Is This A Bad Idea?


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 19, 2018
So I have been feeding this stray cat for the last few months. I say stray because I honestly think he had an owner at one time because he is an absolute love bug once he trusts you. He has now made my patio a permanent home. He gets fed in the morning when I feed my cats, and then in the evening. He also lets me brush him and pick him up and he knows how to play with toys so we sometimes have play time as well. He also looks to be fixed so I am positive someone left him behind(poor guy).
So here is my dilemma...I live in a 800 sqft apartment and already have 2 cats. Also Thomas (that is what I named the stray) always begs to come inside and wants to stay but I can't really do that. So I had this crazy idea. What if my parents take him??
My mom came over last night and I let Thomas in. He was hesitant at first but soon enough he was playing with my mom and letting her pet him and even purring for her. My dad has always wanted a big cat and Thomas definitely is the biggest cat I have ever seen in my life and so mellow.
Would it be a bad idea if I got him used to my parents and took him to their house? He would be such a good cat I just know it and they have a huge front yard and backyard. He would be able to hangout in the yard during the day and they have the space to let him in at night and just love on him as much as he wants...He doesn't really get along with my two little ones.
So would that totally mess him up if I took him to my parents house? I just feel bad he has to stay outside...he does have a covered cat house on my porch but never uses it just wants in and on the couch :(


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 23, 2010
It sounds like a great idea to me. It will take a little while for him to adjust, but he will be much better off.
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 19, 2018
Okay :) So how would we go about this transition? Obviously a vet visit will happen first but should he get more used to my mom and dad at my apartment first? or should I just take him over there and then let him get used to the house?


Snowshoe Servant
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Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
I'd start by putting "found cat" signs around your neighborhood just to make sure he is a stray and not just a friendly neighbor. Assuming no one responds within a week your good to move forward.

It sounds like he is fairly friendly and social. I'd probably do some picnics on the patio with your parents and him so he can get more comfortable with their scent and mannerisms. Have them put down bowls of food so he sees them as a source of good things. Then a vet visit and straight from the vet to his new home. He'd probably have a few shy days but since he would have already familiarized with your parents some it shouldn't be a total shock.

If they are going to let him outside, it should be a few weeks after he's moved in. That way the house is his home before he is let outside. It also will help prevent panic and trying to run to his old home. I'd also do short outdoor supervised explorations for the first few weeks that he does have outside access. Just so if something startles him your parents can call him and he will hopefully run to them instead of out of the yard.
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 19, 2018
I'd start by putting "found cat" signs around your neighborhood just to make sure he is a stray and not just a friendly neighbor. Assuming no one responds within a week your good to move forward.

It sounds like he is fairly friendly and social. I'd probably do some picnics on the patio with your parents and him so he can get more comfortable with their scent and mannerisms. Have them put down bowls of food so he sees them as a source of good things. Then a vet visit and straight from the vet to his new home. He'd probably have a few shy days but since he would have already familiarized with your parents some it shouldn't be a total shock.

If they are going to let him outside, it should be a few weeks after he's moved in. That way the house is his home before he is let outside. It also will help prevent panic and trying to run to his old home. I'd also do short outdoor supervised explorations for the first few weeks that he does have outside access. Just so if something startles him your parents can call him and he will hopefully run to them instead of out of the yard.

As far as the signs go trust me I have been trying for months :( I have posted him on craigslist and asked around the houses and neighborhood, I had a few people ask to adopt him from craigslist but honestly, I posted him in the "lost pets" section and I did not feel good about people asking to take him so he remained with me..That is a wonderful idea about them giving him too and stuff. It is just hard to get my dad to come over since he doesn't get off of work till very late and my that time Thomas is usually gone for the night but perhaps on the weekends I can try


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Sounds like a great idea!

He'll need to be confined in some way for at least 2 weeks or he'll try to come back to your place. Inside would be best but if they aren't willing he could be kept in a large cage in the garage or other sheltered area.
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 19, 2018
Sounds like a great idea!

He'll need to be confined in some way for at least 2 weeks or he'll try to come back to your place. Inside would be best but if they aren't willing he could be kept in a large cage in the garage or other sheltered area.
Would he be okay confined just around the house so he can roam? or does he need to be in just one room? I can stay over there for a few hours with him and then also go back the next day to visit and spend time.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 19, 2011
Please have them make him an inside cat. From your description of him he wants to be inside but you’re talking inside at night and outside during the day at your folks. Are your parents really ok with this or just doing it for you? Makes a difference in how he will be treated.

When and if you do transition him be sure to take a few things with your scent on them for his “secure place”.

He sounds like a real love cat whose asking for his one good break in a tough life. Good for both of you.
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 19, 2018
Please have them make him an inside cat. From your description of him he wants to be inside but you’re talking inside at night and outside during the day at your folks. Are your parents really ok with this or just doing it for you? Makes a difference in how he will be treated.

