It's Been A Minute...

furmonster mom

Lap #2
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jun 14, 2013
Mohave Desert
Hello there folks, it's been a minute since I hung out in these parts... my goodness, how the place has grown!

Anyway, for those who may remember me, I used to hang out in the raw foodie forums for the most part.

So, lessee... what's been goin' on with me for the last couple years...
  • Went on a cruise to Mexico with some friends
  • Took up acting classes for a year in hopes of furthering that aspect of my life
Then things took a dark turn...
  • Hubby's parents were in and out of hospital with various heart/stroke ailments
  • My mom went to hospital for blood clots
  • We lost Pippen to his liver issues
  • We lost Babee to her Addisons
  • We lost Belle to her CRF
  • Hubby's father passed shortly after Thanksgiving
  • Two weeks after FIL's services, my dad passed away at home in his sleep... completely out of the blue (turned out to be undiagnosed cardiomyopathy)
  • Four weeks after my father's services, Hubby's mom passed away
  • I have since been dealing with my Machiavellian aunt, who my father designated as the executrix of his estate.... we are not seeing eye to eye on certain things...


It's been a minute...

We have two furmonsters left of our pack of five... Loki, and his momma, Teaka. They are both 14 this year (though Teaka is about 7 months older).

I'm not sure how often I'll be able to check in, just kinda depends on what life decides to throw at me next. So for now, I'm just dropping in to say "Hey! I'm still kickin' ".

DID see the eclipse at 95% ... took a spontaneous road trip north... totally worth it.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
Welcome back, bumping your post up so other members will see it. Glad you checked in to let us know what's been happening. You certainly have had your share of ups and downs.

A cruise followed by acting classes is exciting. However, I'm so sorry to hear about losing three of your five cats. :frown: RIP Pippen, Babee and Belle. :angel: In addition, losing parents on both sides of your family. My heartfelt sympathies go out to your husband and you. :hugs:
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  • #4

furmonster mom

Lap #2
Thread starter
Top Cat
Jun 14, 2013
Mohave Desert
Thank you neely and jcat. It has indeed been quite the rollercoaster year.

One little bright spot; I've been traveling "back home" a few times over the last months, and have re-connected with some old friends from high school. It was a surprising how easily we fell back into those comfortable friendships after more than 25 years. They really stepped up and allowed me to lean on them for support and comfort; a truly wonderful blessing. One of the guys even likes cats! :cool2: