I'm At My Wits End.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 22, 2017
If I don't have my cats fed by 5:45, they'd be clawing at my door, too. How long are they having to wait between the last night's dinner and breakfast? It looks like they're waiting 12 hours between meals. That seems like a long time to me, personally. Can you get up, feed them breakfast earlier than 10-11 a.m., and go back to bed if you're sleeping until midmorning?
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  • #22


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 24, 2014
1/3 cup each or 1/3 cup for both to share twice a day?
Its a scooper thing, it's less than 1/2 cup. So I pull 1/3 cup fill each bowl about half, chloe's slightly less because her weight is higher than norm so sayeth the vet. Basically the last several weigh-ins, a couple monthes ago, she was like 12 or 13 lb's and was getting bigger. Isabelle is actually perfect. I was giving them 1/2 cup but reduced it when the vet said Chloe was still over weight. They wanted me to play with the cats more but they do plenty of that with themselves. In fact some times I have to break them apart because they tend to over do it with each other. I know this because Isabelle playbites REALLY hard when I play with her. All of this just seems to get more complicated. I mean the last 2 cats I had I literally freefed them dry food and they both lived to about 12-13 years old and things seemed less complicated. Now with these 2 current cats I don't know why but it seems alot more complicated and I'm feeling overwhelmed. I have alot of mental problems and it seems I have grown near incapable of dealing with them especially now that I'm alone and by myself. At least years ago I had another person in our house to assist with this kind of thing. All this information has overloaded my brain and I am left even more confused than when I started *sigh*. I honestly do not want to give up my cats I love them, but at the same time I am left feeling too overwhelmed and my mental state deterioates and the strain of not being able to properly sleep only compounds the issue.
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  • #23


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 24, 2014
If I don't have my cats fed by 5:45, they'd be clawing at my door, too. How long are they having to wait between the last night's dinner and breakfast? It looks like they're waiting 12 hours between meals. That seems like a long time to me, personally. Can you get up, feed them breakfast earlier than 10-11 a.m., and go back to bed if you're sleeping until midmorning?
The problem with this is, they will want their food earlier each time, so lets say I do give in and give them food at 9 am, or hell even 8 am which has happened on occasion. They will then beg for food earlier than the appointed time knowing or thinking they are going to get food.

Hell there are times I just say screw it fill both bowls with food and let them at it all day long. I rarely do this because I don't want to get into a habit of letting them think they can freefeed whenever they want. But there are times outside their feeding times that they will bug me for food. Like literally every time I go out of my room they run RIGHT to their bowls, this can be ANY time during the day.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 22, 2017
Well, another member might correct me here, but your feeding schedule may need to be adjusted. Regardless of them crying for food earlier and earlier, 12 hours seems like a very long time between feedings. My cats, who are pretty well-behaved when it comes to feeding, are desperate for food after 9-10 hours of me being gone for work. I really can't imagine them going 12 hours without a meal. I mean, I get grouchy for food after 6 hours. I don't really think that 11 p.m.- 8 a.m. is your cats being ridiculous at all.

Again, that's just me. I freefeed to avoid this problem. I fill up their bowls at 5:45, feed them again when I get home from work at 5:30 p.m., and feed them again around 8:30-9. They get a decent amount each time...a big handful each. I've been blessed with cats who regulate their own schedules and don't get fat.

Are you home all day? If so, it should be easier for you to feed more frequent, smaller, protein-packed meals, without making your kitties wait 12 hours to eat. If you're feeding them restricted, small amounts, I would feed them early in the morning (no later than 7 a.m.), a snack around 1 p.m., their bigger "dinner" around 7 p.m., and then another snack around 11 p.m. (normally I wouldn't expect anyone to feed so late, but you said you're already feeding that late now).
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  • #25


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 24, 2014
Well, another member might correct me here, but your feeding schedule may need to be adjusted. Regardless of them crying for food earlier and earlier, 12 hours seems like a very long time between feedings. My cats, who are pretty well-behaved when it comes to feeding, are desperate for food after 9-10 hours of me being gone for work. I really can't imagine them going 12 hours without a meal. I mean, I get grouchy for food after 6 hours. I don't really think that 11 p.m.- 8 a.m. is your cats being ridiculous at all.

Again, that's just me. I freefeed to avoid this problem. I fill up their bowls at 5:45, feed them again when I get home from work at 5:30 p.m., and feed them again around 8:30-9. They get a decent amount each time...a big handful each. I've been blessed with cats who regulate their own schedules and don't get fat.

Are you home all day? If so, it should be easier for you to feed more frequent, smaller, protein-packed meals, without making your kitties wait 12 hours to eat. If you're feeding them restricted, small amounts, I would feed them early in the morning (no later than 7 a.m.), a snack around 1 p.m., their bigger "dinner" around 7 p.m., and then another snack around 11 p.m. (normally I wouldn't expect anyone to feed so late, but you said you're already feeding that late now).
Again I'd freefeed but having doing that risks diabetes. I don't think I can freefeed wet cat food... I mean, I have enough trouble sleeping as it is and I don't want to wake up earlier. On the other hand it would be really REALLY hard for me to adjust my sleep schedule to feed my cats earlier so they get food earlier. It's like I'm sacrificing my sleep and my mental health even further by doing so.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
It's okay, we're here to help you think of ideas. I experiment with my cats all the time to find what works. If they each eat a 3oz can of wet food per day, then they should only need about 1/2 cup or slightly less of dry food each per day. Maybe just split all that up into 3 meals if you can.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 22, 2017
Again I'd freefeed but having doing that risks diabetes. I don't think I can freefeed wet cat food... I mean, I have enough trouble sleeping as it is and I don't want to wake up earlier. On the other hand it would be really REALLY hard for me to adjust my sleep schedule to feed my cats earlier so they get food earlier. It's like I'm sacrificing my sleep and my mental health even further by doing so.
This is going to be a little scattershot - sorry.

