injured feral

I ain't no pet

TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 15, 2022
I've learned so much from previous posts and I am truly grateful. I've been a guardian for porch feral for a year. He was shepherded to me by other cats. I had zero experience with stray or feral cats. Indoor only cats -yes. A year ago, he could barely walk and could hardly even sit. It was months before I realized he couldn't jump up on even low safety zones. Soo, I hovered and ran defense. We had fixed feeding times. High protein. He became a runner not a fighter and would make it to the roof of our house for max safety. Our yard was his domain. He came when I called -- but we could simulate a tailwrap passing exchange. For a week I could almost sctritch his head. He taught himself how to meow and a hiss came out by by accident OR if I changed my behavior from a range of familiar and trusted actions. --- and then --- a week ago, he either sprained or broke his front paw, He even came to the window to "show" me the problem. Thanks to this site, I discovered just how limited my options were. Before this his cat confidence was at an all time high for him. And he began branching beyond my yard, roof and porch. After trying mixing and mingling with two other locals. He'd get bullied away from food. So we focused on him, his healing and discouraged companions. Others who encroached dealt with me --- while he beat feet. He can't beat feet.
He has a week of hoping on 3 feet. Last time I saw him he looked weary. Cold wet weather which he hates! has added more stress. Today -- he hasn't shown up. Not appearing even when I called.
Two days ago. he slept all day in his batcave on the porch, coming out to eat catch some sun then more sleep.
Question -- other cats are now coming thru the yard. Last night we heard them. This morning we saw two. Is food surety enough for him risk territory encroachment OR should I back off trying to draw him in with regulars calls? He's never had self defense and now he can't run or roof. He might have even done the paw thing leaping from the roof to the ground.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I don't understand why you are not trying to find him and keep the other cats away from your yard as well. You really need to think about trying to trap him. Trying to reach out to him and get a hold of him now when he needs you the most. I am reaching out of a few of our members who have dealt extensively with ferals in the hopes they can guide you on what to do and how to possibly trap him. Jcatbird Jcatbird , CatladyJan CatladyJan , fionasmom fionasmom , N NY cat man .
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  • #3

I ain't no pet

TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 15, 2022
A--- vets who won't tend ferals to protect the safety of critters already there.
and the shelters are shutting down due to no staff or space --- Covid
B--- no place to go once trapped. I have eczema so bringing him in with fleas and other buddies when any bug bite triggers my eczema is crazy.
C --- yard not fenced -- corner lot -- In his prime he could escape to a roof.
D --- His last "memory" of capture left his back shaved, his belly shaved, his ear clipped and his bonded pair begging him to follow her a hobble at a time. She would give up her food for him to have more. "Whitenose" brought him to me. She too was clipped ear. She died a few months back/road kill. He kept vigil -- in eye view of each of her usual spots but mostly up on a roof. Whoever "did" him wore a hoodie. He goes to saucer eyes freaked running at a hoodie even if its across the street. His trust is so fragile that if I cough or move a foot while he's feeding he's gone. Took 6 months 3-6 cans a day to get him to be able to walk and jump on the seats of a picnic table - then to the table to do dog proof sleeping. We didn't realize he couldn't get off the ground! Once we figured that out we became his "enforcers", putting me between him and whatever was the crisis. If I told him run Divit -- he did. I literally stand guard while he eats whispering reassurances. In the last month-- I could whisper him through something moving within eyeshot and he would keep eating.
I have no low bushes for him to shelter under anywhere around me -- neighbors do -- and those are visited by other strays and ferals. There is the drain network -- if it is cold enough and wet enough he'd go there. He acts like I am the only human he "almost" trusts. If you saw what someone did to him, my heart won't let me reawaken the memory of that betrayal of trust.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Are you familiar with your neighbors? Can you ask them to look for him in their yards? If you have any sort of network with other people who take care of feral cats, can you reach out to them? There are pet rescues not necessarily connected to shelters that might be able to help if you can find him. Do you have the NextDoor Neighbor web site to reach out to others in your area where you might find some other cat lovers who might be able to help?

His trust in you isn't going to mean much if he dies. Better to help him and worry about the 'trust' later.

