Information about metacam by cats


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Nov 28, 2014
I was wondering if anyone has an url or any other (scientific) information about Metacam and cats?

I am really interested because I heard that vets in the USA for example, don't give metacam to cats, or describe this rarely.

In contrast to Holland (where I live), because Metacam/Novacam is often the first choice if cats need a painkiller.

Is there a difference between Metacam over here and Metacam in the USA? Because somewhere I read that in the US they only have metacam for dogs, but the metacam version I got, was for cats only.

However, I read bad things about this stuff and I always ask for another painkiller. Unfortunately, most vets and vets assistens say it's a very safe medicine and it's so perfect blah blah blah.. I really doubt it.

A few years ago I had a cat with severe kidney failure. Her creatinine level was 850, and 250 was a maximum. At that time I didn't know much about kidney failure nor medicine for cats. However, I read the instructions for use. And it said: contraindication kidney failure.

So, I asked my former vet why she needed metacam since her kidney failure was very serious. She said yes I know it's not very good for the kidneys, but there is no other choice.

Later I read on Dutch websites bad experiences with metacam, and especially given to cats with kidney failure.

I think in other countries, like the USA, they are a bit ahead in research etc, so they possibly know more about this.

Is metacam really that bad, even if it's for cats only, and what do you give as an option?

If my cats need a painkiller I always ask if they describe something else than metacam. Mostly they ask me why, because it is such a safe medicine and totally not harmful etc. I don't want a discussion over there, so usually I say that my cats can't resist it. Nowadays I give Onsior but I don't know if this is a better option?

Sorry for my long story, but I am just curious how this works in other countries like the US.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Metacam has a black box warning in the US for cats and is only to be given ONCE in a cat's lifetime and only for certain types of things.  Without knowing any better, my vet gave my RB kitty, Callie, metacam and I'm certain that directly contributed to her chronic renal failure.  I now have "NO METACAM" on all my cats' paperwork at the vet.

I'm not sure this is what you're looking for, but here are some links.

Here's a thread from earlier this year that might help you:

Metacam really is that bad and there are other medications out there that are much safer to use and just as effective.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
As mentioned in the Mercola article linked above, the recommended dosages in the U.S. vs. Europe/Canada differ(ed) . It's my understanding that the former is/was 1/3 higher. For chronic pain, the dosage usually used in Europe is 2/3 lower and administered orally.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I used to be in the no metacam camp under any circumstances but have since changed my mind.  I still don't believe that it should be used for general pain relief because of the potential for kidney damage.  I now believe that in certain circumstances with the right precautions it is the better choice.  We had an expert forum here by a vet from Canada and he discussed it's use.   You can go to Dr Kris's post about it in this thread.

He actually has a 19 year old kitty with well controlled CRF that is on Metacam to control chronic pain.
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Nov 28, 2014
Here they give it orally, as showed in the picture below. I don't know the difference between metacam over here and metacam elsewhere.
Here it depends on the body weight of the cat. There are numbers on that spray thing, so you can see how much you should give to your cat.

I don't want to give it to my cats any longer since I heard so much bad things about it. But vets(assistents) constantly keep telling me how great this is and it isn't that bad to give it a couple of times.

I am not a vet, so I don't want to argue with vets (assistens) because then I feel like I'm acting pedantic.
How does it come almost all vets over here are totally into metacam and have almost no idea what this stuff can do to a cat?

What do you give as an option?

Thanks for the urls, I'll go check it out!