I'd like to tell you about my little buddy Sylvester


Sylvester's daddy
Thread starter
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
After reading that wonderful story from HeatherNichelle about her new wonderful kitty Adrianne, I would like to do the same about Sylvester whom I got about 7 months ago; I know I have spoken about him in other threads, but would like to give him a "headlining" story, I hope you don't mind as it will get long lol!!!

May 2014 we lost Simon, 12 year-old tuxedo with a very comedic personality, he had stomach cancer and it was his time to go, I held him as the vet put him down and it was so very hard, it took a huge piece of me when he died, but he was very sick. He was a stray that was living outside of an elderly folks living center, and I took him in and he gave us 11 fun filled years and was quite a character as tuxedos are, we still miss him and his antics.

November 2015, we lost Sebastian, 15.5 year-old Chantilly long haired black fur with some brown mixed in. He was sick for 3 weeks with what we just thought was an upper respiratory problem, but it obviously was much more and something the vets couldn't see either. I came home one night from work, and his right paw and leg were stuck in the miniblinds, and as I tried to release him without hurting him I looked skyward and pleaded "please God, not like this....don't let it end like this", but about 15 seconds after I freed him he passed away in my arms, and I rushed him down to the vet to see if he was just in shock but he was gone. The vet said the being tangled part didn't kill him, he was weak but cats can get a shot of adrenaline at the end and do crazy things, maybe he was trying to climb up the blinds or climb out the window, we'll never know, but there was something else very seriously wrong and it was just his time, but coming home to that just messed me up for many months, it is akin to you walking into a room, seeing someone hanging themselves (although he wasn't but close), and when you got them down from that they died in your arms, I developed anxiety and post traumatic stress from that for a long time, but he was no doubt hanging on-literally and figuratively-because he knew I would be home soon, so he held on, and as tragic and painful and difficult as that was I now look back and am grateful that I got to hold him in his final moments, that he didn't die alone, but it was horrible but that's life, and looking back I realize that despite my pleas to God yes it HAD to be that way, so I could hold him...but he was a very vocal cat, almost human-like the way he would "talk" to us, so losing that also left a huge void, and he was my wife's favorite although we love them all dearly.

A few months later I saw in the Saturday paper a cute black/white picture of a cat up for adoption at a local shelter, 10 weeks old named "Dexter". I smiled and said "this picture sort of looks like a little Simon" to Deb, smiled and moved on, but the next night Deb was going to bed and jokingly yelled to me "Sabrina (a cat) said she wants Dexter", and I thought "yes, I wanted to look him up on the shelter's website" so I did, and I nearly fell off the chair, he looked like a mixture of if you combined Simon and Sebastian together, long haired black and white tuxedo cat, and I thought "how cool would that be, to see him walking around here and remind me of the two boys?!", so I inquired about him, but since we have 9 cats the woman on the phone wouldn't recommend that we get him because we had so many already, what about money, etc. etc., and I understood and knew it wasn't going to happen. She did say "you and your wife are doing a very good thing with these cats, but PERHAPS ONE WILL COME ALONG THAT NEEDS HELP MORE THAN HE DOES".

Truer words were never spoken!

I realized that I couldn't adopt him, and knew he was already in a shelter at least, and would probably get a home because he was young, then I realized "he CAN'T be the only cat that looks like that", so I just punched into Google "long haired tuxedo cats allentown pa" and after a few pictures there he was, I knew it IMMEDIATELY and said outloud to myself "that's him, that's Sylvester!!!", and he was through a local agency that we already had dealt with in the past, but it got even better as he was a "courtesy" post which meant he was through a private owner, they just posted his info but couldn't take him so I got in touch with them and to make a long story even more unbearable I got him! These people live near where I work, there are many strays there and they take them in and try their best, they have hearts of gold but don't have the means to take care of them properly, but had they not taken him in I never would have gotten him! He was basically living in a small bathroom because another cat was very mean to him and always wanted to fight him, and when I took him to the vet I saw that he was thin and had lost fur because of flea bites and was loaded with fleas, I looked away with tears in my eyes and said "I don't want to see that" and the vet tech touched my arm and said "it's very treatable" and I knew that, but I explained what he meant and represented to me and she very kindly said to him "your new daddy loves you very much" and I do, he represents to me what the 2 boys meant to us plus he is now his own cat too, and at times when I hold him I feel like I am holding all 3 at the same time, and I just kiss his head and whisper "I helped you, and you helped me", as having him slowly helped heal me and get me past that awful night with Sebastian, and he is my joy and my heart just smiles every time I look at him, he looks so so good now, big plume of a black tail, black fur with some brown in just like Sebastian but white paws and tuxedo like Simon! You couldn't have designed a cat that was a better 50/50 blend of the two boys, what a great tribute to them, but he is Sylvester his own cat, and he has that nix-nut personality that Simon had, I just adore him and cherish him and him me, he follows me and hangs out with me like a dog, I play with him (and the others of course), but he will always represent something so very special to me and I hope I have him for many more years to come! Had we gotten Dexter we never would of been able to help him, and Dexter DID get adopted too so it worked out wonderfully!

