It's time.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Aug 6, 2016
Six months ago, my precious little Portia went missing after we moved house.

I tried absolutely everything to find her, with many leads, none of them turning out to be her, all of them different cats. A week ago I found a dead cat laying on the road outside my house. It wasn't my girl, but it got me thinking...this cat lived next door and had lived here her whole life (5 years), and she was still hit. Portia had lived in a quiet cul-de-sac before and had never seen a main road before, so she really didn't stand a chance.

So I'm sorry to say, but I think she's at the rainbow bridge.

I last saw her on 22nd April 2016.

In 2013, Portia got me out of a deep depression, and when she left, I went into another one. I am coming out of it now. I know she's not coming back and that upsets me deeply, but it's better now I have an idea of what happened.

R.I.P beautiful girl. Run free on the Rainbow Bridge.

boney girl dad

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 13, 2016
So very sorry Portia is missing. I know it is very unsettling not knowing. I had a tortie that disappeared not long after we moved to a new house in the country about 18 years ago. There are many possibilities and some of those are bad, but i choose to believe that she found her way somewhere happy and did just fine without me. Glad that you are beginning to feel better.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
The NOT knowing is the worst, we need closure and not to get it is unsettling and upsetting to say the least.  Portia may have found a kind soul to take her in, I have had many cats just show up here, lost and scared, and several are still here three years later. At least I know they are being fed. The bond you have with that little girl will be with you always, use it to send your love and comfort to her wherever she is, she will send hers back along that same path. She would never want you to be so sad when thinking of her.

I would definitely go back to your old place, you never know, stranger things have happened. Or drive around along the direction you moved from. Keep in touch with surrounding shelters too. 

My heart goes out to you, I still feel the heaviness in my heart many years later from the loss of each and every little one who left my life. But somehow we forge a new life's order without them because we can't truly live our lives until we can enjoy it again. Sweet Portia would want you to be happy again, just as you would want for her. The love you have for her is a spiritual thing, not physical, so embrace it and know she will be in your life forever, as long as you have your precious memories. She has taken another path now on this life's journey, but it parallels yours and she will always be nearby when you need her. Celebrate knowing her and the love she gave to you, it is something precious and irreplaceable, use the legacy of love she left you to fill your heart with happiness and pass that love along  to honor her and what she meant to you. Take care and know that time is the healer of a broken heart........Beautiful Portia, wherever you are, you know you are greatly missed and will forever be held in a loving heart!  

zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
Not knowing is awful, but there is a chance that she is safe. A few months ago I found a kitty that was living under my neighbours porch for over a month. A number of us took turn feeding her; it was obviously loved before because she loved people. I looked online and called the Humane Society to no avail. It is then I decided that this sweet girl needed a home. I took her to the vet, got her checked up and fixed and now she is loving life at my mom's house. She is safe,, warm  and loved.

Your Portia is beautiful I wouldn't be surprised if some kind soul isn't looking after her 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 8, 2016
Nova scotia
Your Portia looks very much like my Holly, I had her for 11 years. She was missing almost a month when we moved across a mid sized city one day several blocks away a man who fed an alley's worth of cat called to say that he thought he fed her supper that night.
We didn't find her that night but the next day
my partner was walking home from the store
And there she was by the same house on the corner she was thin but other wise fine. He left the bags of food on the sidewalk and carried her home to me. She was my daughter and I only pet from little until she was a teen so we were both overjoyed and I was pregnant so it was a nice not to keep worrying,
Just over a year later we moved to the country and she lived here with our now three kids and my parnters old indoor only cat; we got a new kitty and as he grew she was not happy with him ( he had alot of energy)
One day in july she was sitting on my lap on the side of our trampoline the black flies were finally gone ,and she had a purr but, she nevercame in for supper.
And didn't come into sleep and then wasn't there first thing in the morning that is was when my heart sank.I lost my grandmother ( 3000 km away mind you) that may and it was not as bad I cried for weeks but with the closest second neighbor 4 km away I think she was taken by an animal. My daughter choose to think she curled up and slept and never woke up . My partner still mentions from time to time that he sees black cats at houses down the road and you never know.
I sorry for your loss, and if it seems I took over your thread, I came here to say good bye to another loved one and when I saw your kitty well I just had too...
I had also became very depressed with her loss.
Take care of your self