Just Need To Vent A Little

tara g

TCS Member
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Jul 16, 2007
On the farm
I manage to live my life as complicated as possible apparently...:argh:

My ex and I split up over 2 years ago, but remained roommates in the house we bought together. Was just easier / cheaper overall. Nowhere in this area could you rent a 2500sqft house for $650/month (if you split the mortgage in half). You cant even rent 1 bedroom apartments for less than $1000 in the area I've lived in these last few years, but if you go a little further there are some for $800 or so. Then you get into pet restrictions, and I also own 2 German Shepherds ... I found ONE apartment in the area that would maybe accept the dogs (and that I could luckily even afford), and had a driver at my last job offer to rent me one of his houses 45 miles away from work once his tenant moved out. My ex and I were going to just sell the house and split the profits, as he wanted to live closer to his job 50 miles away and just be done with the joint thing we had going on for so long.

I met my now-fiance and ended up trying really hard to stay in the town I was in, also where he was. I knew moving 45-50 miles away would have made it harder on us also. I knew of one other person who might have been renting a double wide on the same road as him, but couldn't get in touch with him on it. A person I thought was a friend was also having to leave where she lived, citing her best friend wanted to move his girlfriend in and the girlfriend wanted to play house without a 3rd wheel there. My ex and I decided that I would "rent" the house, and the friend would pay a flat rent of $1000/month all inclusive. I thought, yay - I can stay in town, and don't have to move (lawd I HATE moving). We set a date for her to move in February 1st, though the house re-flooring wasn't finished yet (we started to re-floor with laminate to sell). Things were alright for awhile. Fiance came to stay with me also.

Then things started heading south. The friend suddenly was home 24/7, she had mentioned to me she was looking for a new job because hers was about to be sold out, but she told my fiance that she had quit her job. She ended up vanishing for 5 days with her dogs, which I don't care what someone does, what I cared about was the fact that they told me they would pay rent on the 1st of each month, and the first month took me until the day before the mortgage was due (16th) to get her to cut the rent check (said she lost her checkbook in the move). The next month, when she vanished, she came back 2 days before the mortgage was due and I had to pry a check out of her again. She just said "oh I didn't expect to be gone so long!" My fiance started to notice the way her eyes were reflected those of someone who was abusing pills. She was an addict on various things for years (admitted to him a lot more than she ever did to me), but claimed to be clean for the last 5 or so. She didn't even drink at the bar whenever we'd all be there (where I'd met her about a year earlier). So I didn't think there'd be any issues.

One day my fiance went through his dresser drawer where he kept a box of jewelry that belonged to his great-grandmother. His mom told him to save it for someone special someday. He noticed that a real gold necklace was missing, as well as a real gold bracelet. But any of the fake stuff was still in there. A couple days later, the friend texted me saying that she was going through our room and his dresser and found a camera that was hers. He said he thought it was mine, because I had one like it in the drawer downstairs in the kitchen that went missing. The next day after work I came home to find all the real jewelry in my jewelry box missing. A couple rings with sapphires, emeralds and diamonds my grandmother
had given me throughout high school, a 2 carat loose amethyst I had bought on a cruise when I was 12, my old engagement and eternity band I was saving for an emergency fund (which I needed at this time), and what made me the most livid and upset - my grandmother's wedding ring :censored:. My grandma passed March 2017, so it was even more special now. Even my ex-husband's class ring that had 2 small diamonds on it was gone (had planned on giving it back once he refinanced the house that is still in my name 7 years after our separation). Fiance noticed things were messed up in his drawers again, as did I. He said he was moving out because he couldn't deal with it. I noticed in the bathroom a drawer with prescription pills was left open and the bottles moved around.

At the end of March the fiance's dad was doing bad, he moved back to the farm and I went with him. We agreed we'd save for a camper to put on the property for awhile, until the house becomes his, but for now his mom is letting us stay in the house for minimal rent and on the condition we all buy groceries and alternate cooking duties. (I also think she is somewhat lonely now that her husband of 51 years passed on Easter Sunday). My ex called and asked if I'd heard from the friend, because she told him she had some mail for him there, but then wouldn't answer the phone or texts. I told him to go ahead and sell the house after all, I was going to move to the farm and we both could use the money from the profits on the house sale. Told him that things were going missing around the house, and everyday when I'd come home something would be moved or thrown out or just plain couldn't be found. He said he'd been offered a job in the same small town as the house so he would move back in for awhile and get it ready to sell and asked what I'd need for money for now. I told him we would have to work that part out. Agreed to move my things out this month, which I'd been doing on weekends, but didn't know how I was going to get the bed moved, the leather loveseat, and finally rented a storage unit for the boxes I had. She had moved someone else into the house by then, and the two of them would disappear and go silent any time I'd pull up to get my mail or get more things.

On Tuesday afternoon, I got a text from the "friend", starting it off by calling me sweetie, which I could even tell through text was in a condescending manner. She said that her and my ex changed the locks on the house (must have been Monday, because Sunday my key still worked), and that she would have to let me in to get my things so please let her know when I planned to come get them. And that they agreed that anything of mine that was not gone by 4/30 would be thrown away. My anger level hit the roof :fuming:. I let this girl move into a house I had built, she steals my jewelry, and half a 5 gallon jug of my change (my other emergency fund I had hidden in the back of my closet under clothes - I discovered all the silver coins missing Sunday when I went to move stuff, maybe $1-2 in pennies left), and then has the audacity to tell me she and my ex are going to throw out my things. She also took the liberty to pack it all for me "to make it easier for you to move out!". I feel my blood pressure rising as I type about it. I refrained from typing what I thought back to her, and the next day I called a moving company to come Saturday at 10am, reserved my storage unit to put everything in until I have somewhere else to put it, and texted my ex, who had no guts to tell me any of this himself.

We agreed initially if I gave him one of the trucks that had been ours, then had been mine, he would give me $5500. We decided that instead of a lump sum, I would use $2500 for a "security deposit" to be used to help with re-flooring the house since I was going to be living there at the time, then he would buy a set of tires for my truck ($1600) to be delivered to a tire place he used to work at for me to pick up or get put on, and give me $1200 cash to put into savings, the equivalent of 2 of my truck payments. Then I was supposed to get $20k or so minimum out of the house profits post-sale. He took on the joint credit card debt we'd had (partially because he also makes 2x the amount of money I do), his 2 credit cards, and half a CareCredit card. I was to take on my card's debt, and the other half of the CareCredit card. He did get the joint one closed out last week and took over auto payments. Yesterday he finally made a payment on CareCredit, told me he would order the tires (claiming I said to hold off on them, though I never recalled that), asked what I was going to do with the jetskis that have been sitting for a couple years needing work, and that he didn't know what we would do about the house payout. I told him I wanted it straightened out that day. If I have a deadline for things, why not give one back? I told him to keep the jetskis and I'd sign the titles, I didn't care anymore. He said the truck he kept ended up needing an engine, thrown a rod and took out a bunch of internal stuff, and he still didn't know about the house payout. Which to me means its not going to happen - he started ignoring that part of the conversation all together. And since my ex husband still had our house in my name (and still does), my name is not on the loan for this one. I can't remember if its on the deed or not. So apparently I will have no leg to stand on when it comes to being owed anything from it. He stands to get $50-60k profit out of it if it were to be sold in today's market.

That's 2 houses I've basically walked away from with nothing now - you'd think I'd have learned after the first one :rolleyes:. Been aggravating investing in things and ending up with nothing in return. Didn't really thing the ex was that kind of person, but who knows what that "friend" is feeding to him either. I told him I plan to take my loveseat (we bought a leather loveseat and leather couch when we moved in, agreed to split them when he moved out), so hopefully she doesn't open her lying manipulative trap and try to start something over it - since she thinks she can dictate what is mine to take out of a house I lived in for 3.5 years. They're lucky I plan to just leave the 75" TV. My immature side would love to throw a rock at it LOL. :bat: And she better hope she didn't crush the bags that have the boxes with Nero & Neko's ashes in them, as that was also moved from where I kept them (on top of the fridge, one of their favorite spots to jump up to).

Learned a lesson though - first and only time I had an actual roommate. Will probably be the absolute last as well. I'd love to just disappear on an island for awhile, no technology, no stress, no crap. No people. LOL.

Just needed to rant. If my grandma was still alive I would have talked her ear off about it. I miss her so much when things go on in life that I need/want to talk to her about. :sigh: Makes it all harder.


Kitty on the half shell, tortie power!
Top Cat
Apr 4, 2018
Littleton, CO
I'm so sorry you had to go through this. My boyfriend decided to get a roommate, an ex-coworker of mine that I and other friends vouched for. He ended up being a compulsive liar, sociopath and druggie. While he never stole anything outright, he caused rifts in friendships and made my boyfriend so afraid for him and his cats that he ended up "buying" him out of the lease and bribing him with moving expenses. Lawyers were involved (through mail communication only). The stories we tell now at parties sound made up they are so ridiculous.

