IBD/GI lymphoma vomiting


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 27, 2021
Oh god, Hills ZD was the worst for my cat. Explosive diarrhea too. I've never seen my cat run to his litterbox so fast. Poor little guy. He also started scooting on the carpet and his bum was a bit inflammed from it. He never scoots. He must have been so uncomfortable. I only gave it to him for maybe 3 days. (I have since read lots of comments from other cat owners reporting the same thing with ZD). I currently have him on RAWZ rabbit since daftcat75 daftcat75 recommendation and he is loving it. I know I started this thread with suspected IBD/Lymphoma but it seem his cyclic vomiting episodes are actually more likely due to pancreatitis (IBD/lymphoma still a concern but an additional one!). His blood panel showed low B12 and since he got his first shot his appetite has been amazing! He's completely off kibble now and is loving the wet food. Fingers crossed he doesn't go off it again like he has with other foods cause I just ordered a case. With regard to probiotic I still have much research to do, I asked my vet but she didn't seem to think it necessary. I have read a lot a bout how s. boulardii supplements are very effective in gut healing though (the brand often recommended is the Jarrow one) so I have started him on those (had to take a break because of his flare). If you need more pointers about this let me know.
S.boulardii with MOS is for diarrhea. If your cat has low vit b12, s. Boulardii with MOS won’t work. Since my cat is usually constipated I don’t give that one. Lot of IBD cat owners use Proviable or visbiome. Fortiflora doesn’t hav enough live bacteria to be beneficial. many owners use it as flavoring agent from my research.

I don’t know how effective is probiotic. My cat’s IBD is eosinophilic.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease - All Feline Hospital located, 2300 S. 48th St. Suite 3 Lincoln, NE 68506

Read this, it explains different types of IBD. I also want to start raw but since her IBD is eosinophilic, I’m not sure about that. Lot of cat owners have success with raw.

If you have any info , please share.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
A quick point on CBD. It is very safe on its own. However, it is metabolized by the same liver enzymes that metabolize steroids among other drugs. If he is taking steroids, I don’t recommend giving CBD at the same time. It can make the steroids last longer or act stronger. This is not necessarily a good thing. Steroids are already tough on a cat and last longer than many dosing schedules. I would regard CBD as an either/or rather than an addition. Then the additional caution becomes opportunity cost—how long do you stubbornly cling to CBD before you decide steroids are necessary? CBD can be great. But don’t get too enamored with it that you don’t move on to bigger guns (steroids) if they are needed. Steroids will eventually have to be part of that plan A. I know no vet who would prescribe chemo without trying steroids first. Or in addition to steroids. Steroids are hard on a cat. If you have this controlled without steroids, run with it for as long as you can. But know that steroids are part of plan A before you can ask the doc about plan B. And when it comes time to try steroids, that’s the time to discontinue the CBD.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
S.boulardii with MOS is for diarrhea. If your cat has low vit b12, s. Boulardii with MOS won’t work. Since my cat is usually constipated I don’t give that one. Lot of IBD cat owners use Proviable or visbiome. Fortiflora doesn’t hav enough live bacteria to be beneficial. many owners use it as flavoring agent from my research.

I don’t know how effective is probiotic. My cat’s IBD is eosinophilic.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease - All Feline Hospital located, 2300 S. 48th St. Suite 3 Lincoln, NE 68506

Read this, it explains different types of IBD. I also want to start raw but since her IBD is eosinophilic, I’m not sure about that. Lot of cat owners have success with raw.

If you have any info , please share.
I don’t recommend giving FortiFlora to IBD kitties. Besides not having enough colonies to be truly effective, it is also a hidden source of chicken ingredients. The “animal digest” in the ingredients is an enzymatic digestion of chicken protein. I would use it as an enticement to get Krista to eat. And every time it would flare her up. Sometimes it was more subtle—head shaking and ear scratching vs. butt or gut eruptions. But it still became clear that this is no-no food additive for food trials. Proviable is a good vet recommended probiotic. You may have to get it through your vet. But unlike prescription food, Proviable does seem to do a good job.
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  • #26


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 8, 2021
S.boulardii with MOS is for diarrhea. If your cat has low vit b12, s. Boulardii with MOS won’t work. Since my cat is usually constipated I don’t give that one. Lot of IBD cat owners use Proviable or visbiome. Fortiflora doesn’t hav enough live bacteria to be beneficial. many owners use it as flavoring agent from my research.

I don’t know how effective is probiotic. My cat’s IBD is eosinophilic.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease - All Feline Hospital located, 2300 S. 48th St. Suite 3 Lincoln, NE 68506

Read this, it explains different types of IBD. I also want to start raw but since her IBD is eosinophilic, I’m not sure about that. Lot of cat owners have success with raw.

If you have any info , please share.
Hello! Ohh, I thought S Boulardii was for inflammation of the digestive tract in general, and not just helpful for cats with diarrhea. And why won't it work if there is a B12 deficiency? My cat is on B12 injections now.
Thanks for the link. I read it and it was very informative. I would love to know what type of IBD (if it is indeed IBD) my cat has. How did you find out yours has eosinophilic? Was it through a biopsy?
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  • #27


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 8, 2021
I don’t think many vets know that FortiFlora contains chicken. Mine didn’t. 🤦🏼‍♂️ Krista knew though. 😿
Wow, was her allergy so sensitive that she would react to just the tiniest amount?

