Jasmine's dead

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  • #41


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Top Cat
Aug 20, 2006
Originally Posted by Oogieone

I'm sorry for your loss! She knew you loved her! It wasn't your fault...I'm sure she was comforted in her final minutes to be near you.
I think she was already gone when i picked her up from my neighbours yard. Her bowls had opened, her pupils were dialated, she was limp, there was nothing. I dont even know how she ran over the fence, she landed right over the fence in the yard, there was nothing broken, it only got her leg. How did this happen!?!? i thought she would be curled up whimpering in the yard with a broken foot or hip or something, not dead!!! It happened in a second. I need to know what happened.

I feel so lost. It's been 48 hours since she died. I know i have to keep reassuring Chuckie he is still loved it's just so hard. Everytime i cuddle him i cry and i worry i wont be as good a mother to him because im grieving


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 1, 2007
I could offer guesses as to what may have happened to her but there is really no way to know now.The important thing is this wasn't your fault. And, the fact that she loved you and wouldn't want you to blame yourself. Sometimes things happen that are horrible and there isn't any explanation. It will take time to get over the loss of your friend. But, someday you will be able to look back at all of the happy times you had with her and her death won't be the most potent memory of her. Jasmine is waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge.


TCS Member
Jul 20, 2003
Lotus Land
What a horrible shock! I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Please don't beat yourself about this -- you did not do this, and you had no control over it. Seems it was very quick for Jasmine, and she won't likely have suffered. Please be gentle with yourself.

RIP Sweet Jasmine
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  • #44


Thread starter
Top Cat
Aug 20, 2006
She was the most crazy, loving and funny calico i have ever met. I will never forget her. Luckily when i got my new camera for my bday a few months ago, i took a couple of videos of her.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 18, 2004
I know how it feels to lose a treasured cat very suddenly. Don't second guess yourself-I did that so much when I lost Sheba... "if I only looked for her""-I thought she was in the house but she wasn't. I think many of us here have lost very special cats in the past. Take care of yourself and treasure your memories.
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  • #49


Thread starter
Top Cat
Aug 20, 2006
Thank you for your replies. They are very much appreciated. it is getting a little easier, but slowly.


Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
I'm so sorry you lost your lovely girl (I also have a "Jasmine"). I once saw this happen to a cat of mine as a child, and I know how you must feel.

If you need to talk, you've come to the best place--the people here are magnificent. Also, feel free to PM me, if you'd like to chat.

Bless you, sweet Jasmine flower.

Sending you lots of love and hugs,



Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
Originally Posted by Dragoriana

I was walking home 1.5 hrs ago from mothers day shopping and i saw her running across the road further up into someones yard. Once i got almost near my house i called to her and gave her a scratch then picked her up and took her over the street to carry her home (which ive done before) she reaked out and ran over the raod and tried avoiding a car by running under it and it got a back leg and she went running over the fence into someone elses yard. the driver came out and helped me look for her and she was sitting in the persons yard lifeless and i carried her home and the lady had to unlock the door for me and dad was in the shed and i sat on the couch with her only her leg twitched once or twice a little but her bowels opened and her pupils were dialiated and the vets were too busy and i already knew she was gone. Dad put her on a towel and banket in the cat carrier with the lid off on the back porch so she is getting sunshine. she died 1.5 hours ago and charlie is my room im never letting him out of the house i cant lose another cat. we only took her to the vet this morning a few hours ago to get somen ointment for her eye and she was only 2 years old and perfectly healthy and it didnt feel like anything was broken and she died as soon as she jumped over the fence i shiuldnt have picked her up its all my fault this woman kept saying it was in in the bigger plan but she could have lived for another 15 years and i killed her and i dont know what to do my head is so sore and it doesnt feel real i just held her for ages this is the firs titme ive held a dead animal. dad said he wanted to protect me so all other cats we had he buried before i could see them he didnt want me to see them injured and dead and i had a big duscissuion not long ago that i wanted him to let me see if an animal dies.i called up tristan but he is at work and wont be here for another 3 hours or so and we cant call up mum she works in the city over an hour away im sorry about my spelling i dont care how it looks i feel so horrible
Sweetheart, it's not "your fault" and you "didn't kill her"! These things happen. Don't blame yourself. The best thing to do from now on, is to make your cats be indoor cats. Mine used to be outdoor cats, until a fews years ago, and I do think it's better for them (but they can still get outside, no matter how careful you are--but, that can be controlled).



TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 22, 2007
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
I'[m so sorry for your loss, she looks like a wonderful, beautiful cat, and I'm sure she was.
It is not in the slightest bit your fault, you could never have been able to know what what going to happen, and you couldn't have stopped it.
Things like this happen, it's absolutely awful when they do, but don't blame yourself.


TCS Member
May 14, 2007
Dragoriana, I read your story and it made me cry.

I just lost one of my cats recently; it is a very hard thing to deal with.

Jasmine was a gorgeous cat, and that picture of her as a wee kitten is soo cute.

My cat, Boycatt, died recently from kidney failure. I feel very responsible, because the vet said it was either from a genetic problem, or he got into something like antifreeze outside. But cats love being outside, although it is dangerous.. I know mine would HATE being just inside.
He was one of my very first cat's, Kitty Kitty Bang Bang, kittens.
We were going to have him put to sleep, because his chances were about 20%... but they gave him lots of fluids and we kept him at home for two days.. and we took him to the vet on a Friday, and he seemed much better. So they said we should keep him over the weekend, and he may improve much more.
Rapidly over the weekend, he began getting worse.

He passed away that Sunday night. It was one of the worst things I've ever seen... to see an animal you love die a horrible death is awful.

My best wishes are with you.

R.I.P. Jasmine
R.I.P. Boycatt
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  • #54


Thread starter
Top Cat
Aug 20, 2006
Originally Posted by oceanroar

Dragoriana, I read your story and it made me cry.

I just lost one of my cats recently; it is a very hard thing to deal with.

Jasmine was a gorgeous cat, and that picture of her as a wee kitten is soo cute.

My cat, Boycatt, died recently from kidney failure. I feel very responsible, because the vet said it was either from a genetic problem, or he got into something like antifreeze outside. But cats love being outside, although it is dangerous.. I know mine would HATE being just inside.
He was one of my very first cat's, Kitty Kitty Bang Bang, kittens.
We were going to have him put to sleep, because his chances were about 20%... but they gave him lots of fluids and we kept him at home for two days.. and we took him to the vet on a Friday, and he seemed much better. So they said we should keep him over the weekend, and he may improve much more.
Rapidly over the weekend, he began getting worse.

He passed away that Sunday night. It was one of the worst things I've ever seen... to see an animal you love die a horrible death is awful.

My best wishes are with you.

R.I.P. Jasmine
R.I.P. Boycatt
Thank you very much for your wishes. I am sorry to hear about your kitty *hugs* and welcome to TCS, i hope you have a nice time here.