Katie needs help...

Katie's Friend

TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 14, 2022
Hi all,

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I cannot think of what else I can do to help Katie and it is really heartbreaking to see her the way she is.

Katie is a rescue of around 6-8 years old.

For the past couple of years she has had a number of health problems that are now getting even worse. I've listed the problems she is having below:
  1. Vomits around once or twice every other day
  2. Her stools usually contains blood
  3. In the past few months wherever she has been sitting she leave a trail of red patching after a while
  4. She has a big problem with Fleas and we've give her baths with out shampoo but also with some special shampoo and the fleas return after a few days
  5. We moved her to a different house after she was Flea free and she still managed to get Fleas
  6. She washes herself non stop
  7. She scratches and bites herself very frequently
  8. She eats cat litter
  9. Sometimes she urinates/poops outside of her litter tray
  10. She has patches and sores over her body
  11. She seems severely depressed

Why am I posting this on here and not talking to a Vet about it?
We have tried to take her to several Vets however my experience has been the following:
  1. Nothing is found in the examination
  2. When I try to explain the situation the Vets are always in a hurry and no one has taken onboard the symptoms
  3. They just prescribe anti-flea shoulder droplets which I have tried and no luck
  4. I had also kept a diary of vomits and stools for 2 months but that didn't seem any significant to the Vets
This is the last resort I could think of to get some advice. Katie and I would be very grateful for anyone that could help her. I feel hopeless I cannot do anything more and keep seeing her in such a state.

Many thanks,

Katie's Friend

PS: I am including a few photos that show the red patches and scratches

IMG_20221112_170411.jpg IMG_20221112_170412.jpg IMG_20221112_170413.jpg IMG_20221112_170415.jpg IMG_20221113_124833.jpg IMG_20221113_124837.jpg IMG_20221113_124839.jpg

Not sure if I can edit my post but I would like to add:
1. Katie is my Mum's which is 75 years old and not able to do much
2. I only see Katie once a every few months but recently moved closer hence I'm trying to do more


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. Katie is very pretty and looks like a sweetie! You too would be depressed with such problems going on! There are likely issues related to the fact that your mum cannot do much. So, it is good that you can possibly help more and be present more often by moving closer. Below, I have addressed some of the potential issues at a surface level which might help you to provide additional information that could be beneficial to finding some solutions. But I also need to ask if Katie is spayed, whether or not she spends time outdoors, how is her weight, how well is she eating/drinking, not to mention what food is she eating and how much.

Katie, first off, needs to see a competent vet - and have a full exam done, which includes blood work (CBC, Chemistry Profile) along with a urinalysis and possibly a fecal test. Are there friends, family, neighbors, co-workers that you can ask for a vet referral to try to get a more 'responsive' vet? Even sites like Next Door Neighbor are a good place to find vet recommendations. Check internet sites for ratings/rankings on the best vets in the area.

Many of her symptoms (itchiness, scratching, washing, scabs/sores) may likely be related to the fleas, but others would seem to indicate possible health issues that need to be looked into for potential solutions. The vomiting and stool issues could be food intolerances or allergies, which aren't always easily resolved, but food trials can go a long way in helping to determine what might not be the best food for Katie. Often, people will resort to a novel protein like duck, rabbit, venison, lamb, etc. to see if the standard foods mostly containing chicken are causing a problem. Most reliable vets can suggest some options to try. Your diary of vomits and stools, if it also indicates the foods Katie is eating at those times can help a lot - even for you to analyze on your own too.

Eating litter might be a sign of a nutritional deficiency, which can be detected in the standard blood work, or may need additional blood tests to determine what the deficiency is. It can also be a sign of various illnesses.

That leads me to whether or not the litter box is being kept clean enough to help Katie avoid the need to go outside the box, as many cats will do when it is too dirty. Although, doing this can be signs of health issues, often it is because of the condition of the litter/litter box. Accidents outside the box need to be cleaned with enzymatic cleaners in order to try to avoid those same places being an invitation to go there again.

Your mum's house is likely hoarding fleas, and Katie's current topical flea treatment is probably not the best one for your mum's area. There is a lot involved in getting rid of fleas in a home (constant vacuuming, and cleaning items Katie uses, as well as spraying the house to help kill flea eggs/larvae) and in the outside yard (if your mum has one). I am not sure what you mean that you moved her to a new house flea-free and she got fleas again. That could be related to the same flea issue in your mum's general area - and especially true if this is an apartment, as fleas just go from one location to another within an apartment environment. The maintenance to keep an apartment flea free can be at least as intense, if not more, sometimes than a single-family home.

There are other possible scenarios to explore, but let's start here and see if that triggers other thoughts and ideas from you that might give us more clarity about what areas to focus on.


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Apr 29, 2022
What kind of food and litter does a your mum use?

Can you apply some food grade diatomaceous earth under the baseboards of your mother's home? It's best to use a mask when applying, but it's fine afterwards


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I'd be depressed too if I had all those issues happening. For the flea issues, Have you or your mother tried using Capstar? It's a tablet that can be given as often as needed to control adult fleas. They also have another medication called Program that keeps eggs from hatching, it can be given to cats on a monthly basis or if injected, done every six months.