When and if you do transition him be sure to take a few things with your scent on them for his “secure place”.

He sounds like a real love cat whose asking for his one good break in a tough life. Good for both of you.

My parents are huge animal lovers. We had a Chinese Shar-Pei for 14 years. She was my dads running buddy and a huge part of our family. She got cancer and had surgery for it. My mom and dad spent so much time changing bandages, cleaning her up, buying rotisserie chicken for her etc. She soon healed but then sadly about 6 months later the cancer came back and had metastasized into her lungs so she had to be put down. That was 4 years ago and my parents said that they didn't want anymore pets because talking about Angel to this day still makes them cry...But then here comes Thomas. I always send my mom pics and videos of him and she has grown to love him, but then lately now that he is okay with her and lets her pet him and wants snuggles I genuinely think she has fallen for him. My dad is the only one who still would need to meet him and we need to see how they get along. I don't think my mom would have any problems making him indoor only, matter of fact I believe that it what she said she would be comfortable with anyway :)
My dad has always wanted a big giant cat who would be a snuggle bug so I think if the three of them can get along my dad can get his wish of a snuggle bug cat, my mom would love to have a cuddler around since now all the kids are moved out, and Thomas would have a home where he would be loved and cherished. So I do think it would definitely work out if Thomas can bond with my parents the way he has with me. And best part I visit often as I only live 10 minutes away by car so I could see him frequently


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
First of all - - bravo to you for doing so much for this guy. And I don't think him going to live with your parents is a crazy idea in the slightest - - - it sounds like an absolutely WONDERFUL idea! The best of virtually any option you could wish for. He'll be with people you know will take great care of him AND you get to see him as often as you want! I think most of us who care for feral/stray kitties would just DIE for the option you've got!!!

And you've done your due diligence to find out if he's a lost kitty - -I don't think you could do much more on that front. The good news is - - HE found YOU!

It does sound like he had a home once upon a time - - sadly far too many people do leave pets when they move, or just plain toss them out when they're "done" with them. And it sounds like he'd absolutely love to be someone's permanent buddy. If the other night was the first time he'd both (1) been inside your place, with the smells of your kitties all around and (2) met your mom...and he was STILL so loving and playful and comfortable with both of those big steps so quickly - that's amazing! He's obviously a sweet, confident, loving kitty! And it sounds like he's already very comfortable with your mom, which is great. So it sounds like the only "hurdle" is meeting your dad - - and that does't sound like much of a hurdle. I think the idea of a "meet and greet" with both of your parents - - letting them give him treats so he is quickly comfortable with them in "his territory" - - - is a wonderful idea if possible.

Please do convince your parents to keep him indoors only. Even "accompanying him" when he goes outside isn't safe - all it takes is a squirrel or bird catching his eye and he'll be off before you know it. And since he's obviously spent who-knows-how-long outside, he may be even more inclined to dash off. Any of us who've lost a kitty - the panic of missing a beloved kitty for even a few hours just isn't worth it. He could definitely still explore the outdoors with a leash. Which some cats do well (unfortunately none of ours do despite multiple extended efforts). Indoor-only kitties on average live SO much longer than even indoor/outdoor - it's just so much safer for him. No worries about disease, fights, cars, angry neighbors, etc. And a biggie to convince your parents to keep him indoor only? No risk of him coming home with fleas!!!! If you've ever had to deal with the aftermath of a flea infestation - - -you know that's an expensive nightmare no one wants. A few great web pages to help convince them are below:

Indoor Cats vs. Outdoor Cats

6 Reasons You Might Let Your Cat Out, And Why Not To | Petfinder

If your parents do insist on him being outdoors part of the day - - - please please please make sure he stays indoor only for a bare minimum of 2-3 weeks. If he's allowed outside before he's bonded to the smells and sounds of his new home (and loving family!) it is a big possibility he'll try to get back to where he was. Which is obviously horribly unsafe. But again - hopefully they'll keep him indoors only.

I personally would say have the meet and greet asap, then get him to the vet asap for a thorough check up and blood tests (and to double check that he is indeed neutered!!!). And then have him go straight from the vet to your parents' home, that's all set up for him. Starting him off in a smaller space like a spare bedroom isn't (in my opinion) as big an issue, with a confident, loving kitty in a house where there are no other animals to worry about introducing him to. They could keep him for a few nights in a spare bedroom while he recovers from surgery but he really may not need that. He may actually be more comfortable being able to be with your parents at any time anyway.

Please keep us posted - - - and pics please!!!!! He really sounds like he's stumbled into - - and completely won over - - a wonderful new family. He chose well. :)
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 19, 2018
I honestly don't think my parents would have any issues with him being inside if it came down to it. And the only issue with my dad if this makes sense is that he is not good at reading cat body language. While my mom is so awesome about sitting on the carpet and calmly talking to him and playing with toys and then letting him sniff her and then letting her touch him, my dad is more so the "i'm going to pet you whether you like it or not type". And it is so funny because he acted that way with my female cat Stella when she was little and she adoresssss my dad, but she may be a rare case :rolleyes3:
lol. But I will try to coach my dad on the fact that when it comes to cats patience is a virtue and it will create a better bond and more trust between them.