If nothing else, keep calling for him and feeding him. And, if you could chase away the other cats before now, you can still do so again.
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  • #6

I ain't no pet

TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 15, 2022
Mmm not that kind of neighbors -- neighbors who willfully let their dogs chase cats for the dogs entertainment. Their dogs were the one's Divit hid from. What's the treatment for a sprain? from this site -- time, food surety. What's the treatment for a break -- from this site, time and food surety. Any medication -- from this site -- no. Someone suggested quartering a baby aspirin and sprinkling it on food. Cat metabolism has issues with aspirin. " I ain't no pet" was his favorite cat caption when he did something -- like this -- that is totally appropriate for a feral. I go thru 20 pound bags of black sunflower seeds. And we made a deal -- I do cans and he doesn't bird. I got pictures of him doing bird tv just a few feet from dozens of doves eating seeds. They were cool with him and so was he. BUT -- he aint no pet. I got lots of Divit stories that end with BUT -- he aint no pet. I soooo want to respond like Divit IS my pet. Respecting his wild is really hard. I'm the one learning from Divit! And this is a really tough lesson that no one likes to talk about.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
I understand this cat. I knew one and a colony that you could be describing now. I also had bad, killer neighbors near. I also put myself between threats and the cat. I never thought the old Tom would want to be a “kept” cat. However, he must have known he was sick. He not only allowed himself in, he came in by choice even though he was a mighty feral Tom. I would never suggest you put yourself in harms way but I can tell you that if you can find him, he is ready. Be a pet? There is a difference in being a pet or having a guardian. You are his guardian. Trust will not go away. He knows you. He may need to get his bearings again if you find him but he will trust you. Go out if you can and find him. I put tarps up , pup tent style, all over to provide hiding places. I planted things in a hurry that gave shelter. Pampas grass will keep humans away. Holly bushes. Cherokee rose vines make great low shelter and no dog will pass. Look under everything and if you use a flashlight at night, his eyes can reflect like glowing orbs. Don’t give up on him now, Feed and and all that come but do it in more than one location. The other cats that come probably know him and may even try to shield him. Listen to any birds there. They will put up a fuss if anything passes or sticks around. They are the watchers of the land and can show you what you do not see. I hope you can find and guard him. Get him to safety.
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Top Cat
Sep 20, 2020
Mmm not that kind of neighbors -- neighbors who willfully let their dogs chase cats for the dogs entertainment. Their dogs were the one's Divit hid from. What's the treatment for a sprain? from this site -- time, food surety. What's the treatment for a break -- from this site, time and food surety. Any medication -- from this site -- no. Someone suggested quartering a baby aspirin and sprinkling it on food. Cat metabolism has issues with aspirin. " I ain't no pet" was his favorite cat caption when he did something -- like this -- that is totally appropriate for a feral. I go thru 20 pound bags of black sunflower seeds. And we made a deal -- I do cans and he doesn't bird. I got pictures of him doing bird tv just a few feet from dozens of doves eating seeds. They were cool with him and so was he. BUT -- he aint no pet. I got lots of Divit stories that end with BUT -- he aint no pet. I soooo want to respond like Divit IS my pet. Respecting his wild is really hard. I'm the one learning from Divit! And this is a really tough lesson that no one likes to talk about.
1. I’m going to disagree with you because he is a pet just not a tamed one.
2. Limps are not just from sprains or fractures. He could have been bit by something and it’s full of bacteria or worse.
3. I’m not sure why you feel this is a hard lesson nobody wants to talk about.
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  • #10

I ain't no pet

TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 15, 2022
Divit's back to his normal routine. He "emerged" from his batcave on the porch after my three taps on the window. This is a construction of insulation, warming pad/water proof, Aframe with windbreak layers and another warming pad layer. I'm at the desk and can watch from there. He does social-social on the porch. Even with his bonded pair they never bundled they were just proximate. Window is floor to ceiling. Paw has no evidence of puncture, nor swelling. He uses it for "housekeeping" but doesn't put full weight on it. One arm of the porch is his sunbathing spot Divits "Sunporch", other arm "the buffet" with his designated food spot. With weather as his most disturbing annoyance, he eats in the most sheltered spot on the porch -- water access several bird water dishes -- he has his pick. He eats wet canned food 3 oz out of a bowl. Elevated on a box so he puts no weight on his paw. He indicates by behavior if he needs a second can and stops when full. There is a bit of waste to that but -- its been like that for a year. I don't leave unfinished food out. He poops in the same spots, but prefers that I stand guard while he does it. Kinda like a samurai warrior taking a squat with only one leg outta his pants.
ANYTHING more than this involves grabbing andor scruffing -- and I don't see anything more to do unless he is unconscious.
Zero evidence of puncture or swelling. He's just not putting full weight on it today when sitting or eating. If he is in the yard -- he waits til I look away and picks a primo sunspot. No sun? In the batcave or neighbors bushes at the house with the best security . I respect his choice of hiding spots -- even if I know where they are and if he is in one. If he can hear me -- and he is hungry. He will come. We were on a clock 7 - 10 1 ish and 4 with a bedtime snack on the chilly nights. Yesterday was his first no show on a full sun day. I overslept and missed the morning ritual.
A- I can't render him unconscious which is the only way "doing more" could happen.
B- The batcave offers more than I could recreate and try to impose upon him.
C - There is definate improvement each day. Could be adaption true. BUT no swelling and is even sitting in hearth cat with tail wrapped checking out his favorite annoying squirrel. And totally ignored 4 doz. birds having breakfast 10 feet from his batcave -- which is his usual response! I do cans he doesn't do birds... at least not when I can see it or find the evidence.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I am glad to hear he is back. Also, glad to hear that from what you can see there doesn't appear to be any sort of wound or swelling on his paw. I hope things continue to get better for him.
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  • #12

I ain't no pet

TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 15, 2022
I understand this cat. I knew one and a colony that you could be describing now. I also had bad, killer neighbors near. I also put myself between threats and the cat. I never thought the old Tom would want to be a “kept” cat. However, he must have known he was sick. He not only allowed himself in, he came in by choice even though he was a mighty feral Tom. I would never suggest you put yourself in harms way but I can tell you that if you can find him, he is ready. Be a pet? There is a difference in being a pet or having a guardian. You are his guardian. Trust will not go away. He knows you. He may need to get his bearings again if you find him but he will trust you. Go out if you can and find him. I put tarps up , pup tent style, all over to provide hiding places. I planted things in a hurry that gave shelter. Pampas grass will keep humans away. Holly bushes. Cherokee rose vines make great low shelter and no dog will pass. Look under everything and if you use a flashlight at night, his eyes can reflect like glowing orbs. Don’t give up on him now, Feed and and all that come but do it in more than one location. The other cats that come probably know him and may even try to shield him. Listen to any birds there. They will put up a fuss if anything passes or sticks around. They are the watchers of the land and can show you what you do not see. I hope you can find and guard him. Get him to safety.
Thanks for the what to plant clues! We have natives mostly and thought of insect and creepy crawly habitat but not such as I ain't no pet. You would think with our bird density at feeders we'd be door dash for strays and feral cats. Nope -- guarding Divit has led to a no hunt zone. He was just beginning to branch out a wee bit when this paw thing happened. He would let me see that he was expanding his turf -- but he was still in hearing distance. And he was hunting because his can consumption began to drop. We are food surety. But, we added enough variables so he had time for a Plan B without me. We built his bat cave before he would need it in winter weather so he could adjust to it. When it got colder we upped the insulation. He regularly did deep sleep on the roof -- perhaps even at night. The paw thing happened between breakfast and lunch and could have simply been from how he landed leaping from the roof. Yep leaping. Out of choice not fear. In response to his name or three taps on cat food can. I didn't know he was up there. He was super safe up there and he knew it. The paw thing has him in his batcave or intruding into sunny spots that may be anothers territory.
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  • #13

I ain't no pet

TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 15, 2022
I learned soooo much from this site! I had no clue that some shelters and rescues were not no kill and that it would be hard to find that out until it was too late. I didn't know that a vet could let clipped feral decide IF there would be treatment. In short -- escalating could make me feel good but result in Divit being killed because of policies in place not his condition. THIS was HUGE!!! to learn.
Deep bow of gratitude


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
Feral Friends Network® Connect
You might try registering here to see if there are any cat rescuers in your area as a back up for any future problems. Don't present this as you want them to come and get Divit, but that you want advice and some possible references for the future.
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  • #15

I ain't no pet

TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 15, 2022
It seems that covid has changed a lot of responses to critters in crisis due to staffing shortages and critter abandonment. Reaching out for backup has risks that weren't there a month ago. If not for this forum, I wouldn't have been aware of "policies" dictating responses to feral cats. My own -- stopped TNR a few months back but I didn't consider what else changed with it. I am so grateful for the search feature on your site. This guy worked really hard to hang in, its an honor to be his guardian.
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  • #16

I ain't no pet

TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 15, 2022
Currently Div is demonstrating LOTS of his normal behavior. He even showed me he can scratch on his fav fence post --- which means sprain not a break. He can pull but not push and is adding back weight on the paw when eating and grooming. No swelling. No punctures ( he has freckles on his paw pads). He's not back to chasing bugs and zipping up trees --- but as any athletes coach knows soft tissue is only repaired when sleeping and he's doing that in his safe spots with guardians on watch.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Cats can 'stretch their limits', but they also know when to be more careful because of the related pain/discomfort. It could be a while before he is 'back to normal', but you have his back and will take care of him and can keep a watchful eye on him as he heals. I am just glad he is back where you can be his guardian like you were before.