Is Saying Merry Christmas Rude?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 20, 2001
Arlington, TX
I agree that there seems to be a sort of prejudice that only Christianity is a religion. Perhaps people understand on some deep level that Jesus and God are unique and really do belong in a different category from Buddha or a guru? Although it is the only holiday that mentions the name of the religious figure involved. I mean, there is no Moses Day, or perhaps we just aren't as offended if a holiday is named in a foreign language, probably because we don't understand it.

Even though there are more and more people practicing other beliefs, most Americans are still some form of Christian. We have a majority culture that is forced to deny itself in deference to assorted minorities. There is a lot of that in American politics these days. Now maybe there needed to be some changes to achieve parity, but we have just about managed a 180 on this. I wonder what happens when the majority decides they won't take it any more? Is it still a revolution when the people who supposedly have all the advantages are the ones who do it?

I will say though, I want my government to either acknowledge everyone's religions or nobody's. "Happy Holidays" for the month, or change the sign as required. Of course, Chanukah came at a slightly different time this year. Solstice and I think Yule were the 21, Christmas is the 25, Kwanzaa starts the 26, New Year's on the 1st. That's a lot to put on one sign for school break. Probably someone got lazy and went for the sort message.

I understand the best guess is that Jesus was born some time in the spring. Apparently the shepherds were most likely to be hanging out on the slopes together during lambing season. Otherwise, there was probably only a youngish child out there in case of disaster. The symbolism of Jesus being born at this time is a little more complex.

Most pagan religions celebrate the Solstice, which is the day of the year with the longest night and shortest day. They usually have both a god and a goddess. The goddess tends to symbolize something eternal that gives life (birth). The god is different between traditions, but in cultures where the god was associated with the sky or the sun, this is the time of year when he is born. That is, this is when light returns to the world. So there were already lots of people celebrating pagan holidays at this time, and the church needed to compete with that. Of course in it's earliest form Christmas really was a Christ Mass, but it reminded Christians who they were and gave recent converts something to do on a day they were used to celebrating already. Not to mention that in an agrarian culture, there isn't much to do in the winter, compared to spring planting or fall harvest, so there is time and opportunity for observing holidays.

I also understand that the Romans had 2 festivals around the new year that relate to Christmas. One was Juvenalia or the feast of youth. People gave presents to the children or youngest people in the family. I forget the name of the other, but it was essentially the same thing for elders. They were paired to represent the old year and the new year. So when we talk about secular Christmas and Santa Claus being for the children, we're not far off from some of the roots.

So the early church adapted local customs to its own purpose and added a Christian gloss to many holidays people celebrated anyway. These days we have grown up with the theological reasoning behind these observances and our culture no longer keeps the old holidays, so we don't even think of it.


I was going to post my thoughts on this subject but after reading your first post.
You said it all!!! If people want to say "Happy Holidays" then that's fine for them but no one should knock another person for saying Merry Christmas...and by the way.



TCS Member
Aug 1, 2001
Yes, I agree w/ Kittyfoot and Loretta. If some people want to say Happy Holidays that is fine. But I still say Merry Christmas more often than not it seems. I've never been accused of being "disrespectful" as of yet.......lets hope it doesn't come to that.

So Merry Christmas KF, Loretta, Cat, and the rest of the board members!!!


Site Owner
Staff Member
Oct 23, 2000
I don't mind when people wish me Merry Christmas in their emails and I usually wish it back

There are not many Christians living in Israel. Roughly 85% of the population is Jewish and 15% is Moslim. However, in a rare coincidence I have two Christian sisters-in-law (Hubby's brother's partner and my brother's wife). In Hebrew we never say Happy Chanuka anyway. It's the same greeting for all holidays and it's basically "Happy Holidays" for all Jewish holidays. So saying "Happy Christmas" in Hebrew sounds weird, just like saying "Happy Chanuka" sounds weird. If I greet my sisters-in-law in Hebrew I use the standard "Happy Holidays" and if I happen to be talking to them in English (they're both English who also speak Hebrew), I use "Merry Christmas". It's just what comes naturally in the langauge for me.

We're secular Jews so we don't usually celebrate the Jewish holidays as such, unless we're invited to some family event where there are kids and then we join the proper celebration. It so happens that in the past 3 years we are invited over to celebrate Christmas with one of the in-laws
We're happy to join in and celebrate with them and have no problem with it. This year we're going to Hubby's brother's house and we're bringing this big chocolate Santa


to all of you who celebrate it!


to everyone else!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2001

Ahhhhh...what a beautiful Christmas eve I spent with my brother and our family!

Thanks Anne! It's now just 12:04 am...Merry Christmas! I'll have to post some pics of the kids! They're gorgeous and made it all so complete

