I Yelled At My Cat Yesterday Help Please


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 30, 2018
Hello! I came across this website and couldn't find a better place to share my problem at.

To start off, I have an outdoor, 100% white cat with green eyes named Piyon. From what I was told, she is around 8 months old, judging by her look/size. She started showing up at my house around 3 months ago but started sleeping at our terrace for about a month now. She is the type of cats that infinitely likes to be cuddled, likes to lay on the floor and play, curls between people's legs, and never ever acts aggressively or gets scared by visitors she never seen before (she's been like that since I met her).

We have a very good relashionship. I feed her almost whenever she wants to eat, and she always keeps following me when I'm in my backyard. Let me also mention that I am able to "communicate" with her since I know how to make a perfect cat noise with the side of my upper lip which I use to always call her when she's not around and she comes instantly, or she starts having a sort of conversation with me . (VIDEO: )

The Problem: Yesterday I wanted to go to my neighbor's place late at night who lives right across the street. Since the terrace (where the cat stays and sleep) is right next to the entrance main door, she heard me and as always came running to me. Before I left the house I strictly told her not to follow me (but that was before I did research and found out that cats cannot be disciplined) but when I was crossing the street, I looked back and she was in the middle of the street and cars can pass by any second. I picked her up and put her back on the terrace but she followed me again and then I gave up and ignored her. After a few hours I went back home, didn't see her, did the cat noise out loud and then I saw her crossing the street and she came back home. When she arrived I ignored her for a minute, then started yelling at her very much, and I think my initial reaction made her scared. This went on for a good 10 minutes I guess, and while I was yelling at her she would look sad, not looking me straight in the face, and meowing with a low voice.
When that finished I went to the kitchen, got her some food, and when I went outside I showed her the food but didn't let her take it for like 3 times, while I was constantly telling her 'so you want this and you want to get yourself killed??'
In the end I gave her the food, she ate it and I went inside to sleep.

Two days have passed now and she is still sleeping here and staying all day, and also letting me cuddle her, but I can feel that she is sad/something is wrong. The look on her face has changed to a more depressed one, she doesn't look me in the eyes like often, and she doesn't meow to me a lot like she used to. Sometimes I call her while I'm sitting outside on my chair, sometimes she comes over (but not running) and sometimes she looks at me briefly and then keeps looking elsewhere. The last thing is when she DOES come over and I cuddle her, she lasts for a minute at best and then walks away for a meter or two from me and just sits along looking at random things around her.

PS: 3 weeks ago I also yelled at her for touching the refrigerator, the next day she was a bit sad but after a few minutes all became normal again. This time it's two days in a row and I don't see any signs of improvement. Has the damage already been done or am I being impatient or need to take other measures?

I appreciate anyone's help, I am here to learn more how to deal with cats and hopefully I'll become a better owner in time!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 27, 2001
Hudson, OH
If she is outdoors only, there is no way for you to really control where she goes and you have no right to yell at her for it. Plus that doesn't work for cats. Any reason she can't be an indoor cat? I am assuming she isn't spayed so she is going to be pregnant before you know it and since you care for this is all on you. If I am wrong and she is spayed I apologize.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
Do you have anger problems in general? Yelling at a cat for over 10 minutes sounds a bit alarming. We'd be happy to help you with resources in either case, but we might be able to be more specific with more information.
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TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 15, 2018
British Columbia, CA
Hello! Welcome to TCS. Piyon is certainly a professional opera singer. I think it is very obvious that she still loves you as she is still cuddling and calling your place home. I’m certain that in time, with consistent kindness, your cat will be back to normal. However have you considered bringing her into live a 100% indoor life? With outdoor cats you relinquish the safety of a controlled environment ie: your home. Best of luck!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
The cat did nothing wrong. Unless you take her in and make her an indoor cat, she is a stray and will do as she pleases. Cats don't understand English and don't have the same emotional range as humans do. Yelling at her and withholding food is only going to make her leave.
If you really care about this cat, take her indoors and have her spayed.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Hello and welcome to TCS. Piyon is beautiful. Thank you for caring for her. :petcat:

Does your family consider her a pet? If so, have you discussed making her a inside only cat? That really is the only way to keep her from wandering the neighbourhood and crossing the street.

Here's an article on The Five Golden Rules To Bringing An Outdoor Cat Inside

And one on Adopting A Stray Cat

Also, as already has been mentioned, if she hasn't been spayed yet, at 8 months she could become pregnant at any time. Here's an article on When To Spay Or Neuter A Cat?

And about her seeming different after you yelled at her. It might be just your imagination, but you're right, cats don't really understand discipline, and again, as long as she goes outside, you can't control where she goes.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Do you have anger problems in general? Yelling at a cat for over 10 minutes sounds a bit alarming.
I was going to mention this too. Even if a cat understood, which they don't, this would be very abusive behavior if directed at a human. Yelling for 10 minutes and showing food then taking it away will never help someone be a better person (or a cat be a better cat ;)). I hope you can get some help for that so nobody else is subjected to it.

Cats are not trusting animals in general. If you break their trust they'll be very slow to trust you again. That's just a natural consequence of your behavior. All you can do is be a trustworthy person from now on and hope she forgives you eventually. But even then she may be a bit hesitant. That's just the way things are.