I reget the actions that led to this


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 28, 2015
Here's the deal: I have a 6 month old ragdoll, whom I love dearly. Being a kitten, he gets into EVERYTHING! I was going through the mail, he was in the kitchen, running through bags you get from the supermarket. I was hungry, and the noise was putting me near the start of a migraine. I tried to calm myself down, to no avail. I went over to him and shook him by his collar two or three times. When I realized what I had done, (of course, he was scared out of his mind and ran, I don't blame him) I went around the house looking for him. I found him in my computer chair. I apologized to him for my shortness. It seems since, he's been mellow, not trying to get in his favorite trouble spots. I tried playing with him with his favorite toy, one that makes him jump, nothing. I'm worried about him. I can't drive, and hubby is at work. Atm, he's sleeping. Like I said, I regret my actions, WITH ALL MY HEART! He may be a pain at times, but he's my kitten! I hope tomorrow he's back to himself! Thanks!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 28, 2015
When I realized it, I was furious at myself. I NEVER hurt animals! I pray that he's ok & he forgives me. I don't know what came over me! I'm so sorry Braveheart! Btw, after the Carebear Cousin, NOT the Mel Gibson movie. :)
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 28, 2015
Hubby came home, and as predicted, he was vivid. I would be too had the roles been in reverse. But I think, he fails to realize how awful I've been feeling since. Our kitten slept on his spot, by my feet, which I did NOT expect! When I woke up, he followed me around like usual, but when it came to playing, he was still lethargic. Hubby got him to do his 'normal' behavior last night before we went to bed...jumping, chasing his toys. So maybe Braveheart is still wary of me. He did small pounces with one toy, so I hope that he'll be ok. He's closer to my hubby, and I think this lapse of judgement made it even better between them. :( He was supposed to be mine, to help me with getting over cats I've lost over the past few years. I guess that it was too soon, or something. I still regret my actions with all my heart, soul, and mind. I don't feel worthy of his bedtime cuddle, though I'm thankful for them. I love you Sweetie!


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
I think it is best your cat be seen by a vet.  Also please think of rehoming the cat.  It seems as though you are not in a good place to be caring for him.  I hope your cat is ok, but if you shook him there is a chance you have injured him.  Please have him checked by a vet.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 28, 2015
He's back to himself. It was ONE incident! I had a lot going on and stress was getting the best of me. I have told hubby we need to take him to the vet, just to make sure nothing permanent happened. Believe me, if I could rewind the day, I would! I'm not rehoming my kitten over a one time incident! I know he's a baby, he's gonna get in stuff, but when stress and other things got the best of me, my actions did something I regret, something I have NEVER done to any living creature in my life! I love my kitten like a child, one I cannot have, to give him up would tear us up. He isn't just mine, he's my husband's. I said that my hubby was furious! Our kittens have been our babies for the past 12 years, and this was the WORST! We're going to the vet with him.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I think you should possibly consider rehoming also.

I mean if you stress has gotten to the point where you kicked a small kitty, then I wonder what would happen if you had enomrous amount of stress..and the cat was bugging you?  I know you feel bad about it, but the fact is you lost it, and took it out on an innocent being. Yes, I know what stress can do to you--first hand experiences. 

He remembers what happened.

There could be a reason that the cat immediately bonded with your husband.  Now he is fearful of you

Obviously you have not gotten things under control.  Could some counseling help--I mean for your sake.

Then, in a bit you could think about getting another cat. This time an older one who will not get into things...

A 6 month old is still a kitten. Sounds like you need a more mature cat, in the FUTURE. But Not now...

Please re-home, give to a no kill shelter, or return to breeder.....for the sake of the poor kitten.


NOT Malfoy!
Apr 26, 2011
LawnGuyLand, NY
I commend you for admitting your mistake and realizing what you've done wrong.

If rehoming the kitten is not an option for you, for whatever reason you decide, Please consider getting some stress management help. Not only it will help prevent anymore anger released to the kitten, it will help your overall health and well being, as well as your relationship with your husband and family. Consider some stress management classes/help.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
It is obvious that you feel just horrible about this, showing your heart is in the right place. I would like to echo what others have said about getting some kind of help with managing stress as clearly you never want to take it out on an innocent vulnerable kitten again. You will feel much better for it and much better about yourself. In the meantime I hope you take your kitten to the vet and get her checked out right away.


Emotional Support Cat "Owner"
Alpha Cat
Sep 15, 2014
I know you feel badly about it (as you rightly should), but if you find yourself in a similar situation again where you want to stop your kitten from being a kitten...then, yes, you should definitely rehome. Stress isn't fun and it's not an easy thing to deal with, but your kitten could have been seriously hurt and the likelihood of this happening again is probably high. 

I agree with the poster above that an older cat would be better for you. A kitten is...well, a kitten, and going to run around and do lots of stuff you don't want. It's not good for stress. I adopted an older cat I thought was 3 (more like she was 6 then) because I didn't want to deal with a kitten. Also, I read a kitten needs another kitten or a cat. They really are cute, but if you can't handle a kitten, then an older cat is best. I mean, you might have had kittens before that you handled really well, but now you're older...when I was younger, a kitten would have been better for me than an adult cat, but now an adult cat is best for me and I'm 38 so not super old. And @Draco  is right about the stress management classes. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
I disagree that rehoming is a good idea. It's likely to give Braveheart the idea that you've stopped loving him because he made noise, and even no-kill shelters can't guarantee that they'll find forever homes for all the cats that come in.

The advice they give to parents who have shaken a baby because they were stressed out is, just walk away.

Yes, you should probably be getting some training in stress management, for everyone's sake, your own included. But any time you feel on the verge of a migraine you need to get out of the situation that's contributing to it as soon as possible. Going to a darkened room and closing the door is a more effective way to protect yourself from kitten noise than punishing the kitten.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 7, 2014
Are you having trouble bonding with him because of depression or something? Is he more a chore to you, or are you "meh", or do you usually enjoy his company?

Sometimes even experienced cat people aren't in the right frame of mind to be around a cat at one time or another. But that doesn't mean rehoming unless you feel tempted to repeat this again. What it means is you might need help, medicines maybe. You deserve to feel like yourself again. Sounds like your hubby got you the cat to "cheer you up", or am I mistaken? If so? You might actually have depression, in which case taking on added responsibilities of a kitten might not be a good idea--unless or until you get treatment.

I've been there. Take care. If it helps, many rag doll cats grow up to be total slouches. My cat is only 1/2 ragdoll, and he used to be the energizer bunny. Now? King Sleepyhead. You may someday miss your busy kitten days, eh? [emoji]9786[/emoji]️
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handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
I get migraines too.  Not to excuse your actions, but I know people who don't get them don't understand.  You need to figure out your triggers, i.e. you were hungry and the noise on top of the hunger pushed you over the edge.  If you are running late and need food, grab mcDonald's or something on the way home so you are not on the very edge of the migraine when you walk in the door.  I have to be careful of taking meds even OTC too often for migraines.  When I know I am looking at 3 days running I will take a tylenol PM so I sleep through the night (and the cats antics).  My grocery store is 2 miles and 5 minutes from my house and I will grab a kids meal to eat on the way home to keep the migraine at bay.  I know earplugs are not an option but maybe you can shut yourself in another room w/o the kitten for a few minutes.  I hope you find a solution but know that the kitten will eventually calm down. 