In Desperate Need Of Advice


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
I think one 5.5oz can of Friskies per cat is enough for each day, with dry food to snack on. That's what most inside cats get. Plus outdoor cats get mice and birds, which is like wet food too.
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  • #42


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 17, 2014
On the coast of Central California
I think one 5.5oz can of Friskies per cat is enough for each day, with dry food to snack on. That's what most inside cats get. Plus outdoor cats get mice and birds, which is like wet food too.
Thanks for your reply. I am passionate about the subject of feral cats eating birds, so please bare with me while I pull up my soap box. The feral cats I care for eat side by side with the birds who come to eat the cat food each day. The birds wait on the roof of the house next door watching me dish out all of the food, and then they eat side by side with the cats. Truly, I am not kidding. When you think about it, why would a cat want to eat a bird with all those feathers and things after having to work so hard to get one when someone will serve you breakfast and dinner in a nice little dish?
People who walk by when they are all eating together can't believe it. But, the facts put the Audubon Society to shame for all of their "fake" news about the cats being responsible for the decimation of the bird population. In fact, the cats won't kill birds if they are fed. They kill birds when there is nothing else to eat and no mice show up for suicide that day.
I wish everyone would work on communicating the issue to everyone they can. If you don't want feral/stray cats to catch and eat birds then feed them! (Of course, because birds will entice cats no matter what, one occasionally gets caught), but when you see how relaxed the birds are around the cats you know they don't consider them as their major predator anymore.
End of soap box speech.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Thanks for your reply. I am passionate about the subject of feral cats eating birds, so please bare with me while I pull up my soap box. The feral cats I care for eat side by side with the birds who come to eat the cat food each day. The birds wait on the roof of the house next door watching me dish out all of the food, and then they eat side by side with the cats. Truly, I am not kidding. When you think about it, why would a cat want to eat a bird with all those feathers and things after having to work so hard to get one when someone will serve you breakfast and dinner in a nice little dish?
People who walk by when they are all eating together can't believe it. But, the facts put the Audubon Society to shame for all of their "fake" news about the cats being responsible for the decimation of the bird population. In fact, the cats won't kill birds if they are fed. They kill birds when there is nothing else to eat and no mice show up for suicide that day.
I wish everyone would work on communicating the issue to everyone they can. If you don't want feral/stray cats to catch and eat birds then feed them! (Of course, because birds will entice cats no matter what, one occasionally gets caught), but when you see how relaxed the birds are around the cats you know they don't consider them as their major predator anymore.
End of soap box speech.
:clap: :cheerleader::touched::rock: and..... :yeah:

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
When my 'colony' or rather 'clowder' of cats got to around twenty or so, I always mixed a big can of pate food with dry and added a little water. After it sits for a few minutes it softens and absorbs the pate flavor. My cats absolutely loved it, they even refused the all pate when I started feeding that again when their numbers dropped!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Yeah, cats are rodent specialists; they prefer not to have to pluck the feathers before eating something. Birds do flutter enticingly though. . .but mice are preferred.

I saw on a feeding video that Best Friends feeds their cats a mixture of canned and dry with water added, stirred up and allowed to soften, and I thought, well, if it's good enough for them it's good enough for my cats! But I haven't done it yet, lol. It seems like a good way to get the moisture benefits of canned food but the lower cost of dry.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
supermax1943 supermax1943 Friskies also replied to me on Twitter. This is what they said:


They seem open to helping you. I replied to their tweet and let them know that I was asking on your behalf. Send them a DM on Twitter. @Friskies
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  • #48


