Is Lulu different?


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 4, 2020
I’ve never had strictly indoor cats. I have no idea if that plays a part in it. The last time I had a cat was in the 90s. Now I have two. Lulu gets into trouble at every turn. Lol I’ve never had or seen a cat like her. She is just recovering from stepping on the stove burner and she got her other paw stuck under the baseboard heater today. How? I haven’t a clue. I worked on it trying to get it out, she was twisting and crying. Finally it came out and she went running off like a bullet. That was the longest minute of my life I think.

She‘s the one that somehow closed the washing machine on her paw and was hanging. That was an ER trip. Got her head stuck, twice, in the kitchen chair ”spikes”. Climbs in the cabinets, the fridge, spins the dining room light fixture like a baby mobile. Has to check out the lightbulbs in the lamps. I have child locks on the cabinets and she just bangs them open and shut. 😂

It’s a comedy show when it’s not dangerous.

Has anyone had a cat like this? Then there’s Finn. He’s just a spectator on the sidelines. He doesn’t even jump on the counters yet. Even though he’s plenty big enough.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 21, 2016
Vancouver, BC
Is Lulu still pretty young? I would say it sounds like she's curious/exploring/learning. Some cats are just more daredevily than others. Like children. My cat Pip also does the swinging from the chandelier (literally) and banging doors. Those behaviours are 100% because she wants attention. She has loads of energy and wants to burn it off with ME. She doesn't play solo with toys, she needs human company.

I've decided Pip's middle name is Careful. Because every day, I'm saying "Pip. Careful". She is reckless and a daredevil. My other indoor cats have all been fairly serene and law-abiding, but Pip.......She's nearly six years old and has finally toned down her fondness for adventure (or....she now knows every inch of the house and has "been there, done that").

Pip is a calico. My first. and I have read that they can be very sassy indeed. But man is she smart.....learned 6 tricks in no time, is very fond of listening to me to me tell her things, and she knows how to turn on her kitten-face when she wants me to melt.

See if you can tire Lulu out more--physically and mentally. I'll throw kibble way down the hall or up the stairs to get Pip running. Or, i'll put some kibble in a puzzle feeder. I'll sit and try and teach her new tricks (she really likes to use her brain - your Lulu sounds like the same, because she's really an explorer).

Have fun!!!
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 4, 2020
Is Lulu still pretty young? I would say it sounds like she's curious/exploring/learning. Some cats are just more daredevily than others. Like children. My cat Pip also does the swinging from the chandelier (literally) and banging doors. Those behaviours are 100% because she wants attention. She has loads of energy and wants to burn it off with ME. She doesn't play solo with toys, she needs human company.

I've decided Pip's middle name is Careful. Because every day, I'm saying "Pip. Careful". She is reckless and a daredevil. My other indoor cats have all been fairly serene and law-abiding, but Pip.......She's nearly six years old and has finally toned down her fondness for adventure (or....she now knows every inch of the house and has "been there, done that").

Pip is a calico. My first. and I have read that they can be very sassy indeed. But man is she smart.....learned 6 tricks in no time, is very fond of listening to me to me tell her things, and she knows how to turn on her kitten-face when she wants me to melt.

See if you can tire Lulu out more--physically and mentally. I'll throw kibble way down the hall or up the stairs to get Pip running. Or, i'll put some kibble in a puzzle feeder. I'll sit and try and teach her new tricks (she really likes to use her brain - your Lulu sounds like the same, because she's really an explorer).

Have fun!!!
Thank you! She’s a year and a half. Calico, tortie. She gets loads of attention and runs around with Finn like a maniac. The funniest thing is that she is afraid of the world. She’s an anxious cat. But a daredevil. So odd.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 21, 2016
Vancouver, BC
Ha! Another calico/tortie! I think that might explain things.

I recommend finding some mentally stimulating things for her to do (puzzle feeder, one of those multi-holed toy hide and seek things, the Ripple Rug or facsimile is a big hit with my cat) and playing with her so she gets quite tired. fishing pole type toys like Da Bird are good.


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
Yes, one of mine as like that as a kitten and was many times more active than most cats even as an adult. Split lip climbing to and then falling off the shower rod, broken tail from leaping in the dryer as I was shutting the door, near death by tipping a speaker over and getting caught upside down by the neck. This was all before she was a year old and I did worry that she wouldn’t make it to adulthood. I think with these hyperactive ones they move without thinking and that combined with being utterly fearless gets them into trouble.

My Murphy did get smarter and a hair more cautious as she got got older but did hold the record amongst all of my cats for trouble caused, things broken and emergency trips to the vet. Despite it all she lived to be 19 and was a devil to the end. May your girl give you as much joy, exasperation as funny stories to tell as she gave me.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 4, 2020
Yes, one of mine as like that as a kitten and was many times more active than most cats even as an adult. Split lip climbing to and then falling off the shower rod, broken tail from leaping in the dryer as I was shutting the door, near death by tipping a speaker over and getting caught upside down by the neck. This was all before she was a year old and I did worry that she wouldn’t make it to adulthood. I think with these hyperactive ones they move without thinking and that combined with being utterly fearless gets them into trouble.

