In memory of T.J.


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 6, 2010
I wrote this about a month ago after my friend S lost her cat T.J. to old age and disease, just about a year after she took in a stray named Onyx who has Cerebellar Ataxia. I thought the people here would appreciate it ...


Once upon a time a homeless mother cat found shelter under the garden deck of a kind and wise woman. There she gave birth to several kittens of various heritage and dubious lineage. Most would grow up to take to heart their motherâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s teaching that humans were to be feared and avoided at all cost.

Except for one.

This independent thinker would not blindly follow anyoneâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s teachings merely because they told him to. He had to learn, discover, verify or reject such notions in his own way and on his own terms. He did not think the Lady whose deck they were living under was all that bad a creature. In fact he rather liked her soft voice and calm words. So more and more he could be found not learning how to avoid like his brothers and sisters, but how to get along and compromise with a human. And to see the rewards that could be his in doing so.

For the human Lady had soft hands and did not hit him with sharp blows, neither did her feet fly towards him with harmful intent as his mother had said. Instead there were soft pettings and skillful fingertips that knew just THAT spot to scratch behind his ear that he never could quite get. And there was always plenty to eat no matter the weather or hunting conditions, and bowls of clear clean water to refresh him after a long afternoon of play. So when his siblings and mother moved on to other places – he remained with the Lady.

The Lady called him T.J., but he quickly came to understand that his true nature and name was The Prince. For this lady, though she did fully know it at the time, was dwelling in the midst of a kingdom without a monarch, a lawless place where avians and mice felt they had the right to settle anywhere they pleased and there were no set boundaries as to where they might venture. The Prince quickly realized that he had been put into this place and time to correct this situation and establish an orderly and well run kingdom where such creatures knew their place and his rule over it.

At first it was terribly demanding work since the current inhabitants had been too long without anyone such as himself to deal with. And while some may have deemed it too harsh a justice, many a rebellious finch or titmouse ended their days with naught to mark their passage from this world than the stray feather or fur tuft stuck on The Princeâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s paws. But finally harmony and order were established and he could settle into a routine of regular border patrols and all important naps.

The only living thing that did not feel the strong force of his discipline was the Lady. He understood that she was the one to whom he owed his fealty and trust. Besides, she seemed to so enjoy using the odd piece of metal to make holes in the dirt from which various plants would spring up. He really did not understand this magic of hers, but several of these green things he found very cooling to sleep on during the hot days of summer – and so he allowed her free reign over his kingdom.

When the icy winter on the Plains gave way to the silken sweetness of a soft Nebraska Spring breeze and his senses reawakened, off he would venture to rediscover and patrol his private kingdom of bush and finch, grass and stray wanderers into his realm. Perimeter once again secured and his realm marked the Prince would take up his rightful spot underneath his favorite bush from which to monitor his land or merely rest the royal head.

And so the years passed. Season yielded to season and the Prince and the Lady grew closer and closer. New events and comforting routines with his beloved human marking the way. He learned that from her voice or the way she sat told him what her mood was and when his coming to her with a gentle nudge of his head would cause her to pick him up for a cuddle and some petting which soothed them both.

As all things must, they change with the passage of time. So it did also for the Lady and The Prince. One day he noticed she was at home more than she had been before and no longer left regularly for long hours to go to some place called “workâ€. This made the Prince very happy. Despite anything he may have said or indicated, he was beginning to feel the weight of his years and occasionally grumbled to himself when his body would not keep up with his spirit. But the Lady had slowed a bit herself and he was reassured that all was still well.

Then one hot August afternoon a visitor appeared. At first it seemed she was just another of the nomads that had crossed The Princeâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s lands from time to time, but this one was different. She was young and beautiful with lush dark fur and a gently squeaking voice that caught his attention immediately. And she walked with a rather odd lumbering gait he had not seen before. But despite her hisses and shows of bravado The Prince saw past the little oneâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s defenses to the frightened soul underneath who had not known much love or compassion from humans. The Prince could see that she was actually an exiled Crown Princess who had been deprived of her rightful home because of her appearance and unique walk. He also knew that if anyone could help the little Princess to heal and flourish it would be his adored Lady.

In that quiet way that cats have and that humans can never seem to hear he spoke to the battered Princess. He told her of his Lady and what her life could be like in this place. A place she would be safe and protected, fed and loved. Then with a small motion of his head he told the Princess to follow him and he would show her where the magic bowls were – as it was now 5:30 pm according to a human device called a “clock†and the food would be appearing in just a few moments.

It took weeks for the Princess to fully trust The Prince's words, but the Lady was just as kind and wise and he had said and as the seasons rolled through their natural progressions the little Princess found her own place in the kingdom. The Prince felt a great relief at seeing his Lady smile and laugh at the Princessâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s antics. More and more he was feeling the accumulated toll of time on his body and the one thing that had lay heavy on his heart had been the thought of his Lady suddenly all alone. She had been too good to him for too long to be repaid in that manner.

The winter had been cold and long, treating ill both humans and animals with the same disregard. As the frigid days crawled by The Prince found himself thinking of his mother and siblings more and more, if questioned he might have confessed it was as if he could hear his motherâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s soft mrewling calling him back to her side. But oh the choice was a hard one, for how could he bear to be away from his adored Lady? And how would she manage the kingdom without him? The questions made his head hurt and he retreated for longer periods of time into slumber to ponder these things.

As ever his Lady knew of his unease and prepared special and tempting foods for his elderly body. But even these offerings could not stop the passing of time and his progression to the next level of experience. And so just a few days past The Prince curled up against the loving heart of his Lady and with looks and purrs and understanding that they had built together over these two decades he tried to explain his need to move onward and reunite with his mother and all those from whom he had descended. The ones worshiped in Egypt and reviled in Europe, the ones who voyaged on ocean crossing vessels and those content to grace a homesteadâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s hearth. He sensed the sadness and heaviness of his Ladyâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s heart but also knew he had helped her to understand that it was time for them to part for a little while.

With the grace and kindness she had ever shown him, the Lady helped The Prince to cross that Rainbow Bridge where once again he can run freely and find ease and comfort in the chasing of a butterfly or the warmth of a sunbeam as he lay sprawled on his back. And as the years go by and the Princess and the Lady continue on they know that one perfect Spring day they need only look toward The Prince's favorite bush, and for just a moment there they will see him. Strong and Regal as he keeps watch over the kingdom he built just for them.


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
This made me cry. It is so special to all of us who have been there and done this very thing. Lord how I do miss my Betsy, my Max and my Speedboat. There is nothing quite like the memory of a cat who loved you with all his heart, and you loved him the same way