Just closed a door on the kitten's tail!


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 12, 2016
Dorset, England
By accident, of course. I was getting something out of a cupboard and didn't notice that she'd snuck inside until it was too late. I don't think the door closed too hard, but of course she went running away at top speed. She has let me pick her up and cuddle her, and I felt her tail and it didn't seem injured, she was playing with her brother and moving her tail like normal, but she's acting a bit distant and reluctant to come too close to me. Is she going to be traumatised or hold this against me? How would she be acting if her tail was really hurt?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 25, 2014
San Francisco Bay Area
It happens. I closed the door on my Grisou's tail once, accidentally, while holding him (he has a very long tail). The dangers of being a cat! At least it taught me to be very careful when closing any doors. Even the fridge where heads might be stuck in.

Understandably, she's now a bit mad at you. I'd give her treats. She wouldn't play with her brother if she was really hurt.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I did that to Artie once. I caught his tail in a drawer. He was in front of me, with his tail up in the air. I did not know he was there. It was a deep drawer. 

He screamed! Fur got caught and pulled out! It was a large clump!

He was dripping blood everywhere he went. I was frantic!! I felt horrible doing this to him. He was running away from me!

Finally, I caught up with him, with a paper towel.. It was a job to try to clean it out and see if I did severe damage to him!! I kept checking to see if his tail was broken or just hair was pulled out.. 

Thank God he was ok, but trying to hold onto him while he was bleeding was impossible! I even tried to use some peroxide, diluted with water to wipe it.. He did not like that.. then I tried to put some bacitracin on it.. bad Idea.. 

I was really in a panic. 

He hid from me for a long time! Even now, he remembers 'the drawer'. He will not go near it when I have it open. 

My cousin caught his cat's tail in a storm door. His indoor cat was running out, he was trying to catch her, missed and the storm door slammed shut!!

poor cat! the bleeding never really stopped. He had to take her to the Vet. They got the bleeding under control, bandaged it really well, and had him return, in order to look at it..It was torn down to the bone.

 Turned out they said she needed surgery!! 

So his cat had the tip of her tail removed, with no ill effects and is fine...

so it does happen.. do not beat yourself up over it.. as long as the bleeding has stopped and the tail appears to function, I would let it go..If the skin is ripped off, then, I think I would consult a Vet....

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TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jul 12, 2016
Dorset, England
Aw, @Artiemom  how awful! Fortunately, there was no blood on Hester, and I examined her tail carefully to be sure it wasn't hurting. She didn't make any noise or try to get away so I'm going to assume that means she's ok. She still purrs when I pet her and sat on my legs for a while this afternoon, but she's normally very snuggly and loving, so even that seems a bit distant. I'll give her treats and time :)