Is there natural solution for struvite crystals


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Nov 19, 2011
Started tigger on hills cd for crystals but wow! Mostly grain, etc and very high price! I know it works if he’s kept on it as the only food forever but…

I’d really like to get him away from all those additives or find a natural supplement to add to his old food which was mostly grain free

anybody found any better solution for struvite crystals?


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Most on this site will tell you that feeding a wet food diet and getting your cat to drink more water are probably the best 'natural' ways to try to prevent struvite crystals. The extra moisture helps flush out the bladder and along with it the sediment that can build up to form crystals. This also helps keep the urine PH in better balance as well. Struvite crystals tend to form more in more alkaline urine (the PH level is higher), and are comprised mainly of magnesium, ammonium, and phosphate. Looking for food that have lower amounts of these minerals could be beneficial but are hard to find because so many of the cat foods don't readily offer this information about their products.

Maybe you would find theses article interesting, and perhaps helpful.
A guide to crystals in your cat’s urine (
Top 5 Natural Remedies for Struvite Crystal in Cats (
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TCS Member
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Super Cat
Nov 19, 2011
Thanks. Yep, I have 4 flowing fountains and three big bowls for water out in the garage where they stay. A cat door leads to a three story cattery which ha bowls as well. While I feed kibble the three got to split a can of wet every morning at which time they promptly licked the juice and walked off leaving the meat on the plate. Two boys and one girl. Still one of the boys ended up with crystals! Looks like it’s hills forever!


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi - here's a couple other things from that article that feebysowner posted; --and long with flavored water, (sodium-free chicken or tuna juice) you might consider talking to your vet about Purina Hydra Care which was specifically formulated to support cats with Flutd.

3. Reduce Your Cat’s Environmental Stress
Most felines are sensitive to environmental stressors associated with inappropriate elimination and feline lower urinary tract disease – a condition responsible for chronic bladder inflammation. As a result, affected cats suffer from bladder pain, and they suffer the risk of developing urethral obstruction that may threaten their lives. In addition, environmental changes, such as a new baby or roommate, a different litter brand, or a new pet, can trigger internalized stress that becomes urinary problems.
Eliminating stressors and providing an escape when your cat is anxious or fearful can keep her urinary tract healthy. You can therefore try the stress-reducing tactics below:
  • Scoop litter daily: Some cats hate a dirty litter box and refuse to use the soiled litter, so keep your cat’s box very clean.
  • Do not change litter brand: Cats can be picky about their litter, and so if you suddenly switch her litter box brand, she may choose to use your floor instead.
  • Provide a refuge: your cat will appreciate having her own space, especially if you have rowdy children and other pets in the house, or she is simply timid and prefers time alone. Choose a tidy and quiet, low-traffic area of your home and provide that space with everything your cat may need, such as toys, a perch, a scratching post, and food and water bowls. This will serve as a place she can de-stress when she feels the need.
  • Include feline pheromones: Some products contain feline pheromones that encourage calmness and reduce stress in cats. You can also add a diffuser to areas of the home where your cat spends most of her time and then spray her bedding and blanket with the pheromones to provide her with better comfort. You can also spray house guests with these pheromones so that new introductions can be less stressful.
4. Provide Environmental Enrichment for Your Cat
The safest life for your cat is an indoor life. However, a bored cat may develop stress-related urinary conditions. In addition, cats are natural predators; they have very active instincts, so sitting alone all the time is not suitable for them, even though they enjoy sleeping – and that often comes because they are bored. Therefore, your cat will be more active with interaction and toys that bring out her inner lioness, such as:
  • Perches: Cats enjoy watching household activities from the top, and an elevated perch, such as a cat tree, can provide your cat with hours of entertainment. She may also love a window perch where she can observe the squirrels and birds in your backyard.
  • Videos: videos of birds flying or mice scurrying can keep your bored cat entertained while you are working or busy with household chores.
  • Food puzzles: Cats hunt their food in the wild. Therefore, making your cat work for her food will appeal to her primitive side, and the added exercise required in the hunt will make her remain fit. You can purchase food puzzles for hiding food, or you can hide pieces of food around the house and let your cat sniff them out.
  • Moving toys: Your cat may enjoy chasing battery-operated insects or toy mice moving around the house. A feather on a string can as well keep her entertained and moving.
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Nov 19, 2011
Guess tonite I’m just depressed. He’s apparently just quit eating and drinking. Just listless and stares at me but keeps distant. At mealtime he just gave his canned a cursory lick and walked off. I defrosted some raw burger at room temperature and put it in front of him….rejected!
I know where this is going. Been there many sweet males put down because of chronic blockages in the past.
In the morning I’ll check on him and probably call the emergency vet…again… for another large bill to have her look at me and say “all you have to do…” like she sees me and hears me but doesn’t

