Is this an injury, or something else?


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 12, 2017
I feed about 5 stray cats. I noticed this one scratching the side of his neck so I had a closer look. There seems to be a deep hole, and inside of it is something white, I assume its pus. I simply do not have the money to bring him to a vet. I am not sure I will be able to make my rent this month. So it's a scary financial time right now. What do you make of it? If it is an injury from a fight then it will heal. But maybe it is something else? Be forewarned, it's kinda gross.



Ms. Jeff's Legacy
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2019
I hate to make it more gross, but it kind of looks like a larva.

It is on the back of the neck so he can not heal it himself. He will need your help.



Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
If it isn't a larva, which I certainly can't tell one way or another, and you suspect it's an abcess, those normally need antibiotics to heal. It looks to me like it's along the jaw line, which could even mean an abscess from within his mouth that has burst through :frown: Is he eating well? Anyway, normally abscesses need to be cleaned and drained and then warm compresses help draw out any more puss if that's what it is. But just looking at a picture is pretty had to tell. I feel like I see something else to, at the lower right corner of this "wound" It almost looks like a little piece of bone, but could be anything really. Do you see that?

Here is an article about help when you have no money for a Vet. Maybe there is a resource in there to help. Just skip the first few paragraphs if they don't apply: No Money For Vet Care? How To Find Help And Save Your Cat’s Life – Cat Articles

:vibes::vibes::vibes:for both you (in making your rent) and this little fellow.


Ms. Jeff's Legacy
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2019
This is an image of a fly larva, (maggot) on a cat- just to give you an idea.


white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
Hi myfamily myfamily !

What you've already been doing is amazing. Now it's time to call in some support.

Google exactly this: "cat rescue in (name of your town/city)".

There are cat rescue groups almost everywhere and they provide all kinds of services. You may need to contact more than one - other benefits in this exercise, too, as you'll learn who else is doing this in your area and what they can offer.


Snowshoe Servant
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Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
It doesn't look like a bot fly to me. Not a vet but have experience with botfly strikes and those you see a white lump that moves on it's own. If you put a clean cloth against it and you get pus, it's most likely an abscess.

Since a vet isn't an option right now, you should call around and see if any rescues or clinics can help or recommend a vet that is willing to work with you on payment. If you can, keep the spot clean by holding a warm wet cloth against it as often as the cat will tolerate. Given the spot, a vet visit is advisable. Especially if the cat is not eating or it seems to be getting worse. If you do see a larva in there (again, I think it's unlikely from your photo but just in case) do NOT try to remove it yourself. If you don't know what you are doing you can make it worse or even leave part of the larva inside which is really not good. Insects that burrow into skin are good at it and don't come out easily or cleanly.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
Please do google rescue groups in your area. It looks like kitty has a bit of flesh dangling too. If you cannot find help in your area please write back. The white spot could be muscle, bone or other things but it’s quite a hole. I see you are holding the kitty! Bravo to you! There are some sources that may be able to help kitty. If a rescue group does not respond quickly, keep contacting them until they respond. In some areas there are also financial services that may help kitty. Especially if you are below a certain income. Some humane societies in the U.S. help. Some vets will also help if you explain that it is a cat you care for and are trying to help. Explain the situation directly to a vet. We all want to assist you in finding help! Please update us as you go.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 12, 2017
Well that white thing you see was hanging on the outside initially. I removed it with my fingers. I could have swore it was moving. But I thought it might be my imagination. Now I am not so sure. Maybe it is larva! That is really discouraging. I was hoping it was a an absess from a fight, and that the white subtance was pus. . He is eating very good. Or at least he ate good today. I will research Larva to get a better idea of what it looks like. This hole is on the side of his neck. There was initially only a small lump under the fur. It felt like a small knotted hair matt, although I did think that was an odd place for a hair mat. Then I saw him scatching it today and that's when I discovered this. Well I will take him to the vet tomorrow. I talked to them, and they said I won't have to pay at the time of service. So that'll help.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
I’m so glad you are getting the kitty to the vet! That’s absolutely important. No matter what this is, kitty needs a vet check.
I’ve had kitties with an abscess wound before and it can have pus come out and leave a hole that resembles what that looks like. Larvae are attracted to the open wounds and to infection. Some larvae actually eat away some of the bad stuff. You don’t want them to remain though. Sometimes there is an odor to an abscess but we can’t always see it and it doesn’t always rupture. No matter what, you made the best decision for kitty. Please do let us know what you find out.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 12, 2017
I’m so glad you are getting the kitty to the vet! That’s absolutely important. No matter what this is, kitty needs a vet check.
I’ve had kitties with an abscess wound before and it can have pus come out and leave a hole that resembles what that looks like. Larvae are attracted to the open wounds and to infection. Some larvae actually eat away some of the bad stuff. You don’t want them to remain though. Sometimes there is an odor to an abscess but we can’t always see it and it doesn’t always rupture. No matter what, you made the best decision for kitty. Please do let us know what you find out.
It looks as if my question had been deleted. The column where it shows how many replies and how many views is blanked out. So is the date. Was this question removed by the moderator? Obviously the thread is still here, but maybe only those who initially responded are able to view it???

Last night I washed the wound with warm water with table salt dissolved in it. I don't know if that was a good idea or not. Today I went to Walmart and bought Povidone iodine. I filled up a large syringe and squirted it onto the wound. Unfortunately, it got all over his white fur, and now his fur is stained. I obviously do not know wtf I'm doing. Tomorrow I will just apply the Povidone iodine with a cotton ball. But the good news is, it doesn't appear to be a freaking larva! Ya'll scared me to death with your larva stories. Those things are nasty nasty nasty. It appears to be healing. Thank god. That white substance was apparently just pus. Needless to say, I skipped dinner last night. Too queasy to eat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
I still see your original question and the thread. At least I assume it is your original question. “Is this an injury, or something else?” I don’t know why the vanishing act but I don’t think it’s been removed. That generally makes it go away for everyone. I guess a glitch somewhere. You can always hit the flag if you need a moderator to help.
I am so glad it isn’t a larvae. If the wound is healing that’s great! We always dress vet care because a vet is the expert on these things. Keep in mind that infected pus can go deep though. If you can’t get the kitty to the vet, you absolutely need to keep watching for signs of fever, odors, lethargy, loss of appetite, further pus and spreading of the wound by tunneling under the skin. I wouldn’t be worried about a little fur stain. Cats shed and I’m time there will be pretty new white fur.
So sorry you couldn’t eat last night. I would probably have felt the same way! Especially if I felt I grabbed something moving! Yuck! Believe me, when the first mention of larvae came up, we all felt a bit like that. I hate it that it scared you. Everyone here got worried about your kitty too. Some have experienced things that looked like the photos so were trying to alert you to the possibilities. The intentions were to help keep your baby well. I think you are to be commended for handling the wound! That could not have been easy either! Please do keep us updated as to how you and kitty are doing. If we can help you find a rescue or vet to aid you with all the kitties you are helping. Please do let us know. Taking care of five strays is a great thing to do. Sending hope for better days to come your way. :grouphug2: