Just Making Sure

i see fire.

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Oct 13, 2019
Hello, it's been a while since I've been here (honestly, forgot this place existed) and I have bad anxiety so I just want to double-check some things ...

So, my brother-in-law works for a third-party security company who are contracted with a Home Depot about 10 mins (walking) from my home. While moving some pallets with a forklift, they found three kittens. Unfortunately, during this process,
one of the three kittens was crushed
. My brother-in-law grabbed them and rushed them to my house without asking which is fine for me, just not my husband, so that we can care for them. This was Monday night.

Now, I am an avid follower of The Kitten Lady from YouTube and have been for the last few years. She has inspired me to want to care and foster for kittens when I'm ready (and by ready, I mean that I need to stop having foster fails). I guessed their age to be roughly 4/5 weeks old on the first day, then discovered that they definitely had their premolars, so the official guess was 5 weeks old due to their size, not seeing them use the litter box, and their general uncoordinated-ness. They also were not drinking water. I attempted to bottle feed, but they refused the bottle and bolted to the wet food once I set it down. I was mixing in a bit of formula and was also providing formula in a saucer bowl (one TBSP formula, two TBSP water per the packaging, x2 for each kitten). I feed them about three times a day: once when I wake up at 11 AM, my husband feeds them around 5 PM while I'm at work, and again around 11:30 PM/12 AM. I did have to stimulate them for a bit when we first got them because I wasn't sure about their bathroom habits and kept them safe in a box with a blanket just in case for safety reasons. They were very clean too, not a single flea on them so I am not sure if they were born there and that's where their mom put them OR if they were abandoned by someone. In Michigan, it isn't uncommon but per cat behavior, it isn't uncommon for females to have litters in pallet stacks or Lawn and Garden pads at stores. They were a little traumatized the first few hours but quickly warmed up and were playful, with clear eyes (ears might be a tad dirty). One is a really decent weight, but the other one is noticeably smaller. I tried using my bathroom scale but it is digital and sometimes struggles with reading them unless they are getting off. :rolleyes: From what I can gather, the blue tabby is about 1lb, while the black "ghost tabby" kitten is 0.8 ounces. Both appear to be males (100% for the blue tabby, 90% for the black kitten).

Fast-forward to now: I think they have hit the six-week mark, obviously not sure and won't consider it completely till Monday though possible. The first few days, I freaked out a bit because I thought they were blocked and hadn't pooped no matter what I did to stimulate them. I then remembered that new food causes constipation and that was probably all it was, mentally checked how long it had been by the hour rather than days and realized they were fine. They pooped before the end of 48 hours and have been frequently using the litter box, they are little pros. I have a big one that my cats used before them (with new, non-clumping litter in it) and a small cat-food cardboard box, they prefer the big one despite it being the same height as themselves. They outgrew the "safety box" quickly on day three when I woke up to find one out. I honestly thought my son removed him, because the sibling was still in the box. I put him back, got food ready for them, came back and he was out again. Then I got to witness it and ended up spending the day ensuring that my office would be a safe space for them, removing what I could and moving blankets and curtains so that they couldn't climb too high and get hurt, and then I put the box on its side instead. They also started playing a lot more and would evolve how they played. They went from wrestling to having "poop zoomies", to arching backs and hopping, to climbing my squish mallow mountain, to running, pouncing, climbing what they can, and launching themselves out of the litter box. They are pooping more often, the color seems a little dark but otherwise normal. It is solid and there isn't really a stink to it other than the normal smell of poop. They were crying at first from pooping but again, I'm assuming it is the constipation of a new food source. They have also shown more interest in toys. They are bold and eager to meet my other pets and have attempted to walk out with me a few times when I'm jumping between my office and the rest of the house (we have large dogs, so I'm waiting until they are a much more decent size).

Now ... Here's where my anxiety starts to play in and I wonder if I'm doing everything correctly or not. Also, I forgot to mention names: the blue tabby is Ragnarök (Ragnar for short) and the black kitten is called Loki (which really fits because he is the most mischievous of the two).

1. I noticed about an hour ago that they seem to be slowing down a bit on their food I think. I usually make them an entire can of Purina One Healthy Kitten Wet Food each time I feed them because I really don't want to under-do-it and I don't mind spending the money for the moment. Is it a waste? Yes, and I am sorry to anyone I offended for it. I also have cut back a bit on the formula to half TBSP measurements x1 rather than for each kitten. I'm still mixing it into the food. Are they getting enough? Are they getting too much?

2. We are also having a difficult time with them trying water. Every time I think they are going to drink it, they just sneeze when it touches their nose and move on. I'm able to get them to take it if I dip my finger in it and present it to them, but for obvious reasons, I am trying to avoid that. Could it just be that I'm feeding them too much wet food and so they don't feel the need to drink water? They could also just be drinking it when I'm not home so, there is that too.

3. Probably seems random so I figured I would ask: when do their ears stand fully? Loki's are definitely at full attention and have little tufts at the top, but Ragnar's are still "folded" looking at the tips. I just couldn't really find a straight answer on Google so I figured I would ask.

They have a vet appointment this coming Thursday for a general wellness check but I just want to stop any anxiety I might be having and fix whatever I might be doing wrong. Sorry that this was super long. I think that is everything for now though. TIA!

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Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Nothing to be anxious about! They sound just fine!

Kittens get most of their hydration from wet food and mom’s milk, so I suggest you continue with formula until they are at least 8 weeks. Do keep fresh water available, but they will drink when they are ready.

Kittens, like human babies, will eat more during growth spurts and less during plateaus. Just continue offering food 4-6 times a day. The most important thing is that they continue to put on weight.

Good they have a checkup soon. Vaccines start around 8 weeks and 2 pounds, so it sounds like they are a bit small and young yet for that.

Thank you so much for fostering!
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  • #3

i see fire.

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Oct 13, 2019
Nothing to be anxious about! They sound just fine!

Kittens get most of their hydration from wet food and mom’s milk, so I suggest you continue with formula until they are at least 8 weeks. Do keep fresh water available, but they will drink when they are ready.

Kittens, like human babies, will eat more during growth spurts and less during plateaus. Just continue offering food 4-6 times a day. The most important thing is that they continue to put on weight.

Good they have a checkup soon. Vaccines start around 8 weeks and 2 pounds, so it sounds like they are a bit small and young yet for that.

Thank you so much for fostering!
😅 We decided we are keeping them.

Ironically, because everytime I worry about something and take action, the universe is like "nah, everything's chill": Ragnar was drinking water this morning, so that is one down. 😂 It seems awkward for him at the moment, but I know he will get it down eventually. 🖤

Do you think I should continue with the full TBSP amount or is the half TBSP fine?

Also, any advice for cord chewing at this age? None of my cats have ever been cord chewers except for my oldest and I have had her for 14 years now. I don't remember what we did to stop her, plus she used to be my dad's cat and I only visited him on the weekends when he first got her. 😵💫 I don't think their jaws are strong enough to do any serious harm, but I don't want them to continue to think it is okay. For the most part, I'm able to pull them away when they start, but once they go under my desk, I can't reach them and I haven't found a way to block it just yet.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I think all kittens are cord chewers because they are teething and also just curious. Other than blocking access, they do sell cord protectors that you put the cords through. Check on Amazon — there are several different kinds.

Regarding the formula, are you giving it once a day or each feeding?

Happy to hear you are keeping them!
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  • #5

i see fire.

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Oct 13, 2019
I think all kittens are cord chewers because they are teething and also just curious. Other than blocking access, they do sell cord protectors that you put the cords through. Check on Amazon — there are several different kinds.

Regarding the formula, are you giving it once a day or each feeding?

Happy to hear you are keeping them!
Okay, I will look into those! 😁

About each feeding, though I may occasional skip one feeding, typically the one where I am at work and my husband and son feed them.

Both are also drinking water now. Loki was very hesitant but finally got it down. 🖤
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  • #6

i see fire.

TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Oct 13, 2019
So earlier today, around 12 pm, Ragnar was crying a bit while pooping. It was still firm looking but had a bit of mucus coming out, which got stuck to him so I cleaned him up.

About an hour ago, he was crying and sitting in the litter box but not attempting to use it. Before this, he also suddenly began suckling my carpet a lot (which I've been trying to redirect and it's pretty obvious why he is doing this), so I assumed it was from him wanting his mother. Eventually, around 3:39 am, he finally pooped again, but it is more watery than before and lighter in color than the usual.

I did try finding answers on Google, but the answers appear to be a mix of everything is fine and everything is urgent. I also read that it is probably parasites, which is getting taken care of on Thursday at the vet and I've suspected since the first poop we saw which appeared to have small segments and an unsure beginning that seem yellowish-white.

His appetite and energy haven't really changed. He's still eating, still playing a ton. I haven't seen him drink any more water since yesterday morning, but he could have been at any point in the 8 hours that I was at work. He actually just sat in front of the water bowl as I'm writing this but I think he just touched it and moved on. His brother Loki is having the usual poops as far as I can tell. Again, they have their first vet appointment on Thursday and I'm on a wait list Incase someone cancels and I can move up the appointment line. He's been a bit messy lately where it smears just above and under his anus, which I clean up for him. We also started adding the formula back into each meal again, so I'm not sure if that would cause an issue too?

Literally getting ready to post this and he is drinking water. 🤦😅

All thoughts are welcome, thank you in advance guys! 😩


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Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
It sounds like his system is adjusting. The vet can test a stool sample for parasites if you bring it in a baggie. Refrigerate if collected the day before. The vet can also treat both kittens for parasites as a preventive measure.

Hang in there until the appointment. Nothing sounds like an emergency, and overall both sound healthy and appear to be doing well.

If you suspect the formula is bothering him, you can always try cutting back or pulling it to see what difference it makes, if any.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 10, 2023
West Virginia
Another way to weigh them is you can hold one of them get on the scale take that weight put the kitten down weigh your self again and subtract the 2 and that would be the weight of the kitten. Hopefully that helps with you keeping track of their weight..
I also agree to wait for the appointment as It is coming up very soon. They do seem like they are doing very well thanks to you and your hubby. Thank you both for doing all you can for these precious babies and I absolutely love their names!!!!