Introducing "Spotlight of the Week" OSCARSMOMMY! 1.29.06 - 2.5.06


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 19, 2004

I know I am late in congratulating you but better later than never, right??

here are my questions..

what's your favorite animal?

what's your favorite thing about tcs?

if you were stranded on a desert island, name 3 items (not including Oscar) you'd take with you.

what is one material thing you couldn't live without?

who is your inspiration?

your favorite item of clothing?

your favorite tv show?

your favorite song?

your favorite food?

okay that's all from me!

congrats again!!



TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 30, 2005
I ike that wreath as well. It's cute!!! Thanks

Here are a few more from me:

Do you dance in public? Are you any good? No way
Have you ever been on pubic assistance? No
When did you move away from home? Last January
Was is easy or hard? Hard, I'm a mama's girl and my parents are sick so it is hard being away
Do you wear contacts? Nope
How often do you scrub the kitchen floor? Trav does every weekend
Post a pic of Oscar doing something naughty.
Hope this counts....

When was the last time you had the flu? A few weeks ago

What is one thing you do a lot that your bf dislikes? Cry

What brand of facial tissues do you use? Kleenex and Puff
Have you ever been in a helicopter? Nope
Ever been deep sea fishing? Nope
Have you ever climbed a rock wall? No but I wanna learn
How mant credit cards do you own? Too many

What is something you've always wanted to do but don't think you ever will? That's a thinker.....

Do you have a change jar? Yes
Would you ever get cosmetic surgery? If so what would you have done? I haven't decided yet

How early do you start christmas shopping? Do you wrap them early? About 2 or 3 weeks before
Yes I do

Who is your favorite actor? actress? Dennis Quaid and Jennifer Aniston
How often, if ever, did you sneak out of the house when you were a teen? Maybe twice. I was too scared I would get caught

What was your favorite television show growing up? Seseme Street and Alf when I was little
If you could, would you ever become President? No way, I get stressed about which outfit to wear let alone how to run a country

Do you have allergies? Yes
Do you have asthma? Yes
Did you watch the news today? Not yet
Have you ever been to an Air Fair? Nope
How often do you sit in your front lawn? I don't have a front lawn anymore
Do you own a sewing machine? Nope
Do you like the television show "Cops"? Sure, it's funny
Is anything too serious for jokes? What? Funerals

You find that your best friend has stolen money to pay for medical treatment for a seriously ill relative. What would you do? I think I would keep quiet
Has your life ever been changed by an apparently random occurrence? I don't think so

Thank in advance


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 30, 2005
I know I am late in congratulating you but better later than never, right?? Yes

here are my questions..

what's your favorite animal? Cats and dogs

what's your favorite thing about tcs? The people

if you were stranded on a desert island, name 3 items (not including Oscar) you'd take with you. Cell phone, lap top(so I could visit TCS) and food

what is one material thing you couldn't live without? Cell phone

who is your inspiration? Jennifer Aniston

your favorite item of clothing? My sweatpants

your favorite tv show? Friends and Grey's Anatomy

your favorite song? Jesus, take the wheel(at least for now

your favorite food? Does chocolate count?

okay that's all from me!

congrats again!!