I think I messed up?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 5, 2012
Had 1 cat and 1 dog.  Got a promotion at work which meant spending more time at work, luckily I can bring my dog into the office so it's not a big deal.  Felt bad for my cat so decided to get him a buddy - which is what this post is about.

My cat is male, unfixed.  He has always 100% been an indoor cat and hasn't had any issues.  If he was the slightest bit interested in spending any time outside I would have gotten him fixed but like I said, it hasn't been an issue.  He's about 5 years old and pretty much doesn't like people at all - he tolerates me because I feed him and do his litter box twice a day.

Anyways, enter in new male cat who is fixed and around the same age - got him about 7 months ago.  These two just don't get along, well to be more direct, my old boy chases the crap outta my new guy.  So I had to separate them and then tired to slowly introduce them...well nope, doesn't work.  My old boy just goes out on attack right from the get go. 

I have tried feliway, those collars, giving them both toys, playing with them prior to introduction, using treats and tuna and it's a no go.  I hate having all these doors shut in my apartment because it makes it feel a lot smaller then what it really is.

So, question is, would getting my guy neutered fix this or is it too late because of the botched introductions already?


TCS Member
Apr 2, 2010
Annapolis, MD
It is definitely not too late to get your cat neutered.  That may solve some of the problems, should decrease some of the agression.

I'll let other more learned people advice you about introductions--after your male cat is fixed, you might want to start over with the introductions.  If nothing else, he'll "smell" different.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 8, 2005
There are health issues that go along with being kept entire, cats aren't neutered simply to stop them from wanting to go outdoors. So do get him neutered asap, it will take up to 8 weeks for his hormones to fully settle down. 

Introducing 2 adult cats is almost always harder and takes longer than bringing in a kitten. Once the original boy is neutered and his hormones have settled you can very slowly begin to introduce them again. 