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 17, 2014
On the coast of Central California
My age is going to show with this question or maybe just my computer illiteracy! What is a "DM"?
I will do whatever it is!
Making that connection with Purina for me is just the most wonderful help! Sometimes when I get a suggestion about how to get help I feel more overwhelmed since time and money are the two things I have so little of. And, I think it really helps when someone calls on behalf of someone that needs help. I think it gives validity to what I do so they don't think I am just someone who wants a discount on food. So a huge thanks and a hug. I will reach out to them when I get home in the morning.
I have gotten many good suggestions about the food which I know will help cut down on costs. I am going to try mixing wet and dry with some water tomorrow and see how it goes over with the kids. It would be a tremendous time and money saver if they will accept it. I will let everyone know what the result is.
Thanks again. I will let you know what I hear from Purina.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
My age is going to show with this question or maybe just my computer illiteracy! What is a "DM"?
I will do whatever it is!
Making that connection with Purina for me is just the most wonderful help! Sometimes when I get a suggestion about how to get help I feel more overwhelmed since time and money are the two things I have so little of. And, I think it really helps when someone calls on behalf of someone that needs help. I think it gives validity to what I do so they don't think I am just someone who wants a discount on food. So a huge thanks and a hug. I will reach out to them when I get home in the morning.
I have gotten many good suggestions about the food which I know will help cut down on costs. I am going to try mixing wet and dry with some water tomorrow and see how it goes over with the kids. It would be a tremendous time and money saver if they will accept it. I will let everyone know what the result is.
Thanks again. I will let you know what I hear from Purina.
A DM is a direct message. It is to the right of the "tweet to" when you pull up someone's Twitter page. You click on "message"



Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
Our local Walmart used to sell cat food bags that were a bit damaged for a cheaper price. Do you get an employee discount, or would they be willing to give you a discount/free cat food sometimes?

Also, if you're concerned that the cheap dry food won't be as nutritious as more costly food, you could stretch the costly food out by mixing it with a higher ratio of cheaper food. You could do this with wet food, too, though it's messier.

I save some of our leftovers to add to the cat food. Go online, and look up human foods that are safe for cats and ones that are dangerous. I feed my guys ham, turkey, chicken, green peas, carrots, green beans, and 100% pure canned pumpkin, and cooked eggs, such as scrambled eggs. I used cheap, canned vegetables, Walmart's brand, Great Value. It really makes the canned food go far, and they love it. If you have leftovers that you know you won't be able to eat before they go bad, use those up by feeding the cats. Maybe you could ask family, friends neighbor and co-workers to save scraps--just make sure you know what's in the food, so it's safe for the cats.

Would Walmart give you a discount/free cans of the vegetables and pumpkin if they are severely dented? What do they do with these? Maybe they'd save them for you.

You don't have to use a new dish each time. We don't. I saved one of those big, black plastic party tray from a party at work. It has a raised rim, and is nearly perfect as a big plate for many cats (my colony has 20 cats). The other caregivers, who are the original ones before me, got a big, clear plastic platter that looks like cut crystal, from Dollar Tree. We don't wash them, either.

Can you ask a local rescue shelter if they could spare some food sometimes? I was once offered this by a group I fostered for (for my own cats), so maybe, if they know you're caring for ferals, they might help you.

Can you get others to save cat food coupons for you?

Can you enlist the help of family, friends, neighbors, or other employees?

You may want to consider getting them adopted out.
Last edited:


Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
Also, you can buy cat food coupons, usually in lots of 10, 20, etc. on eBay. Technically, it's against the rules (or used to be), but it's done openly all the time. I used to buy litter coupons, since we had 10 cats.

Can your roommate help out with the costs?


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 19, 2011
You need your own “rescue”. While I love cats(7 inside rescues and a small colony nearby) there has to be a way for you to get an apprentice/assistant/person of like mind.

Do you have a college nearby? This is where you need help on the ground. If you do have a college, junior college or? They might have a studen who is cat friendly in their bio/prevet/ computer dept.

The right person could also set up a rescue group for your colony so you could apply for grants and financial stuff or even help you feed.

Since you are a Walmart employee don’t they have a community assistance program where you could try for funds/help with your own cat rescue org?

Back to my original statement at the beginning. Just my opinion but you need to skip a feeding day or two ( not in succession of course) and put that effort toward some personal wellness like finding some help.

I am in awe of what you do.


Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
That's an excellent idea. It would not help you, but also, when the day comes when you can no longer (or for long stretches of time) care for them, you can rest assured that they will be cared for. As I am finding with my own group, it's best to have at least one other (several would be best) person as a back up. You need to take care of yourself!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2017
Wow SuperMax Your Amazing!
Keep trying to get people to help Fund your colony!
It's a good cause, Maybe try some corporations to do a monthly donation.
Get a bunch of people to make a small monthly donation, like 5$ a month.
Keep trying you make get a following! And some Volunteers!
In San Diego we have a Feral Cat Coalition not sure maybe you can get some info.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 2, 2017
That is so kind of you to care for them and to work so hard just to make sure they are fed. I'm sure they appreciate it.

