is 10 months about the right time for the terrible teens?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Apr 22, 2015
my formerly very sweet cuddlebug tucker has changed quite a bit lately. he's more aggressive, scratching and biting when playing with me although he doesn't seem to be rougher with the other cats. he may be biting them harder, it's hard to tell but there hasn't been any howling or growling. he was the big brother and welcoming committee to my foster babies--never hissed or swatted, he just loved them immediattely and would cuddle up with them and keep them groomed. he's just not as affectionate although when he naps he still has to be right beside me. is this just typical teenage behavior? how long does it typically last? he was neutered a long time ago..


TCS Member
Oct 9, 2003
W/ the best cats
It reads more like his personality showing. He has a dominant trait - gently telling the others (no longer babies) he is boss.  When he plays with you, he is either over stimulated or setting the time limit of play. However, you should never let him bite or scratch you. Stop immediately when he does, hiss (or say NO) and leave. In time, he will stop and leave when he does not want to play anymore without biting or scratching you.

Unless he has a health issue, which as you know radically changes behavior,  your boy will always be a cuddle bug. He's just being more assertive about what he wants. When they are on their teen years,aka terrible twos, they are more daring, sometimes seem confused about what they want, naughtier (like NO or a hiss are worth challenging) and since their bodies are developed they experiment with heights, chase and attack anything they have not seen before. 
 They seem like uncontrollable balls of fur. 


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 18, 2015
I really don't know whether it is his terrible teens causing him to behave that way but cats will go through a phase where they seem to get into everything and really test the boundaries. My male cat began going through this when he was about 9 months and he is still testing the boundaries a lot, mostly just scratching on everything from door frames to furniture to  jumping up in high places and knocking everything onto the floor. He plays really rough with me and my other cats. Mostly just that he bites too hard. I usually make sure to keep his nails clipped so he can't scratch me or the other cats as badly and this helps a lot. My other cats will stop playing with him when he gets too rough.  The best thing to do is stop playing with him or giving attention when he gets rough so he learns not to do that and eventually he should get the message.