Thank you for the info re CBD. There seems to be pitfalls around every corner! I will certainly bear that in mind but he is not on steroids at the moment (vet seems reluctant because of his diabetes.I think she also wants to get results from a biopsy first). If he is ever put on them then I will hold off on the CBD.
If he needs steroids then so be it, but I am nervous about the return of diabetes (he's entered remission twice now). I needs constant monitoring and makes going away even for a night very difficult.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
Wow, was her allergy so sensitive that she would react to just the tiniest amount?

Thank you for the info re CBD. There seems to be pitfalls around every corner! I will certainly bear that in mind but he is not on steroids at the moment (vet seems reluctant because of his diabetes.I think she also wants to get results from a biopsy first). If he is ever put on them then I will hold off on the CBD.
If he needs steroids then so be it, but I am nervous about the return of diabetes (he's entered remission twice now). I needs constant monitoring and makes going away even for a night very difficult.
Hopefully he won't need steroids. But if he does, ask your vet about budesonide.

Budesonide is a corticosteroid designed to be taken orally, and treat inflamed intestinal mucosa as if it were a topical. It is absorbed into the body but promptly de-activated by the liver so that it is not seen by the rest of the body and side effects are minimized. Budesonide is made to treat intestinal inflammation in patients who are not tolerant of more traditional steroids such as prednisolone or dexamethasone.

Of course, no plan is perfect. The problem with this seemingly ideal treatment plan is that budesonide is a very strong corticosteroid (about fifteen times stronger than prednisolone). This means that even the minimal amount that does get absorbed can be significant and it appears that the more inflamed the bowel lining is, the more budesonide is absorbed into the body. Appropriate dosing is very important with this medication so as not to defeat the purpose of steroid side effect prevention.
BUDESONIDE - Mar Vista Animal Medical Center
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  • #29


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 8, 2021
Hopefully he won't need steroids. But if he does, ask your vet about budesonide.

BUDESONIDE - Mar Vista Animal Medical Center
Great info! Will do! His second opinion (potential new vet?) appointment got moved up by a week so it's this coming Monday. They are also doing in-person appointments unlike seemingly all other vets so that will be nice!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
Wow, was her allergy so sensitive that she would react to just the tiniest amount?

Thank you for the info re CBD. There seems to be pitfalls around every corner! I will certainly bear that in mind but he is not on steroids at the moment (vet seems reluctant because of his diabetes.I think she also wants to get results from a biopsy first). If he is ever put on them then I will hold off on the CBD.
If he needs steroids then so be it, but I am nervous about the return of diabetes (he's entered remission twice now). I needs constant monitoring and makes going away even for a night very difficult.
Overactive immune system plus leaky gut. Yes. Small amounts can cause big trouble. This was also a learned allergy. She didn't start out allergic to chicken. But that's how these things go. The longer the barn door is left open (the runaway inflammation), the more exposure the immune system has to things it shouldn't be seeing (undigested food bits that passed through a leaky gut membrane.) As many who were sick as a dog after their covid vaccine shot can attest to, it doesn't take much to stimulate an immune system, especially one that is already on guard. Her lymphoma remission was delayed for months because I kept believing her medicine should be stronger than the potential trigger of the fish flakes I wrapped her nightly pred pill within. I called this our devil's bargain because, although the fish flakes were a potential trigger, it was getting her to take her own medicine every night. If I had to do it all over again, we would have used transdermal pred right from the start.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Feb 27, 2021
Budesonide has a high first-pass metabolism with minimal systemic absorption. It has to come in contact to work and be eliminated hepatically. Budesonide is safe in most cases but not effective if the inflammation is mostly in the lower GI

Aafia Ijaz

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 9, 2021
My cat has either IBD or lymphoma and has the same thickening of intestinal walls. He's recently been diagnosed with heart disease, so a biopsy is out of the picture for him. Until he suddenly lost his appetite a couple of months ago, his one and only symptom for about a year and a half was vomiting once every night (just bile mixed with a bit of fur) in the early hours of the morning. It seemed to come on quite suddenly, and he would always eat treats eagerly a minute or two after he threw up, so the nausea wasn't lingering.

I went to several vets when it started and none of them seemed concerned, just said that it was acid reflux and to give him a snack overnight so his stomach doesn't get too empty. It did help the vomiting somewhat, but ultimately it was just a band-aid over the root cause.

My vet said that one way to get a better idea if it's IBD or lymphoma is to do a course of steroid shots. If it's IBD, the steroid shots will most likely help. If it's lymphoma, they won't. (I personally can't go this route with my cat because of the heart thing.)

My vet also suggested to get my cat on a single protein food, the protein being something the cat has never had before, to see if that helps. Unfortunately, my cat is allergic to poultry, so he's had about every other type of protein out there because that's all he could eat and I don't think there are any novel proteins left. You might want to look into trying a raw food diet for a while if your cat is amenable to that. The raw food I get (Primal Raw) doesn't have any of those fillers like peas that your cat might be reacting to, and it comes in flavors like rabbit and venison that might be new to him.

It sounds like our cats' experiences have been pretty different in regards to vomiting, but I do know how tough it is to be going through this and I hope that you're able to figure things out for Solgy.
Hi. Can you tell me what was the diagnosis? As my cat seems to have similar symptoms like vomiting yellow or white foam with a bit of fur and debris once every day. Before she was shaved she was also throwing up hairball. She is also having mustard color diarrhea and her appetite has decreased dramatically. Not to mention, she also has kidney disease and tumor in one of her mammary glands

Aafia Ijaz

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 9, 2021
Great info! Will do! His second opinion (potential new vet?) appointment got moved up by a week so it's this coming Monday. They are also doing in-person appointments unlike seemingly all other vets so that will be nice!
Hi. You never updated us about whether your cat had IBD or not?