Have you considered setting up a gofundme page or something to collect donations? or put up flyers in your area that you are accepting cat food donations to feed the feral cats that are keeping the mice population under control for everyone. Im sure this has been said already but I would suggest getting rid of those paper plates - that alone will cut costs when you aren't throwing away the food bowls. go to a dollar store and get reusable food bowls and I often find they have those whiskas treats at my local dollar store so i always stock up on what I can there for my cats and then I go to the pet pharmacy for the rest of the stuff I need. they are human and animal pharmacy and they dont charge the fancy prices. I shop at petsmart if I have to, and only because they shelter rescue animals there so I want to support them when I can.

Also, have you considered trying to buy the food online in bulk? you can usually find better deals online that in store and you will just have be very organized in ordering before you run out
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  • #58


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 17, 2014
On the coast of Central California
A DM is a direct message. It is to the right of the "tweet to" when you pull up someone's Twitter page. You click on "message"

View attachment 213070
Well, great, I haven't used my Twitter account in years (since 2015 when I attempted to become part of this new century) and just learned my account has been suspended for some "account abuse" I suspect it is because I wasn't using it! Of course, about the only way to make contact is through a cell phone, which I do not have in order to keep expenses down.! I have sent a note via "contact" to them, but just doing that took almost 15 minutes! I am off today and part of tomorrow so I will try and see what I can do. By the way, a lady at work gave me to small 1/2 bags of dry food that she didn't want because "they make her cats sick". Swell. Just what I need.
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  • #59


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
May 17, 2014
On the coast of Central California
An update on one of my days off work. Yesterday I tried the mix of wet and dry with water. Some ate it, all nibbled at it. So, it seems it is a possibility. I may just have to find the right combination for them. I noticed that when it "sat" for a good 5 minutes or so, the dry lost it's "crunchiness" and seemed more interesting to them. I'll have to play around and see what works.
I did "up" the portions and then didn't feed last night. This morning all of the food was gone, so, when hungry, they ate it all. (Although it may have been the "night life" that finished it up). But, just using the Special Kitty dry food for 1/2 of the dry food I feed and doing one meal of mixed dry and wet, and eliminating one meal, I know I have saved a bunch.
I haven't figured out how much yet, but I will do the calculations in the next couple of days. No matter how much, it is a start, which is really important. Everyone has done so much to give great ideas, it has really helped.
I wanted to let you all know too, that Walmart's policy at my store just doesn't allow for giving away their "damaged" food. They give it all to a local charity, no exceptions, except for some that must be sent back to the corporate warehouse for damages. So that ends that source.
I do have a 'go fund me' site, but my iphone that I used for pictures was stolen at work, so I am limited as to pictures I can take, and I must have a " new" picture in order to update or start a new thread on my site. I will do that just as soon as I can.
I want to say too, I hope you can understand, since I am 74 and working at a stocking job that means lifting heavy stock for an 8 hour shift, and with 50 cats to feed and manage, and a house to look after, I need all of the sleep I can get. I did discover I am anemic ( a life-long problem for me) but I am on medication that should "kick in" soon. But, that leaves me with just minutes of extra time in order to find anyone to help me. I did spend almost a year before I started work trying to get help, but to no avail.
I agree with all of you, that I "should" have help. Of course I want the help, but I feel as if I am just holding my head above water most of the time. I went to work because I couldn't find help, and now with work, I don't have time to continue trying to find help. If any of you would like to make contact with any organization on my behalf, that would be wonderful, and it gives validity to what I do.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
I just read through this thread and wanted to commend you for all you do for these cats. :bouquet:

You've gotten a lot of good suggestions in this thread. I hope some of them will pan out for you. :crossfingers:

I can't imagine working the night shift at Walmart, or anywhere for that matter. Will you eventually have the option of getting daytime hours? Or do you prefer the night shift?