And technically it was NOT his first time inside my apartment :anticipation:he's a cheeky little thing and when I open the screen door and walk out on the patio to give him his food and water he will sometimes just sneak inside...and then I will say "Thomas be a good boy and go outside and eat your dinner" and he flops down on the carpet and acts as if he cannot hear me. That usually leads into me letting him stay a while and grooming him since he is shedding quite a bit lately. I also take it as a good chance to feed him and my two younger cats treats together. He is much better with them now even though Stella sometimes seems as she is asking to get smacked by him by sticking her nose right in his butt or grabbing his tail with both her paws as he walks by :eek: But he actually licked both Stella and Toby on top of their head a few times this week so I see that as him coming around to my two.

My mom said that my dad will be off Friday and I will be off early that day so I will see if we can get a meet and greet together, and my mom agrees that my dad wants instant love with cats but that won't work and he will need to be patient so we will see :agree:

Meanwhile here are some pictures of Thomas.
He likes to sit on my car before work to protest me not going anywhere. He also likes to sit outside my bedroom door in the mornings and talk to my two kitties :rolleyes:
And cutest of all he will run up to Stella and I at the grassy park when he sees us walking and he accompanies us


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
AWWWW!!! What a cutie!!!!! LOVE the pics :) Keep us posted on Friday -- I'll have my fingers crossed here!

He does look very healthy - so fingers crossed at the vet visit! That sweet boy sure did hit the jackpot with you and your family :)
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 19, 2018
AWWWW!!! What a cutie!!!!! LOVE the pics :) Keep us posted on Friday -- I'll have my fingers crossed here!

He does look very healthy - so fingers crossed at the vet visit! That sweet boy sure did hit the jackpot with you and your family :)
Thank you! I do check his teeth and they look good, and I do an all over body check too when I am petting him and he seems like he is in good shape. So he really either was left behind by an owner or he is an "outdoor" only cat that is owned by someone but does not want to be "outdoor only " anymore. I only say that because he is out there at all hours of the day and night


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 19, 2011
He looks a lot like my Henry who just wandered into the yard one day and just “I’m home”.. That was it. No shutting in a room, no problems with our other cats. Sometimes I wonder if it’s the breed. I had another just like him, same size and color in my colony. Didn’t know a stranger but came from farmers barn.

He knew you were the one even before you did! I think all the family will enjoy him.

Keep us posted please.
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  • #18


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 19, 2018
He looks a lot like my Henry who just wandered into the yard one day and just “I’m home”.. That was it. No shutting in a room, no problems with our other cats. Sometimes I wonder if it’s the breed. I had another just like him, same size and color in my colony. Didn’t know a stranger but came from farmers barn.

He knew you were the one even before you did! I think all the family will enjoy him.

Keep us posted please.
Yes exactly! Like one day he just wandered up to me, and I sat on the curb and he would meow and meow and I would keep telling him come here I'm not going to hurt you and after a few minutes he walked right up to me. And ever since then I see him daily. He knows what time I wake up for work, he is waiting for me on the sidewalk at 5:30PM every day when I come home from work, and its strange because he runs away from anyone else he sees but he knows my car, voice and apartment. He also loves to do this super strange thing which I have never experienced a cat do. When I am walking my trash out he follows me and then when he sees me walking back he runs and tries to grab my ankles with his paws and hold on to them :lol: I don't know why he does that but he also does it when I try to go back inside from my patio. He's a goofball. We had a few instances where he smacked my two cats, but my kitties are both under a year old still and it may be that as a "old man" he's trying to teach my two little ones some boundaries:p But now he just licks then and my two just chirrup and coo at him whenever they see him. So worst case if my parents cannot take him or he doesn't like it over there he will stay with me and eventually maybe stay inside not just on the patio and I just won't mention to my landlord that I have acquired yet another cat :redtongue:


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 19, 2011
He’s love starved....that’s his way of saying “don’t go in, I want your full attention “ . Since he can’t vocalize it he grabs your legs. My Henry used to grab, hold on and bite or scratch but now
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Mar 19, 2018
View attachment 224776 He’s love starved....that’s his way of saying “don’t go in, I want your full attention “ . Since he can’t vocalize it he grabs your legs. My Henry used to grab, hold on and bite or scratch but now

Ohhhhh Henry is a gorgeous big boy! how adorable is he :hearthrob::redheartpump::loveeyes: And yes that is what I was thinking too. But I do make it a point to let him in sometimes or I will go out there and play with him and brush him and pick him up and cuddle and kiss him with my two inside that way he gets all my attention