I am not good with posting pictures, but if someone else is and can post it on here please do, or if you just want to see 2 pictures of him from late last year just Google "Charlie*'s webpage cat shack trexlertown pa", don't forget the asterisk * in the name and you will see him, there are a few Charlie's but he is the black and white one from the Cat Shack, Trexlertown, Pa.and his status I am proud to say says "ADOPTED"!!!! And I think Sylvester suits him better than Charlie, actually perfectly I think!!!

Thank you for listening, he is my joy, I love him dearly, he is his own cat, not a replacement for the other two but a great tribute. Funny how things worked out for the best.....

Please feel free to post his pictures if you can!


Cat herder - Pooper Scooper
Super Cat
Feb 10, 2016
West Tennessee
I just looked him up....he is beautiful!!  Congrats on you all finding each other!
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Sylvester's daddy
Thread starter
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I just looked him up....he is beautiful!!  Congrats on you all finding each other!
Thank you, it truly was "destiny" that we found each other, as well as Adrienne and HeatherNichelle finding each other, no doubt in my mind.

"Sometimes one leaves to make room for another...." is what a woman that I work with says. How true....


Cat herder - Pooper Scooper
Super Cat
Feb 10, 2016
West Tennessee
Thank you, it truly was "destiny" that we found each other, as well as Adrienne and HeatherNichelle finding each other, no doubt in my mind.

"Sometimes one leaves to make room for another...." is what a woman that I work with says. How true....
I've been told that as well.  It's so sad, but so true.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 13, 2016
Portland, Oregon
Thank you for sharing the story of how Sylvester came into your lives. I looked him up as well...he is beautiful [emoji]10084[/emoji]️ I absolutely believe that these furry ones come into our lives when they are supposed to. Your heart needed to heal from the loss of your beloved Simon and Sebastain and I have to think that they knew that and made sure that you found Sylvester [emoji]128522[/emoji]


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 8, 2014
Kansas City, MO
Aw! Just got off and was able to sit down and read the whole beautiful story!! I am dearly sorry for your losses. Your babies left a wonderful imprint on your soul and it is a true blessing that Sylvester came along to fill the void they left.  I understand perfectly how you feel about that sweet boy. He may be similar in character but has a place all his own in your heart.

God knows us better than we even know ourselves, and he knew just what you would need to make your family whole again. Dexter was simply the sign that guided you towards Sylvester. I believe they are our little angel kitties sent to us for comfort, entertainment, & companionship. It's hard not to hold them with a special kind of regard- that doesn't lesson your relationship with your other kitties in any way.

I always said that I was a one cat kinda gal. However, my parents ended up with a prego lady that eventually made her way to me. So, I went from little Miss Adrianne to a having 6 more lives to make time for. I found homes for those precious 5 babies, but Misty (that's the Mama) is still with me. I just couldn't rehome her too, or give her back to my parents. She had been with me for 3 months by then & the three of us were used to each other. The thought of making her start all over again just broke my heart. She's also a pretty young cat- almost 2- and so she brings a lot of energy to the house that wasn't here before.

Thank you very much for sharing!!
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Sylvester's daddy
Thread starter
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
Thank you all for your great posts and comments, and yes, I believe the two boys guided me to Sylvester or him to me, it is true! And another great thing is that I can contact his previous owners if I ever have a question about anything, and she even calls me from time to time to check on how he is doing and that shows that they really loved him!

Thanks again, he is my joy....



TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 13, 2016
Portland, Oregon
Thank you all for your great posts and comments, and yes, I believe the two boys guided me to Sylvester or him to me, it is true! And another great thing is that I can contact his previous owners if I ever have a question about anything, and she even calls me from time to time to check on how he is doing and that shows that they really loved him!

Thanks again, he is my joy....

That is really great you can communicate with his previous owners. I'm sure that really helped with his transition to his new home. I had little to no information on my girl when I adopted her and I always wonder about her previous life.
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Sylvester's daddy
Thread starter
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
That is really great you can communicate with his previous owners. I'm sure that really helped with his transition to his new home. I had little to no information on my girl when I adopted her and I always wonder about her previous life.
Yes it is a HUGE help to me, I am very fortunate!!

When we brought him in, he stayed in a big dog crate that we put in the living room whenever a new one comes in so they can see each other without being just thrown in with each other; we have a Cape Cod house so there aren't any rooms that we can keep a new cat in, so we have to do it this way and it works. I bought him a bed, and he loved it, looked so cute in it, but after 2 days he basically said "I'm tired of this cage, I'm outta here", bolted past me and hid under a sofa downstairs for weeks. We let him do whatever he wanted, remember he came from a home where other cats were mean to him, and now he is in a strange place with 9 other cats, so we let him "live" down there, took food, water and a litter box down there, and I sat and talked to him and played string toys with him, trying to coax him out, basically willing him to come out, and we would see him slowly come closer and closer to the edge of the sofa, and I can still see in my mind his white paw sticking out playing string toy with me, and me saying "please come out, it's okay...you don't need to live under the sofa", and one day he did, and gradually with more coaxing made his way up and into the house, and now pretty much goes where he wants. There is still some apprehension in him, sometimes scared yet, but it has only been 7 months, and he has progressed wonderfully. He has some "conflicts" with the others and them him, but it seems like it is dropped quickly, and again he came from a tough situation and is still adjusting to us. But I'll never forget about 1 day after we got him, I picked him up and we took him into the bathroom to check him for fleas and just hold him and get him used to us, and he was son gangly, he didn't even know how to be held because not many did I guess, and he looked at me so pitiful with those big eyes like he was thinking "what's going to happen to me next?", and I told him "this is your forever home", and he curled up in the sink like he must've done at the other place which brought tears to Deb's eyes, and I scooped him up and told him "you don't have to sleep in the sink here"......unless you want to lol! Now he jumps up on the sink to "help" me get ready in the morning, and he "helps" me tie and untie my sneaker laces which means I usually get cut lol!!!

He is my joy, I love him dearly....


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 13, 2016
Portland, Oregon
I'm glad you shared the story if how you integrated Sylvester in to your home. I've been wanting to adopt a second cat but I live in a one bedroom apartment and while I have plenty of square footage, the only room with a door, in order to initially separate new cat and resident cat, is my bedroom. I have no problem having the new cat in with me initially but my concern has been that my cat would be very upset about not having access to me at night, which would create stress during a stressful time of introducing two cats to each other. So, the idea off the crate is a great solution...thank you!!!
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Sylvester's daddy
Thread starter
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I'm glad you shared the story if how you integrated Sylvester in to your home. I've been wanting to adopt a second cat but I live in a one bedroom apartment and while I have plenty of square footage, the only room with a door, in order to initially separate new cat and resident cat, is my bedroom. I have no problem having the new cat in with me initially but my concern has been that my cat would be very upset about not having access to me at night, which would create stress during a stressful time of introducing two cats to each other. So, the idea off the crate is a great solution...thank you!!!
I'm glad I could help! Yes, we use a very large dog crate, we put large towels over the top and drape them over the sides but leave a decent amount of open area where they can see each other but still feel safe. We usually cover the back of it and a bit of the sides, put blankets, a bed, food, water a litter box and some toys in there, and we always joke that it looks so comfy we want to sleep in it ha ha!
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Sylvester's daddy
Thread starter
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
Just bumping this up so Debie can read it, she just lost her kitty and says it will help her to hear about cats that we lost in the "Crossing the bridge" section.