just very sad tonight and too old for this any more

people just don’t understand when you say he won’t eat, he won’t drink and my hands are still bleeding from the last vet trip where we wrestled on the floor for 30 minutes trying to cage him. If I could get him to drink, I would, if I could restrain him force liquid I would, if I could offer him that certain food he lap up I would….just sad

sorry for the rant…just had to express my frustration


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
How is Tigger doing now? It might help him to try soothing herbs, especially marshmallow root, red raspberry leaf and slippery elm bark - perhaps a holistic vet can offer you guidance. I have used those herbs for myself as well as for other people and many cats. From first-hand experience, I can vouch for the soothing comfort of marshmallow root and red raspberry leaf teas. However, the soothing action of coating the mucosa membranes can also inhibit the absorption of medication so the basic rule is to separate the herbs from meds by 4-6 hours.


1 cat with me, 1 in heaven
Alpha Cat
May 20, 2022
I understand trudy1. My cats (well, just one cat now) have been on the rx urinary food for over a decade b/c of the crystals. My angel boy was just prone to them and he drank a lot. My girl has zero thirst drive so the extra sodium in it to encourage drinking helps keep her flushed out. My girl is a special case as she has this switch inside of her that gets flipped randomly going into each day on if she's doing to eat/drink or just avoid food/water.

I hope your kitty is doing better.
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TCS Member
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Super Cat
Nov 19, 2011
How is Tigger doing now? It might help him to try soothing herbs, especially marshmallow root, red raspberry leaf and slippery elm bark - perhaps a holistic vet can offer you guidance. I have used those herbs for myself as well as for other people and many cats. From first-hand experience, I can vouch for the soothing comfort of marshmallow root and red raspberry leaf teas. However, the soothing action of coating the mucosa membranes can also inhibit the absorption of medication so the basic rule is to separate the herbs from meds by 4-6 hours.
Remember where I am…sw Missouri. Most vets are large animal who also work on pets….as a side. The herbs? Only herb around here is smoked by the locals…
To put it in perspective recently some women north of me stopped some young boys carrying a kitten in a threatening manner. When asked the boys said they were going to “skin it” to which the women took the kitten away from them. BUT nothing was ever done, no follow up, no charges, no anything….
But thanks for your response…it helps
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Nov 19, 2011
Today tigger is still alive. He let me hold him before I went to church but just looking into his little eyes says it all. I tried some hamburger again laced with a little bacon grease this morning. You’d of thought I’d put a rattlesnake down in a plate!
Anyway he still eats some treats when offered

more on this later.

so thankful for every response from all of you


1 cat with me, 1 in heaven
Alpha Cat
May 20, 2022
Remember where I am…sw Missouri. Most vets are large animal who also work on pets….as a side.
How far are you from Columbia? Mizzou has the best small animal clinic in the whole state -- it is where all the vets train. I'm in Eastern Missouri and I've driven the nearly two hours to Columbia for speciality treatment in the past.
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TCS Member
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Super Cat
Nov 19, 2011
How far are you from Columbia? Mizzou has the best small animal clinic in the whole state -- it is where all the vets train. I'm in Eastern Missouri and I've driven the nearly two hours to Columbia for speciality treatment in the past.
About 250 or 5 hours

how were their fees?

I’ll keep that in mind though



1 cat with me, 1 in heaven
Alpha Cat
May 20, 2022
About 250 or 5 hours

how were their fees?

I’ll keep that in mind though

Pretty reasonable I thought for the care my angel boy needed. When everyone else was shutdown due to covid they were open.