I'm guessing she is grooming herself and scratching and biting so often because of the fleas, or even may have a flea allergy, so if you can control them, that may help resolve those issues. This can also be a sensitivity to food causing itching, resulting in sores.

As far as the vomiting and bloody stool issues, what does she eat? Often those issues are related to food.

Eating cat litter is worrisome to me as it often means anemia. Did any of the Vets she's seen run blood work?

Peeing and pooping outside the litterbox could be a result of it being dirty. I have no idea of this, but do know that the rule of thumb is to have one litter box for each cat PLUS one additional box, AND they need to be cleaned frequently. I clean ours morning and night, every day.

Can you ask your friends if any of them have a Vet that they like and trust?


TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 27, 2013
New England
I’m sorry. I know when the kittens I took in had fleas I couldn’t get rid of them until I sprayed the entire house. I’d close off a room and then spray it and work my way around the house.

I agree with Feeby that the blood in the stool/vomiting is probably irritable bowel disease. They have various kinds of food for that. For example, rabbit.

Agree about the vets as well, mine would recommend blood work first thing and a change in diet. Of course the challenge with vet care nowadays is the cost.


Mr.Mom to a house of cats 😇😼
Top Cat
Apr 1, 2016
Los Angeles
~ I agree about Capstar tablets ( nitenpyram ) for fleas. I would also use Revolution flea drops. I do hope the "veterinarian" gave kitty a dewormer shot.
I find that steamed chicken with a little Brewers yeast is helpful with sick kitty — especially the chicken fat and liver .
Let us know how things go ...
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Katie's Friend

TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 14, 2022
Firstly, thank you all from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read our post and for the so thoughtful and elaborate advice you have all given us. Not only have I learned a new things, but to know that someone is offering their help and time is really touching.

To provide you with some more information and key points mentioned above:
  1. Is Katie spayed? Yes, she was spayed a number of years ago
  2. Does she spend time outside? No, for the past 2-3 years. About 2-3 years ago my mum noticed she Katie wasn't well (not as bad as she is now) and the Vet at the time advised my mum to keep Katie indoors as she was getting 'stressed' from other cats being around. However, I didn't fully believe that, when my Mum fell ill last Christmas I took Katie to my house and there is when I started noticing Fleas walking around and I gave her baths with and without special shampoo. But the Fleas would come back after a week or so.
  3. How is her weight? Normal, according to the Vet that last saw her a couple months ago. And her temperature seemed fine and the Vet inspected her in general and she mentioned she seemed normal
  4. Food and Drink? Having observed her, she eats and drinks fine. I put her on a grain free diet for some weeks but that didn't help. My Mum does try her best as has a selection of premium wet and dry food - and something more specialised which I don't remember (I shall ask and append to this trail)
  5. Litter box is being kept clean enough? I believe so, my mum (and I went I kept her) empty all the contents of the box every time she goes and put new sand inside.
  6. What kind of food and litter does a your mum use? We've tried all sorts of food from Wet, Dry and grain free - I will append more details on the exact latest diet
  7. Have you or your mother tried using Capstar? No, that's a good suggestion and I will give it a go
  8. "This can also be a sensitivity to food causing itching, resulting in sores." - that's a good point and I will pay special attention to this
  9. Did any of the Vets she's seen run blood work? No, the Vets usually just send us away even when I try to explain the situation isn't good. On first inspection she seems fine. I will look to do blood work asap
  10. Of course the challenge with vet care nowadays is the cost. - Absolutely, especially when you get no results and with the cost of living we're currently facing
  11. I do hope the "veterinarian" gave kitty a dewormer shot. - Unfortunately, no.
  12. And thank you for pointing out catfriendly.com/

Next Steps:
  1. Thank you for listing a number of assessments that can be done. I have noted them and I will find a vet where we can do these
  2. I will look at next door neighbour (I didn't know this existed, thank you!)
  3. I will use enzymatic cleaners from now and on (again, new to me, so thank you)
  4. Try Capstar
  5. Get dewormer shot
  6. Someone also mentioned to speak to a local shelter for recommendation for a Vet - which I believe is good to give it a go

Finally, it's probably worth mentioning that we're based in Manchester, UK (just in case is local or know anyone that knows a good vet)

Again, thank you so much for your time. I shall take the next steps (and see if I've missed anything) and I will come back and let you know how we're getting on.

Thank you on behalf of Katie,

Katie's Friend

verna davies

TCS Member
Feb 23, 2016
Wales uk
I'm sorry you have this worry with Katie and she is having these problems. Good advice given to you above so dont know if mine will add anything to it.
I dont live near you, I'm in South Wales so cant recommend good vet but I suggest you ask around other pet owners you know for a recommendation.
I find Advantage a good flea treatment, it can be bought online or Pets at Home if there's one near you.
It could well be a food allergy that is causing/ contributing to Katie's other issues and she may benefit from eating a hydrolyzed food only such as Hills Z/D, it comes in wet and dry. I know money is tight for everyone nowadays but if you can I would have a stool sample analysed to see if that points to anything. Let us know how you get on.