Just One Wish


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 8, 2016
There is just one wish if I could is no one would go through this. The pain, suffering and the grief is sometimes to much to bare . I had and still have a hard time dealing with the loss of my little man Romeo to watch him whither and the light slowly fade from his little face was hard to watch. So if I could I would grant that wish If I could . Bless you all during this hard time I wish you all comfort .


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2017
We have felt the pain and sorrow of losing our numerous beloved cats over the years. Its painful and lasting.

But would we do it again........absolutely...even though we know how it will end.

Why would we do it? Because we focus on the journey, not the final "destination", meaning we enjoy each moment with our companions and we know that our lives and their lives were the better for it. And we know that the final cost is a bargain compared to the joys received.

"Tis better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all"
-Alfred Lord Tennyson
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 8, 2016
We have felt the pain and sorrow of losing our numerous beloved cats over the years. Its painful and lasting.

But would we do it again........absolutely...even though we know how it will end.

Why would we do it? Because we focus on the journey, not the final "destination", meaning we enjoy each moment with our companions and we know that our lives and their lives were the better for it. And we know that the final cost is a bargain compared to the joys received.

"Tis better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all"
-Alfred Lord Tennyson
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 8, 2016
I wanted to tell you that poem was beautiful and it is so true but I just wanted to convey my deep sympathy to this thread. I just wished there just wasn't no more pain on any level. Yes I would do it all over again, and again and I have. I have another little man in my life but the pain is still there from my loss and again it was out of love and concern for the wish. Thank you for your reply

Loving Mickey

Mickey , my heart and soul Angel kitty
Top Cat
Jun 13, 2014
The pain can be completely unbearable when we must lose our special kitties.
My heart goes out to each and every one of you.
I lost my special kitty, Mickey, almost three years ago. It will be three years on July 8th.
Believe me, my heart still cries for his loss.
Not a day goes by that I don't think of him, miss him, and shed quite a few tears.
Yes, I have two new kitties now and I love them dearly.
They are both helping my heart to heal.
However, Mickey will always be my heart!
He was my world, so special, and can never be replaced.
I cry for all of you that are mourning such a loss.
My heart is with you all!

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
It is almost more than we can bear, but to love like that is so special, so rare, it is something that we are privileged to experience in our lives. Yes, it hurts almost more than we can stand, to stand by while the love of our lives leaves. But thank God we were there, to give comfort and love, to have them know they were loved and treasured, so many die alone with no one to grieve. They hold us in their hearts, as we hold them in ours. The bond we have formed with them can never be broken, love is spiritual, not subject to death and decay. They are a part of us, we will carry them with us for eternity. So although their physical presence is no longer bound to this earth, the 'essence' that was them will be forever tied to our souls.
Yes, it hurts to lose them, we pay a price for something so worth having. Try not to dwell on the loss, but celebrate having them in our lives, it would have been a tragedy to have never had them in our lives at all. We have to go on with our lives, because that is what they would want for us, not in pain and suffering, but in happiness and looking forward to sharing the legacy of love they left for us, as we would want for them if we were the first to go.
I want thank everyone who gives comfort on this forum, it helps more than you will ever know. We need to hold each other up, we are one big family brought together by the love of our feline little ones.


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
When I held Simon our tuxedo who passed May 2014 in my arms at the vet, and Sebastian a long haired Chantilly who died in my arms when I came home from work November 2015 (he was sick), the days after it I was so shaken and upset I felt like I too was going to die, the heartache is almost unbearable, but time slowly helps to ease the pain but the memory lingers on....Thursday I am taking my guy Sylvester pictured above left to the same vet that Simon died in my arms at to get groomed, he is matted as I didn't know we should be brushing him, but I told my wife "Simon's spirit will still be there to help him not be scared". Sylvester looks like Simon and Sebastian mixed together, like both of them, so having to take him is more upsetting to me than him lol! But we'll be fine, but I know what you mean, it is the down side of having pets but we would do it all over again as we are doing....

God Bless....