I understand how it is to not feel safe (either physically or financially) in your own home. Good for you for leaving that situation, and I hope that the rest of the move goes smoothly.
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tara g

TCS Member
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Jul 16, 2007
On the farm
I sent the "friend" a text this morning saying the movers will be there at 10am, she texted back while I was at lunch & had just finished signing my storage unit lease to say her and my ex finished packing my belongings and that she will be there the entire time and will let the MOVERS in tomorrow to get my things. Said they placed them all in the front room so it is easier for them, except for the bed, dressers, and TV. I'm not sure if the tires she referred to were the ones my ex was supposed to purchase as part of our "deal", or the ones that have been in the garage off my old car. I do hope she realizes that leather love seat is going too - I did tell the ex that the other night, and was part of our deal. It is hard to maintain a level of maturity to be the bigger person when I am so livid. I highly doubt they even packed all of my things, and it sounds like they are not planning to let me or fiance back into the house when I get there Saturday.

Definitely saw the true colors on both of them in all of this, and will feel SO relieved when I can put them out of my mind and life. Just wish my town wasn't so small ... and that they're now both in it (my ex had moved 50 miles away initially, and said he wanted to move across the country within the year - and I can't go to the grocery store without her being at the bar next door daily). I've blocked my ex on FB and phone, and so far blocked her on IG, FB, and as soon as its over tomorrow, on my phone as well. Disgusted with both of them and their actions. He didn't know her from Eve either until a couple weeks before she moved in and he moved out, and is now taking her side / being gutless and going through her to arrange this all. Just trying to remind myself what goes around comes around, that there's no loss in removing both of them from my life, and focus on building up the farm with my fiance.

I can feel it in my chest, the stress and rise in blood pressure. One positive thing is that the last time I went to the house, the entire 2nd story reeked of dog pee even with the windows wide open - her male dog was especially bad about peeing on the sides of the couches and lower cabinets in the kitchen, apparently he's been doing it upstairs as well. And I won't have to live in that ;) My ex used to hate a litter box in the house, I'm sure he'll enjoy it very much lol.


Snowshoe Servant
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Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
Don't be afraid to get the police involved if they are denying you access to your property. Please tell me you are planning on being there with the Movers to ensure everything is present. If she tries to deny you access to confirm your belongings are present call the cops, you are moving out and she is denying you access to retrieve your property. You really don't want to have to deal with finding out something was missed later.
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tara g

TCS Member
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Top Cat
Jul 16, 2007
On the farm
I was going to get the county Sheriff office involved if it came to it, as my license reflected that as my legal address as proof I was just trying to retrieve what belonged to me... but I scoped out the driveway before the movers came (they actually were 30 min late) and my ex was there too. I knew he'd let me in the house - and he opened the door right up and let us in. I could tell she wasn't happy about that when we walked in. It was an incredibly good thing I did go in and check things - a whole box of things from my grandparents' house (both have passed) was in the former-cat-room closet still. Couple more boxes of my stuff was in there, and a lot of cat stuff I was going to take with me since we got Dozer. Rabies tags for the dogs were still in the kitchen drawers, all my mugs and Tervis cups,... A pair of expensive sneakers had been thrown in a trash box by the girl I luckily was able to get out, and she used completely falling apart boxes for some of the stuff that I had to repack. No drama on getting the couch - though when the movers asked if any other furniture was going she snapped "NO" before anyone could even open their mouths. (I HAD already told them it was only the leather couch, they were just verifying). Ex offered me a couple other things but I had no room for them, and some were messed up (coffee table w/ no bolts I had when I was married, etc).

The movers did their work in just over an hour at the house once they got there, though the fact that someone else packed my things meant I couldn't prioritize boxes and where they went on the truck/storage unit. Ended up needing a 2nd storage unit while we were at the storage place - the 5x10 is stacked to the ceiling and still ran out of room - so had to rent a 5x4 also for the last few things as my truck was also full. Hopefully will move those to the garage at the farm in the next month so I don't have to pay $60-something for that one, on top of the $72 for the other. It was an expensive weekend... the movers for 2.75 hours (including 16ft Uhaul) was $280 itself. We found the remote to the one cable box that had to be returned under clothes in a drawer, stuff just randomly shoved in with clothing, etc. It's going to be a lot of work to get it all organized and find what can stay in the unit and what can come out/get sold/etc. But it is a relief to be done with it all. I hope nothing is missing, but it is hard to tell if there would be with how much was just thrown in boxes by her/them. My tires should be at the tire shop this week just waiting for me to get them mounted or pick them up.

Went home to the cat, dogs, and farm animals, and it was a great rest of the day :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 30, 2013
Ontario, Canada
Yiiikes! Stealing your family jewelry? Your "friend" is definitely a big :censored: How horrifying and violating. Can you press charges?

So sorry that you had to go through so much overall crap. That is just craaazzyy! At least all those toxic people in your life will get to be toxic with each other from now on! While you have a new life to look forward to.

Huge hugs and many best wishes from all of us here!
