In Loving Memory Of Snuggles Hammock

Snuggles’ Mom

TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 30, 2018
My best friend, baby, and sibling passed away in my arms yesterday. I am so heartbroken. In a different thread it was suggested I tell her story here, and I think it might be healing for me to do so, as her story is an incredible one.

A little background - I am an only child. I was nuts about animals basically from birth. We had two lovely beautiful dogs my parents had gotten before I was born, and I loved (and still do love) them dearly. But I loved cats. My mom hated cats (at the time). A bad experience she’s had as a child had soured her on all felines and she had no desire to have one in her house. Around the time I turned three, I began begging for, as I called them, a “kee cat”, which was my way of saying kitty cat. So my parents bought me cat stuffed animals. It didn’t work- I wanted a REAL one. After months and months of working on my parents, they relented. I wanted a “”Garfield” cat, an orange tabby. So my parents began hunting for one.

Apparently, orange tabbies are hard to find, but my mom finally tracked one down. It was near her workplace, so she decided she would go look at the cat on her lunch break. I will never forget the phone call I received- my Nana was babysitting me at home that day, and we were outside eating ice cream. The phone rang, and it was Mama. She told me that if I was good and took my afternoon nap, when I woke up, my kitty would home so I could meet them. I was ecstatic!

Mama headed over to the animal shelter, and one of the workers took her back to meet the cat. The worker opened the cage to pick up the cat, and as she did so, it screamed, hissed, and tore her arms to shreds with its claws. Dangling the furious cat out in front of her, she asked my mom, “Would you like to hold him?”. My mom stared at the lady like she had three eyes. “I can’t take that home to my three year old!”, she exclaimed.

At that very moment, my Mama felt a tap, tap, tap on her elbow. As she turned to see who was touching her, she saw a tiny white paw sticking out from a cage right next to her, a cage she had never noticed. The worker told her that the paw belonged to a little kitten who had just been weaned and had become available for adoption that very day. The worker shared the kitten’s story, and even my Mama was moved.

This little gal had been found, only a few days old, in the middle of a road. Nobody knew how she’d gotten there, as there were no littermates, no mother, no nothing. Her eyes were still closed, and she was near death. A kind Samaritan on his way to work saw her and swerved, straddling the tiny baby between the wheels of his car. He retrieved her from under his car, and brought her in to the shelter. Most shelter workers did not think she’d survive long, and it was kinder to let nature take its course. But someone saw her fighting spirit and decided to give her a chance. She was so small, she couldn’t nurse from a kitten bottle. Instead, the workers used an eye dropper to feed her formula around the clock. Against all odds, she had not just survived, but thrived, and now she was ready for a loving home.

Well, my mom has a soft spot in her heart for the underdog, or undercat as it were. The kitten was a girl, a perfect match for her little girl at home, and was sweet as could be, so I wouldn’t get ripped to shreds. The worker handed her to my mom to hold, and she found herself saying yes.

The shelter was out of the cardboard pet carrier, so they tucked the kitten into a plain cardboard box for her ride home and gently closed the flaps on the top. My Mama sat the kitten in the passenger seat and began to drive. Not long after they hit the road, the flaps on the box popped up and there was the kitten! She made her way over to my Mom and, using her tiny claws, climbed her way up my Mama’s shirt, purring all the way. My Mom picked her up by the scruff and peeled her off, placing her back in the box. Again, the kitten popped out and trekked up my Mom’s shirt. She put her back again. The third time she did it, my Mama figured resistance was futile and let the kitten cling to her shirt the rest of the drive home.

I had never been so excited to wake up from my nap! Nana said the kitten was indeed there, and was in the laundry room. I raced there to catch a peek at my new friend. My mom had placed her in one of our dog’s carriers to keep her contained until she could go get a litter box and other kitten essentials on her way home from work that evening. I peered into the box, and it was love at first sight. Honestly, that day is one for my first memories I can recall in vivid detail. A tiny grey and white kitten sat in the back of the pink carrier, just staring at me. Nana had just entered the laundry room and was saying, “Don’t take the cat out yet, we don’t even have a litter box....” She looked down, and the kitten was already in my arms.

Over the next few days I tried to come up with the perfect name for her. At first I called her Bananas- I have no clue why I did, but it just didn’t fit. A few days after we got her, she was cuddling with me while watching TV. I saw a Snuggle fabric softener ad. The name was cute, as was the cuddly teddy bear. The little kitten certainly loved to snuggle, and she always smelled like laundry detergent and fabric softener because she would curl up in our clothes and towels when they were fresh out of the dryer. So that day, her name became Snuggles. It was a perfect fit.