Have you thought about a timed feeder? Give them a "snack" at a particular time each morning?

My wife and I both get up early. At first, our cats would get us up a little earlier each day because my wife would get up and feed them first thing. She altered her routine to be get up and take care of herself in the bathroom and then feed the cats. Now the cats don't wake us up early and just wait right outside the bathroom door.

You are also fighting a behavioral issue. Instead of locking them out all night, you could just basically express your disapproval and lock them out for 5 minutes. This will be a long battle, but they will eventually figure it out.

Do you have a nighttime routine? I had to enforce a bedtime for myself (I have sleep issues too). I play with the cats around 9:30 to tire them out and I go to bed at 10 watch TV until 11. They have figured this out and come into bed around 10:30, get pets and cuddles until 11 and then I ignore them.

No toys or playing with the cats in the bedroom, although I let them bring in toys and entertain themselves.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 3, 2017
I'm still a little confused on if you are feeding 1/3 cup EACH twice a day or taking 1/3 cup twice a day and splitting it between them so they are really getting 1/6 a cup twice a day? If you are splitting 1/3 cup between them that may not be enough food depending on the calories per cup of what you are feeding...
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  • #29


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 24, 2014
I'm still a little confused on if you are feeding 1/3 cup EACH twice a day or taking 1/3 cup twice a day and splitting it between them so they are really getting 1/6 a cup twice a day? If you are splitting 1/3 cup between them that may not be enough food depending on the calories per cup of what you are feeding...
No, thats 1/3 cup 2 seperate times :p sorry I have issues trying to explain myself if it comes off as confusing I apologize. I dip the food stick thing whatever it's called -_-, 1/3 at 10-11 am in the morning, and 1/3 at 10-11pm at night. So think of a double handful twice a day. If that makes it easier to understand.

This is going to be a little scattershot - sorry.

Have you thought about a timed feeder? Give them a "snack" at a particular time each morning?

My wife and I both get up early. At first, our cats would get us up a little earlier each day because my wife would get up and feed them first thing. She altered her routine to be get up and take care of herself in the bathroom and then feed the cats. Now the cats don't wake us up early and just wait right outside the bathroom door.

You are also fighting a behavioral issue. Instead of locking them out all night, you could just basically express your disapproval and lock them out for 5 minutes. This will be a long battle, but they will eventually figure it out.

Do you have a nighttime routine? I had to enforce a bedtime for myself (I have sleep issues too). I play with the cats around 9:30 to tire them out and I go to bed at 10 watch TV until 11. They have figured this out and come into bed around 10:30, get pets and cuddles until 11 and then I ignore them.

No toys or playing with the cats in the bedroom, although I let them bring in toys and entertain themselves.
I've not really thought about a timed feeder, I suppose I could try it. I tend to give them snacks at 5 pm every day, though sometimes I forgot. And yes this is a behavorial thing. The clawing of my bed is them saying "I'm hungry it's time for us to be fed". I think they should get more food, like I said I'd love it for them to free feed whenever they wish but my outright fear of diabetes and what I had to put up with with my Matty I would have a nervous breakdown if I had to go through that again... And you have to understand, all kinds of people are giving me different information so it's hard to actually gauge what is right over what the other person thinks is right. If I can get away with wet food without causing other issues like teeth issues I will but because I simply cannot afford to have their teeth dealt with and lets face it, the vets have already pestered on several visits this year about how bad their teeth are yet I have no way of knowing if this is just a way to get money out of me or it's a legitimate concern. As for a routine I usually don't. As I said I have alot of mental issues which I don't really think I need to get into, so my days are really kind of a clustered mess. It's becoming more and more difficult for me to cope with my mental problems and now the cats. I find myself getting very upset with the cats for ripping up brand new bed sheets for their want of food. I simply cannot allow myself to grow angry with my cats because they are simply being cats. I love them dearly and I want to do what I can, within my power and current situation, to make them comfortable and happy. Needless to say they are well loved and happy but I can't neglect my mental situation to simply appease the cats.

EDIT: I forgot to mention I would like to give them wet food but I am not sure what wet food to give. I tend to stick with purina as thats what I've used for a very long time and it seems they like it and whatnot. I wouldn't mind going with purina wet food but if there is something that may be more beneficial for 4 year old cats as far as wet food I'd love any suggestions. I am probably going to get them wet food to accomadate their dinners.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
I use Purina canned food like Friskies, Fancy Feast, Purina One, and Purina Pro Plan. I just avoid too many fish flavors.
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  • #31


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 24, 2014
I use Purina canned food like Friskies, Fancy Feast, Purina One, and Purina Pro Plan. I just avoid too many fish flavors.
Ya fish flavors tend to be very addictive for my cats or at least Isabelle :p. I like chicken personally.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 21, 2012
I'm sorry I had that wrong. I see that you're already feeding every 12 hours. Maybe you could offer them a meal in between times to see if that'll help. Sometimes I give mine 4 cans at around 8pm and then another 2 at around 11 to get them through the night. They only eat canned.
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  • #34


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 24, 2014
I'm sorry I had that wrong. I see that you're already feeding every 12 hours. Maybe you could offer them a meal in between times to see if that'll help. Sometimes I give mine 4 cans at around 8pm and then another 2 at around 11 to get them through the night. They only eat canned.
ya what I've decided is, I'll feed them dry food like I normally do at their morning and night times, and in between I'll give them each a half of a 30 ounce can of wet cat food like I just fed them now. So that way it should help with their appetite and still maintain proper balance of protein.