Introducing Cats & Body Language


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 5, 2018
Hi all! So, I just recently got my third kitty who is a sweet and hyper 3 month old. We just introduced her to our two 9 month old kitties and there has been a lot of hissing and a little growling all around. Obviously, that is to be expected and I’m not too worried about it, right now they mostly just watch her sprint around and play.

However, one of my 9 month olds, Zuko, will sometimes chase her when she’s sprinting, and I was wondering if there is an body language I should look out for to determine whether he’s being mean/fearful or just playful? When he does that she gets pretty scared and will usually growl and he’ll raise a paw like he’s going to swat at her, but she usually sprints away after that.

Also, kinda unrelated but Lily (the 3 month old) went into her room to use the litter box and Zuko followed her, so I grabbed him so he wouldn’t bother her litter box time. Me and Zuko have always had a good relationship and he doesn’t mind being held by me. I’m his favorite person in the house. However, when I grabbed him to take him out of the bathroom he hissed at ME and then bit me! He’s never hissed or bit me before so I was super shocked. Is this normal? Was he just scared and I startled him by picking him up?

Any insight is greatly appreciated! I’ve never introduced cats to other cats before since our 9 month olds are brothers.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2017
Not a good time to pick him up I think, He was too focused
They are not fighting so they are ok, I think someone will come along shortly
with the article on how to introduce cats, if you don't want the cat to follow the cat to the litter box, you should use a piece of cardboard or something.
when they are in that "mode" cat bites can be dangerously deep.
He was not mad at you he was in a very focused mode. There may be some territorial jealousy make sure Zuko is secure in his home.


TCS Member
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Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. I would let Zuko follow Lily when she goes to use the litterbox, just to see what he will do. It might just be curiosity. Until you see he might mean harm don't take him away - and if you have to, do as W walli suggested - use cardboard to block him off.

What they are doing so far doesn't seem to be out of ordinary. But, a cat having their ears back is a sign to look for in terms of concern. In the article W walli was referring to, it also talks about re-directed aggression, which might be what Zuko was doing with you when he hissed and bit at you.
How To Successfully Introduce Cats: The Ultimate Guide


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Congrats on the new kitten! I see FeebysOwner FeebysOwner already posted the TCS introductory article. There's also How To Introduce A Kitten To An Older Cat.

About body language to watch for, that is covered in Are My Cats Fighting Or Playing?

And about the litter box situation, how many litter boxes do you have? The "rule" is one per cat, plus one, so that would be 4 in your case. You may not need that many, however, it is advisable to have them spread throughout the home, and not all in one room. That way one cat can't always be stalking all the litter boxes at the same time. Here's one more article with more info: How Many Litterboxes Should You Have?

Good luck with them. :catlove: