Injection site sarcomas


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Oct 20, 2012
Hey there! The latest topic in my house is this injection site sarcoma thing. I learned about this before my new kittens so the vet Im using for them seems to be aware of it is using the purevax rabies etc. My other vet that I use for my older cats however, I am not sure. They seemed up to date and have great reviews. I have used that vet for a long time and they have been very helpful with managing some chronic issues such as diabetes with my one cat. They require rabies due to state law but only do 1 year and I am unsure of the type yet. A couple days ago I had to take two of my older cats that got into a fight in because one has a swollen lymph node ( the diabetic, we are unsure if its related to the fight or not yet unfortunately.) And both got the convenia shot as a preventative for fight wounds. I have read some negative things about that one but this vet loves to use it and I had not had an issue so far. In fact, the second cat I mentioned has had chronic nasal congestion, had gotten into a fight before that needed antibiotics and chews on his belly that caused a mild skin infection not even a month ago. All times the vet just wanted to give Convenia so thats 4 times this year he has had it. Now Im learning there is apparently adjuvant in that shot as well and all injections should *always* be minimized in cats? I will insist to go a different route in the future but I feel like I have let my cats down by not knowing and am concerned with this vet that I've trusted and used a long time now and Im not sure if its justified. I have even read that microchips could be an issue with it and now I am thinking of not doing that for the new kittens as planned. Any thoughts from others are appreciated.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Convenia should be avoided if at all possible There are known adverse effects that can last long after the antibiotic is gone from the body: Convenia- long term antibiotic: Is it worth the risk? It's perfectly fine to say No to any treatment your vet wants to give and to ask for other alternatives that are safer.

The PureVax rabies vaccine is non-adjuvanted and is safe to use. Ask your vet for this specific type. Here's a TCS thread you may find helpful: Purevax rabies vaccine


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Unfortunately, there are no guarantees in this life. No matter how safe you try to be with your new kitties, things could go wrong at some point in time. Hopefully not, but it could happen. The percentage of cats that develop FISS is very low, and ones that develop it from a microchip are even lower still, practically nil. If it were me, I'd get them chipped just on the off chance that they get lost. Every time I drop mine off at the Vets and see them being carried off through the parking lot I think "OMG, what if the carrier breaks and they escape?!?" I know I'm being paranoid, but can't help it. I sleep much better knowing they are at least chipped, in case something bizarre like that happened and they were somehow found miles away.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 27, 2021
had chronic nasal congestion, had gotten into a fight before that needed antibiotics and chews on his belly that caused a mild skin infection not even a month ago. All times the vet just wanted to give Convenia
I would be less worried about the fact that this vet uses Convenia (my clinic does too from time to time) and more worried about the fact that it is their 'go to' treatment. It seems a bit odd and frankly unprofessional to just give an antibiotic shot for a skin issue without determining a cause (bacterial, food sensitivity etc), the same for the nasal congestion.

It also seems a little concerning that your cats are getting into serious fights so often. Is there perhaps something you can change so they don't need antibiotics so often? They wouldn't need treatment if they weren't injuring each other....