Is this a pure bred Ragdoll?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 15, 2015
Hi guys. So 2 days ago I bought a Ragdoll kitten. She is 8 weeks old, but I think she may be younger. When she first got home she was very scared, but I guess that is normal. She started crying and yelling constantly. When ever someone makes a sound or say a word she totally freaks out. I have tried everything to get her calm. She does not want to be around us, she will follow us around but only to scream at us. I gave her a blanky and now she is constantly nursing on it. Whenever she wants to sleep she firts suck and nurse the blanky and thats the only time she is quite. I am so sad about this behaviour. I wanted a kitten that is loveable, wants to cuddle and is playful. The people i bought her from says she is pure bred ragdoll but lately i am not so sure. I am clueless to what to do and how to get her to love us and stop the execive yelling and crying. She seems that she just wants to be nursed and her mommy. Gosh what should i do? Has anyone had this behaviour in a kitten? Will it get better with time or will her personality be like this forever? I have attached a photo of her, please have a look if she looks like a ragdoll. Thank you guys

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TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 8, 2015
Where did you get her?

She doesn't sound very well socialized, so if you got her from a breeder thats a pretty big red flag. She'll probably warm up to yoy quickly, though :)


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
This little baby is 8 weeks old. She hates people, and she cries constantly if she doesnt nurse on her blanky which seems to calm her down. Is it normal for ragdoll kittens to behave like this? Will the crying stop will she be loveable oneday? I am having doubts about the breed of this baby. I dont think she is purebred ragdoll. What do you guys think?
Sounds like she felts deserted, missing her momma and her siblings.  Separated from them too early.  Im not even sure she is full 8 weeks on the pic.  So, be very mommy to her. Be sure you give her all comfort and human warmth you can give...  You will get this back aplenty later on!   

Try to play with her a lot too... Da Bird and similiar are very popular...
Where did you get her?

She doesn't sound very well socialized, so if you got her from a breeder thats a pretty big red flag. She'll probably warm up to yoy quickly, though
I agree.   Why are you thinking she is purebred ragdoll?  bought her from some sort of  yellow / red flag breeder?

But yes, I suppose she could be a bi-color ragdoll.  Pet quality sooner than show quality, but may be ragdoll for real, esp if you have other sources for it too,
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 15, 2015
I posted an add on the internet that said I was looking for a ragdoll kitten, and this lady called me and said they have one left if I am interested. They sent me pictures of her and then delivered it at my house. She was expensive but still a bit cheaper than actual breeders. She is not registered, but they said the mother is. I don't know if they were just taking me for a ride or if she is a real ragdoll. The sellers were really old and I actually think they didn't plan on their cat having the babies and then they just wanted to get rid of her ASAP. But it doesn't matter if she is purebred or not, she is a gorgeous kitten either way. Her age is what bothers me the most, I really think she may be TOO young. It also seems to me that she haven't had much contact with people. Whenever we talk around her or make a sound she yells and gets mad. I don't know if it is just her personality. I give her lots of love and I try to play with her but she don't seem interested in any of my affection or love. She struggles to eat, now and then she will eat something but not much. She also seems very attached to her balnky that I gave her, she can't sleep without it because she first nurse on it and then falls asleep. I really hope she gets better. If anyone has had any experience with this behavior please let me know, I am so worried about her. I feel so sorry for her when she cries :( 


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 8, 2015
Yeah, thats pretty shaddy :( . I would get a bottle and KMR to see if she'll drink it, it may help her bond to you and if shes much younger then she could use the nutrition. I would assume she's mixed, and I'd assume she was taken from mom too young and poorly socialized.

I have an 8 week kitten that was found apparently abandoned around 2 weeks. She screamed for her mama the first few days :( but is fine now.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
I agree, give her KMR or goat milk, in bottle or even syringe if necessary.  She must eat and gain at least 10 g every day...

Also, better nourished she wil have more strengh to accept love and cuddle.  as its now she is barely fighting for survival, both hungry and abandoned from mom...

stormy bledsoe

TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 23, 2015
Aww, she's a cutie. Is she eating regular food? If so, she might just be upset at being away from Mama?