The two of us were inseparable. I had no siblings, so I played with Snuggles, and she was happy to oblige. Being dressed in doll clothes and riding in my toy stroller never phased her. She enjoyed climbing in my big dollhouse and watching the goings on while I played with my dolls. She loved hiding in my massive pile of stuffed animals and holding perfectly still so you couldn’t tell if she was a toy or real.

The older we grew, the more important our relationship became. On September 11th, I held her tightly as I tried to understand what was happening in the world. When my father deployed to Iraq when I was 9, she began sleeping in the bed with me, right on my pillow. I would cry myself to sleep some nights out of worry for my Daddy half a world away, and my tears soaked her beautiful silky fur. When I began dealing with anxiety, she was one of the few who could calm me down, simply with the sound of her purr.

We became inseparable, and with each passing year, our relationship deepened. Boy problems, college, internships- all my frustrations and worries she listened to, never judging, never interrupting, only loving.

It was a blessing that she was extremely healthy right up until the last. We never knew her actual birthday, so we picked March 3rd as the day to celebrate. This year, we had a party with cake and powdered sugar doughnuts (her favorite snack) to celebrate her turning 20. She was always fiercely independent and the queen, ruling over our other cats, only doing things on her own terms. She demanded the only the best, to be served first, and to be acknowledged first when someone entered the room. She was regal until her last breath. Old age caught up with her, and her organs began shutting down. She wasn’t in pain, and was more comfortable in her own environment because she developed cataracts in her final years that severely reduced her vision. Our aim was to give her the best possible, most dignified final days we could, surrounded with her family and her feline subjects (whom she loved dearly and in her heart considered them sisters). She took her last breath of her own accord, in my arms, on May 6th, 2018, at 7:35 am. It was a beautiful Sunday morning- the sun was shining in the window and you could hear the birds chirping outside. A perfect morning for a perfect baby.

My heart is broken in a million pieces and I am so lost without her, as are my other cats. She was the matriarch of their small “pride”. I took her yesterday to be cremated, which was incredibly hard. It is what she would have wanted because in life she always wanted to be as near to me as possible. I think it gives both of us peace that her physical remains will be near me. She also loved being beautiful, constantly grooming herself and posing for every photo. She took so much pride in her physical appearance. As such, I think she would be honored that some of her remains are being cast into a gorgeous sterling silver heart that I can wear near my heart and keep a piece of her with me. I think I will feel a bit better when she is returned and I can pick her up to bring her home. The house feels so empty for all of us without her presence now. If you have read all of this, thank you so much for taking the time to read her story. Also, if you have ever done anything to rescue an abandoned or stray cat, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, as I am sure Snuggles would too. Because of the kindness of some stranger I will likely never know, my life has been forever changed and Snuggles survived to live 20 beautiful meaningful years. Never underestimate the smallest act of kindness, as you never know how much it will mean to someone and how it will change their life.

Our first photo, May 11, 1998, and our final one, taken May 5, 2018. My favorite hello and my hardest goodbye.



“How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”
-Winnie the Pooh


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
This brought tears to my eyes. You've written such a lovely tribute to your beloved friend. What a beautiful friendship and love story.

I'm very sorry for your loss. It's so hard to lose them when they've been such a huge part of your life. The heartbreak does lessen with time but I know how hard it is at the beginning. My heart goes out to you. :hugs: Give your other kitties lots of loving and I hope they can help you get through the difficult days.

RIP, little Snuggles. :rbheart:


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, Snuggles, dream you deep. Your pawprints are on your mama's heart forever.

Oh, my Sweet Girl, I did ok reading your story until the quote from Winnie the Pooh, and now I'm all in pieces. But I will tell you this, and I believe it to the last fiber of my being...Love DOES NOT DIE! It changes form, but it is STILL LOVE, and it abides with us, no longer seen, no longer physically felt, but OH, the heart can feel that love when we allow it to! She has simply put off that tired, worn body that could no longer support her great spirit and gentle heart, and now she dances on the starlight, waiting for you, in the fullness of time, to dance again with her. Near to you, she waits.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
What a lovely tribute to your beautiful Snuggles. :hearthrob:

I read every word, though I did need to stop twice to get tissues for my teary eyes. But I smiled too, like when I pictured that tiny kitten tapping your Mom's elbow. And when your Nana said "don't take the cat out yet" and you were already snuggling your precious “kee cat”. :catrub:

I hope in time your memories of Snuggles will bring more smiles than tears. :hugs:

