I'm scared to have my Lucy Spayed


TCS Member
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Jan 22, 2015
Southeast Texas
As with most adoptions in my area, you have to have your kitten spayed or neutered by age 6 months. In my case it's spayed.

I'm scared to have her spayed though. She 4 months old and in great health (as far as I can tell I am not a vet but I have been around 100s of cats growing up). She's very active and such...but for 4 months she is small.

I have another cat, Ninja, who is maybe 8 or 9 months (I don't know what month he was born he was a rescue from my mom's) and he makes her look dwarfed. I got ninja to be a mouser (catch the mice and rats in my home) and to be my companion while my boyfriend is at work.

Back to Lucy, I'm scared that she's going to pass while they are doing the operation or that she isn't going to recover properly. Can anyone tell me how to make sure she is comfortable? What should I give her when she gets her appite back: wet or dry food? How do I keep her from messing with her scare while it's healing. Is there anything I should know that the vet won't tell me?

I did my own research but I would like to hear from more experienced owners. I just don't want to loose my baby kitty...


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
It's fine to have her spayed at 4 months old even though she looks so small.  The minimum age and size is 2 months old and at least 2 pounds.  

I have never had a problem with kitties messing with their incision but some do.  If your kitty is one that does then you will need to put what we call here the cone of shame on her to keep her from messing with the incision.  I think they are actually called Elizabethan collars.  Kitties do hate them but it will be necessary if she is messing with her incision.

My kitties have always done well and were eating their normal food the following day.  I would ask your vet about pain medication.  Some vets don't give it because they believe that pain relief will cause kitty to do more in the way of things like climbing then they should, the vet that spayed the little girl that I have now felt that way.  I would ask though.

I can't say for absolute sure that there won't be issues with the anesthetic but honestly it is very very rare.  Of course for the kitty that has issues it isn't very rare though.  The odds are very good that your kitty will do just fine.
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TCS Member
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Jan 22, 2015
Southeast Texas
Thank you so much, this makes me feel much better. Lucy's appointment is Monday, she's getting her rabies shot too. I did ask the lady at the counter if they did have pain meds and she said yes and that the vet would most likely give me some. I probably won't use them unless she is showing signs of serious pain (I.e. she doesn't want to get up or she hisses at me). I have every intention of going back once I've gotten more money in a month or two and getting her thoroughly checked out and to make sure that she healed fine and to make she doesn't have heart worms. She's not showing signs but I want to make sure. Also, have you ever heard of a cat having an allergy to flea collars? I put one on her and her neck got little welps like she'd been scratching like crazy or something. I took it off and (much to her displeasure) gave her a good rinse to get any residue left off.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I would use the spot treatments rather than the collars.  Kitties have had some bad reactions to the collars.  I would get the Advantage for cats spot treatment.  Frontline is also safe but I have seen posts here that fleas seem to be developing resistance to the Frontline.  One of them have started making collars as well but I forget which one it is, those would be okay.  It really is best to stay away from the collars made by Hartz and Sentry.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 7, 2014
Federal Way, WA
Hey @Kesura!

I recently went through this exact same thing. My Lulu is 6 months, but is SUPER small for her age and she's basically my entire world. I, too, was worried about the spay surgery, mostly the fact that she would have to be put under anesthesia. I had all of these ridiculous irrational thoughts in the back of my mind like "what if she doesn't wake up??! what if she can't tolerate it?!" "what if there are complications??" etc.

Anyway, the surgery went totally fine and she is recovering great (it's been almost 2 weeks). The vet will consider her size and adjust medications, etc. to make sure she's completely safe.  I would encourage you to ask questions beforehand (and after) and voice your concerns/fears to your vet...they will understand and can ease your mind. Most vets give a pain medication injection to cats after the procedure that lasts about a day or so. My girl was a little dazed when I brought her home that evening, but nothing that worried me. You probably won't need any pain meds after that. Lulu was moving a bit slower/taking stairs one by one for the first few days, but she was honestly FINE. I think day 3 she was running and playing everywhere, actually TOO active for her recovery, lol. I ended up buying these calming drops "Animals' Apawthecary, Tranquility Blend" to make her settle down a bit. But honestly, even with being more active than she probably should be, she is healing just fine. She hasn't tried to lick her wound really, and she definitely grooms herself a lot.

She wasn't allowed to have any food after surgery, but early the next morning I fed her her normal stuff- wet food. Aside from her shaven tummy, after day 2-3 you would never know she just had surgery!  Don't worry, I PROMISE you she will be fine!!! Vets do multiple spays every single day, it's a very low-risk procedure.  Usually you don't get a cone unless you bring her home and you absolutely cannot stop her from licking her incision.

Update us after! :)

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TCS Member
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Jan 22, 2015
Southeast Texas
Hey I'm sorry I haven't updated yet. Keeping a contant eye on Lucy for discoloration and such. Her surgery went well and I did end up accepting the pain medication Just in case. It's day 3 after her surgery and she's jumping in the windowsill and up in my lap while I crochet :3

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I'm so happy for you, and her! A 'lump' under the incision can be normal, swelling from the inside trauma and stitches. I thought I'd tell you that so if it happens you won't be alarmed. Look for drainage (other then clear), 'hot' to the touch, or excessive redness that spreads, those are all bad. All the best for you two!
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TCS Member
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Jan 22, 2015
Southeast Texas
Thanks Di! The vet's assistants told me very little other than the discoloration :/ glad to know if I have questions I can always come here