My Murphy did get smarter and a hair more cautious as she got got older but did hold the record amongst all of my cats for trouble caused, things broken and emergency trips to the vet. Despite it all she lived to be 19 and was a devil to the end. May your girl give you as much joy, exasperation as funny stories to tell as she gave me.
This sounds exactly like her. I love her to death. No one can believe it when I tell the next story.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 21, 2020
My Juno is my first so I don't have any basis for comparison but I call her my Evil Kneivel. She's are a daredevil and loves to run across the ledge of my loft, and of course, she fell down 14 feet to the floor below the second time she tried it. It didn't deter her at all, and she started doing even crazier stunts, so I'm adding some cat shelves to expand where she can (safely) jump.

Having said that, I don't think she's particularly smart. I tried giving her food puzzles and she didn't seem to get them. I think she's both brave and dumb. Great combo!

Tik cat's mum

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 20, 2019
Oh yes I have a trouble cat. He is so clumsy you would not believe it. He just gets himself into everything he shouldn't. We've had a few scary times. But he's so clever as well as being the biggest cuddle bug. My other cat is careful and doesn't take risk. This one I'm convinced sometimes he's possessed he's face planted on more than one occasion into windows, doors, he's wrapped wand toy's around himself just playing. Chewed toy mice tails off you name it he's done it. And as for falling off things well. But we love him and wouldn't swap him for the world.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
Lulu sounds like how Dante was when he was a juvenile. Though the high amount of accidents is worrying. It might be time to baby proof everything!

You know what calmed my terrorist down? Outside time with a bird feeder. Dante taught me how to deal with hyper cats. I knew Jackie would be a hyper punk to; so I adopted him. If he gets outside time, he is a good kitty.

Jackie gets like that if it rains and he is stuck inside for a few days! I keep special interactive toys just for rainy days. He has a 22 ft leash that lets him feel independent during his daily outside time. Nothing calms hyper kitties down like outside time. I give him 1-2 hours outside. I sit and read or play games on my tablet while he “hunts.” If you want to go that route we can help you harness train her.

Has you can see he manages to be quite active in his harness. The other is my apartment porch with his deluxe bird feeding pole. I also sometimes feed the squirrels for his entertainment (skip the squirrel food & just buy them unsalted nuts & sunflower seeds....... they just ignore the corn. 🙄 )


Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
I have one now, a scottish fold I named Graham. Although she has never been rushed yet to the ER for any injuries (I hope not), she gets into a looot of things and has already given me an accumulated receipts for repair and purchase of new furniture, house decors and even appliances like TV. It is just a matter of time before her head gets stuck somewhere or be electrocuted. That is why I make it a point to unplug my appliances before I leave for work in the morning.

The rest of my cats are never like her. First time I have this hyper curious and hyper energetic cat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
I have heard of people needing to baby proof (because of their cats) all plugs, cords, stove tops, stove handles, toilets, cabinets, toilet handles, sink handles & attaching tv/shelves to the wall with earth quake stuff so cats won’t knock it down. In your case, I was serious about baby proofing! To start with, baby proof every outlet & put empty big pots/pans on the stove (so she won’t go there.) Sticky tape can help train her to stay off the counters.

I rarely use my stove. So my extra drainer sits on top of it most of time. I think that is the only thing that has kept my naughty twerp off it when he hunts flies.

For example: Jackie chewed through the bungee cord that attached a toy to a wand & swallowed about 5-6 inches of it. Those 2.5 days of checking his poop for the cord were insanely stressful (& giving him oil as a laxative.) I now have to throw my dental floss away in my kitchen trash can that has a lid. No strings or curly ribbon of any kind is allowed in my home. Not even wand toys where the toy is attached with a cord. Jackie is a suicidal idiot when it comes to any & all types of strings! Any all strings are stored in drawers or cabinets he can’t get into. You may need to adjust your life for the health of your cat.

The toy & cord he chewed through. He ate the red small silk ribbons to but each bit he chewed off was only about an inch long.

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
I have heard of people needing to baby proof (because of their cats) all plugs, cords, stove tops, stove handles, toilets, cabinets, toilet handles, sink handles & attaching tv/shelves to the wall with earth quake stuff so cats won’t knock it down.
This is so true. I have also learned to keep all knives hidden from the counter because my Graham has this habit to lick anything. So it becomes a huge fight between my hubby and I each time he forgets to hide a knife or a cutter. It is like living with toddlers all over again. LOL.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Sep 4, 2020
I have heard of people needing to baby proof (because of their cats) all plugs, cords, stove tops, stove handles, toilets, cabinets, toilet handles, sink handles & attaching tv/shelves to the wall with earth quake stuff so cats won’t knock it down. In your case, I was serious about baby proofing! To start with, baby proof every outlet & put empty big pots/pans on the stove (so she won’t go there.) Sticky tape can help train her to stay off the counters.

I rarely use my stove. So my extra drainer sits on top of it most of time. I think that is the only thing that has kept my naughty twerp off it when he hunts flies.

For example: Jackie chewed through the bungee cord that attached a toy to a wand & swallowed about 5-6 inches of it. Those 2.5 days of checking his poop for the cord were insanely stressful (& giving him oil as a laxative.) I now have to throw my dental floss away in my kitchen trash can that has a lid. No strings or curly ribbon of any kind is allowed in my home. Not even wand toys where the toy is attached with a cord. Jackie is a suicidal idiot when it comes to any & all types of strings! Any all strings are stored in drawers or cabinets he can’t get into. You may need to adjust your life for the health of your cat.

The toy & cord he chewed through. He ate the red small silk ribbons to but each bit he chewed off was only about an inch long.
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I was a freak with the kids and I’m one with the cats. It sounds like you have a wild one too. I forgot that Lulu jumped into the toilet too when she was a kitten.