RIP sweet kitty. :angel:
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Snuggles’ Mom

TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 30, 2018
Thank you, everyone, for your condolences. Reading your messages has warmed my heart and brought a smile to my face through all the tears. I have found my other girls to be a big source of comfort since she passed. It is extremely obvious that they are grieving the loss of their leader and sister. We can never fully understand cats and their social intricacies, but I was moved and intrigued with what occurred the day before Snuggles passed away. All my cats spent time with her, but that afternoon, she called one cat over, my sweet Peaches. For a few hours the two laid next to each other, staring into each other’s eyes, with their tails entwined. I took some pictures because I thought it was sweet that Peaches was cuddling her. I wasn’t certain what really was going on until after Snuggles passed the next day. Immediately upon her passing, Peaches came to my side and began to comfort me the same way Snuggles used to when my anxiety was very bad- massaging on me with her paws, laying on my chest and purring. Peaches has always been affectionate, but had never done these specific actions until that day. It was then I realized what occurred the previous day- those hours they spent together, Snuggles was passing the responsibility of taking care of me to Peaches, and teaching her the secrets of how to comfort me in my times of need. Upon realizing this, I was extremely moved and touched. Snuggles loved (and still does love) me so much she wanted to make sure I was cared for after she was no longer with me physically. Now every time I embrace Peaches, it is like I am hugging a piece of Snuggles too, as her legacy of caring lives on.


di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Oh, how incredibly lucky you are to have known that kind of love for twenty years! Your tribute to that precious girl was written through the heart, a beautiful story that will live on for eternity. Because that is what love is, spiritual, so eternal. A love like that just does not go away because a frail body can no longer go on. It endures through the love held in your heart, through your precious memories and through the spirit which will always be entwined with hers. The bond you forged link by link of love will tie your souls together and keep her alive in your heart. She will be greatly missed from your home, but I have a feeling her presence will still be felt, she will always be near, following a new path now, but forever paralleling your own.
My heart goes out to you, I cry because you are in pain, but I rejoice that for twenty years you shared something that few people do, a soulmate's love. My thoughts and prayers are with you, kiss those sweet heads for me that are still under your wonderful care. Take care of yourself......RIP precious Snuggles. You will never be forgotten, you have earned a secure place in a loving heart forever. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
That was such a wonderful love story, you were very blessed to have had her and in good health for 20 years, but to lose her after all that time and because of the very close bond that you had is of course devastating, but unfortunately no matter how long we have them is never enough, but you certainly were blessed for 20 wonderful years and your story reflects the love you had for each other. And Thank God for that stranger who noticed her and stopped and rescued her all those years ago!

"Their last breath on Earth is their first breath in Heaven" :rbheart:

I hope that your heart heals a bit more each day, Lord Bless you......:alright: :grouphug: :rbheart:


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jan 12, 2018
I come on here every so often to read the stories of the beloved cats we all cherish. Some I respond to; others I simply pray for. It is so difficult to lose a precious animal and they are, to most of us, like our children. You and I share not only a loss this year- I lost my baby on January 15th- but the same name for our babies. My Snuggles was originally named Jingles at the shelter, then Kisses the first week with us, before we finally settled on the name Snuggles. And like your lovely girl, she lived up to her name. A perfect fit.

You had a wonderful life with her and she was lucky to have you as a mom. I wish my Snuggles had lived to twenty, but I am thankful for the eleven years I did have. Even though it's been almost four months since I said goodbye, it still seems just like yesterday. Life will never be the same, but time does make it easier to remember the good times.

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. :redheartpump:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
Twenty years of pure and intense love, it's something that few fortunate persons can experience, and you were one of them.
Snuggles was your shadow for two decades, but if you look down she's still there, by your feet, walking along with you for the rest of your life.

RIP Snuggles, you will be missed.
Tell other kittens to tap on people's elbows, it seems the right way to make them open their hearts and give kittens a wonderful life!
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Snuggles’ Mom

TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 30, 2018
Thank you so much to everyone for your wisdom and condolences. Reading your posts warms my heart. Snuggles’ cremains came home on Friday, which was so fitting, as Friday was exactly 20 years from the date we first met. It may sound odd, but I have so much peace now that the remains of her earthly body have come back home. All my other kitties looked over her urn when I showed it to them, and one by one, they took turns “booping” her urn with their heads, like they used to do to tell her “I love you”. She now has a special spot on a sunny windowsill, along with photographs and keepsakes of the life. But her spirit, her soul, the real Snuggles, isn’t in that urn. She is still with me, very much alive in my heart. ❤