I'm Starting To Get Obsessed With Getting A New Pet But Not Over His Death


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Oct 10, 2015
So it's been 2 weeks since my baby died and I'm still grieving. I want to fill the void and adopt a new cat or dog even though I still have another cat. Like getting really obsessed with wanting one right now. I even found a cat that looks like my baby and from the description, acts like him too. All of this isnt right for so many reasons. I'd just want to be finding a replacement for him or stand in and not letting the new cat be its own cat (though im sure i'd love them either way) and also not fair to my cat that's still here or me who is still grieving.

Have you guys gone through this?

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Just go where your heart leads you. You are in the midst of grief and the distraction of a new little one is welcome. It changes nothing and only brings grief to dwell on the death of a loved one, and I know they would never want us to be sad because of their leaving. In fact, they live on through us and the joy and happiness a new love brings to our life is celebrated by them. It honors the departed to open our hearts to a new love, they taught us well and want what they left us to grow and add to the joy in our souls. Your little one will help to guide your decisions, the bond you have will be with you forever. You never replace a love, you add to it. You treasure it as a mother does for each and every child, each so unique and precious.
Please give that little one you still have at home a kiss from me. Good luck in whatever you decide. Please keep us posted!
RIP sweet boy. You will never be forgotten, you will forever have a secure place in a loving heart. May the good Lord bless and keep you until you meet again!


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I'm sorry about your baby!!

Not quite with such close timing but after my Maine coon sweetheart died I knew I wouldn't have a house without a cat. It took a little while to find him, but the Big Kitty has taken over my world :)


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
Well do you see the little guy in the picture to the left with the Tuxedo on? He is a combination of Simon a Tuxedo and Sebastian a long haired black Chantilly, two boys who died in my arms and whom I loved dearly and this guy came along 3 months after Sebastian passed and while he looks like them combined which is very cool he is his own cat, acts his own way and I love him dearly for who he is, so think about the one that you are describing, like you said it is not a replacement for the one you lost but it also could be a wonderful reminder of him if you don't lose sight of the fact that it ISN'T him.

It might be just what you need, but think about it, put it away for a few days and think about it again, and you will have your answer I am sure, good luck either way!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Oct 10, 2015
Thanks for all your replies, as usual, its assuring im not alone in my feelings. I called about this cat and he was adopted yesterday anyway.


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
Thanks for all your replies, as usual, its assuring im not alone in my feelings. I called about this cat and he was adopted yesterday anyway.
Well let me tell you another story....I was not in the "market" to get another cat after Sebastian died, but in our local paper I saw a cute little one that said was a tuxedo and very young and it made me think of Simon, and I showed Deb and said "this sounds like a little Simon" and forgot about it. But the next night Deb was going up to bed and said jokingly "Sabrina says she wants Dexter" which was this cat at the shelter, and I was on the computer and thought of looking up the shelter's website and seeing hopefully a better picture of him, and when I did my eyes popped open wide as he looked like a combination of Simon and Sylvester, like you put their pictures into a computer and made one cat out of the two and I thought "how cool would that be to see a walking tribute to the boys?", but when I called and inquired about him I told them right off the bat that we have 9 cats because the "legal" limit here is 6, so the woman on the phone wouldn't let me get him and I didn't argue, I knew it would go nowhere but she said "perhaps one will come along that needs your help more than this one" and she was right because I let it go for a few days, but then I thought about how cool it would be to see a cat like that and thought "he can't be the only cat that looks like that" so I Googled "long haired tuxedo cats allentown pa" and after looking at a few that were cute but not right I saw the picture you see on the left, stood back and said outloud to myself "that's him, that's my Sylvester!" and he is purrfect as he looks like the two boys combined and I did call and asked and Dexter did get a good home but he didn't have a bushy black tail like Sylvester does and Sebastian did so we needed that to make it right, so I got the right one and he really needed help and Dexter got a good home too so it was a happy ending for us all!

So the moral of the story is don't quit, just because that one was adopted there is another one out there perhaps even more suited for you like Sylvester was for me!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 4, 2014
I know very much how you feel. Sometimes the only way to fill the massive hole in in our hearts is to transfer that love toward another cat. I completely understand. 4 years ago when we lost Frodo, it was only 1 month or so before we adopted Max, who we love and adore. He’s nothing like Frodo or Princess, but we love him all the same. Each cat is a unique gift and having them in our lives brings so much joy.

Don’t close the door on adopting a new baby. Don’t force yourself to adopt a cat that doesn’t feel like the right fit. When you are ready, you will be guided to the right cat for you. The love will be different, but still as true as the love you had for your angel kitty.

With you in grief. What a relief it is to have a place on the Internet where people understand exactly how you hurt. Sending hugs.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
So it's been 2 weeks since my baby died and I'm still grieving. I want to fill the void and adopt a new cat or dog even though I still have another cat. Like getting really obsessed with wanting one right now. I even found a cat that looks like my baby and from the description, acts like him too. All of this isnt right for so many reasons. I'd just want to be finding a replacement for him or stand in and not letting the new cat be its own cat (though im sure i'd love them either way) and also not fair to my cat that's still here or me who is still grieving.

Have you guys gone through this?
Yes, I've gone through this, just recently.
I adopted a new kitten too early after the death of my beloved cat, and now I feel guilty. Things do not work, I can't feel much for her, though she loves me to bits.
I think it was too early and probably I dind't let the events happen naturally...

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Nothing is natural when a loved one dies, except perhaps the death itself. To try to bring happiness and love back into your life as early as possible is not too early, love has no timelines, and saving a little one's life is never wrong.