I'd like to introduce myself , my 1 cat & my newest additions: 2 random strays


TCS Member
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Mar 23, 2013
My name is Rorie (female) and I've had my black and white kitty Zoey since 2006. He ( yes HE , I named him Zoey when I thought he was a "she" and I liked it so I decided not to change it)

Zoey is a type of cat that is a total diva and brat. He only likes cuddles and affection ON HIS TERMS, otherwise IT AIN'T HAPPENING! If I do start to pet him randomly throughout the day, I can get like 5 strokes in before his tail starts whipping and he starts giving me grumpy cat noises so I back off. He is such a brat  when he is cuddling with me ( usually in bed late night or morning) and if my alarm clock goes off or if I play music he will crane his neck around and look at me from his curled up position to give me the whiniest grunt EVER as if to tell me " turn that noise OFF NOW"  ....ooooooh you should see the LOOK he gives me.

Also if I'm in bed and he is laying down by my legs and starts grooming himself, if he catches me watching him, he will give me "the look" and "the grunt" and straight up turn around to ever which way I can't see him to continue grooming himself!  It's like, "well excuuuse me! " He is also an investigator to the extreme. I know all cats love sniffing and lurking at everything but x's that by 100 and you have Zoe. He will get in any nook or corner to "see whats up" Recently, I opened the fridge and he jumped right in and started sniffing!

My two other cats, I've basically adopted. They are two  feral/stray cats I started feeding  when I saw them lurking around the neighborhod and they wouldn't even let me touch them at all at one point. I believe they are strays and not feral because as I started putting out wet food with their dry food and had clean water around the clock for them .... I slowly gained their trust. I'll get into it more in another post.

One of the strays I call "Big Boy" because he is a long haired GORGEOUS cat with fluffy black tail, black nose and the MOST GIGANTIC paws/feet Ive EVER seen! But recently, I've been lead to believe Big Boy may be Big GIRL.... it's really hard, I cant get a good look because he/she doesn't like me lifting the tail all that much lol. Big Boy/Girl is VERY AFFECTIONATE

Other cat looks like a scrawny street ghetto version of Zoe. Sometimes I get them mixed up when one is far away and my vision isn't all that great. I call him LITTLE boy. i guess I could rename them but I used the names big boy and lil boy just to differenciate when talking about them. I say he is street ghetto because yes he does look like my cat Zoe, but he has a swagger  about him when he walks and limps on occassion ( I think maybe he was hit by a car at one point maybe?) and sometimes he seems to have vertigo.I feel like somethings not right with his nervous system. He is filthy too. lol. He would be pigpen from the peanuts. I'm talking dirt all up in his mouth, I try to clean him up as much as I can when he lets me.

Oh ...& Zoey DESPISES Lil boy and Big Boy. I have to sneak around cuddling them up on the patio or Zoe will go on a frenzy. ( Zoey is an outdoor/indoor cat, i've recently had to monitor his outdoor privledges because I know he will do something mean to those cats)

Ok, this ended up being really long and i haven't even broke the surface yet on all the drama,advice and questions I have for you fellow cat lovers but I thought I'd introduce myself first.

So I hope to hear your stories as well! 




Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
Hi Rorie, and welcome to TCS! 

I love the way you've had a few girl/boy issues... it will be interesting to find out what big girl/boy actually is.

I'm guessing you haven't been able to get them vet checked then... Good on you for looking after these two.  I do hope they become more and more friendly and that Zoey can see a way to befriend them. 
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TCS Member
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Mar 23, 2013
Thank you Mani! 

No, I haven't brought Big boy / girl or Lil boy to the vet, and its for the sole reason that I'm afraid I can't afford it. I can definately set it up for spay /neuter ( I have a feeling both already are.... abandoned and/or runaway kitties) and shots but lil boy is a cripple and kind of seems "off" ( he is such a sweetheart though and loves to be loved) and Big Girl has had sneezes, sniffles, green snot being sneezed on me pretty much since I got close to her. Plus sinus attacks, episodes of some sort, I don't know really what its from. She very well may have a upper respitory infection, but I  have a feeling maybe I'll get bad news and there won't be anything I can do because I can't afford it. I am searching and calling around to low cost clinics, but none of them promise discount on more serious vet services. 

I've been bad, but I love these cats so much, esp with Big girl's cold.... I started giving her my cat ( Zoeys)  left over antibiotics in her food. i'd mix it up...and she got better! but never cured all the way. she still has symptoms but not as bad when i give her antibiotics. I worry about her so much and I don't want her to suffer, but I've been keeping an eye on her eating ,drinking and energy. She is called BIG girl/boy for reason...so far she can EAT tons and shes drinking ALOT of water... and she follows me everywhere when Im outside. She has energy so thats hopeful. I'm torn. I want her to see a vet ASAP but I just do not have the funds if it was anymore than price of vaccines spay/neuter. 


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
The spay/neuter bit is the important one at the moment... You never know - they may even have been done, but it's unlikely.

I can see you've been over in Caring for Strays and Ferals.  That's a great place to get good advice. 

And it's wonderful that you can help these guys just doing what you're doing... please don't feel like I'm pressuring you at all.  .