure. I really hope things will turn out okay, I'm so very devastated.
I would use this experience as motivation to get rid of (or least lock away somewhere) all twist ties, rubber bands, hair ties, dental floss... anything like that.

Within a few weeks of bringing her home as a kitten, Xena had figured out how to reach the bathroom sink and loved to help me with dental hygiene (chasing the dental floss, batting my arm while I brushed my teeth, that sort of thing). I thought it was adorable until one night she ate some toothpaste out of the tube that I had left open and ran around with foam dribbling out of her mouth for the next hour. I called my vet's emergency line and they said it was no big deal as long as not much was eaten, but I brushed my teeth with the door closed after that. I'm really glad that she never ate any dental floss.

Xena loved playing with twist ties, but a few internet searches convinced me that the risk of ingestion far outweighed the fun she was having...
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  • #11


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 16, 2022
Oh I'm always so careful with things, I swear! I usually have everything put away carefully and had taken most things that could be hazardous away and there are zones that are off-limits to them for sure. It was this one stupid negligent moment.

And now I can't decide whether I'm overreacting and that after 3.5 days and with having someone come in once a day, things should be fine or whether I should cancel my travel plans (which would have other personal life side-effects).


TCS Member
Young Cat
Dec 11, 2023
Oh I'm always so careful with things, I swear! I usually have everything put away carefully and had taken most things that could be hazardous away and there are zones that are off-limits to them for sure. It was this one stupid negligent moment.

And now I can't decide whether I'm overreacting and that after 3.5 days and with having someone come in once a day, things should be fine or whether I should cancel my travel plans (which would have other personal life side-effects).
Can you take your cat with you? There are a lot of pet-friendly hotels. If you're traveling by car, it is not so hard to do. Airlines usually demand vaccination certificates and you need an airline-approved carrier, but you can take your cat in the cabin with you. From personal experience, the traveling part is hard on cats, but once you reach your destination, they adapt pretty fast (as long as there are not other pets there, especially dogs).
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 16, 2022
Taking her was not an option given that our host is greatly allergic to cats plus there are no close emergency vets there. Her and her brother are also very bonded and so he would have been devastated not to be with her.

I woke up early this morning and ended up cancelling my flights - I felt terrible ruining the plans I had with my husband and his family, especially given I hadn't been for three years because of other issues, but I just was not able to leave her.

It's now been almost four days since the thread event, and she is still behaving normally - she ate this morning and pooped. I pray that things will be all right, but I am absolutely terrified and constantly on edge, and will most likely be for the next two weeks (at least!). Reading that surgery for linear bodies for cats carry a 63% survival rate only is absolutely terrifying.


Adopt don't shop.
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Where do you think?
It might be for your benifet to stop googling that kind of thing at least for a while. Just unplug for a bit and relax with a book or colouring page for a while. Or do something else you enjoy that doesn't require technology.
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  • #15


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jan 16, 2022
Oh I know, I'm trying very hard to keep myself busy - easier said than done; it's that GUILT. Thank you for the kind words.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2014
I would use this experience as motivation to get rid of (or least lock away somewhere) all twist ties, rubber bands, hair ties, dental floss... anything like that.
That's what we've done: twist ties and rubber bands are completely banned. Plastic bags are stored in a closed drawer. We're careful with shoes since one cat eats shoelaces. She also eats ribbon bookmarks in books and tails on toy mice; I cut all of them off. In our experience, everything seems to come out within a few days. (And Ireland's always tended toward constipation so she may be slower at, ahm, eliminating things.)

I'm glad to hear your cat is doing okay, T trishia42 , I know what you mean about the guilty feelings. I've made some really dumb mistakes with our cats and am thankful nothing bad happened. Here's wishing you a restful Christmas. It sounds like it'll be just you and Chloë -- I hope you can enjoy some quiet time together!