I Need Your Opinions Please.


TCS Member
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Apr 26, 2017
This past weekend my 6 year old ragdoll Missy passed away within a 24 hours of realizing she was sick. I first noticed that she wasnt feeling well Friday evening around 7:00pm. I had been gone all day but she seemed fine when I left around 10:30am. When I got home she didnt greet me when I walked in like she normally did but I could see her as she wasnt far from the door. She was crouched down and had saliva coming out of her mouth. She just looked up at me and squeaked out a little meow. She never was loud, well when she couldnt find me she was. My poor sweetie pie had puked up some partially digested food but I wasnt really trippin on that. The rest was a big enough flag for me to know I needed to take her to the emergency vet. Not to mention the fact that when I picked her up I felt that below her chin and entire chest area was soaking wet and she didnt care that I was putting her in her carrier. Anyway, after getting a blood test we went home with amoxicillin to treat a urinary tract infection but she continued to get worse as time went by. The saliva had stopped hours earlier so I was hoping she was on the mend and just resting but like I said, she just seemed to continue to get worse. She was very lathargic and just not herself whatsoever. Then all of a sudden the saliva started again and she was having trouble breathing so rushed her back to the hospital and they had to incubate her because her O2 level was at 85. I cant even believe its happening. The doctor of said the next thing would be an xray to see if there is something visible blocking but even if there was could she be saved? Of course we didnt know. She was declining fast. At this point it had been 24 hours since I first found her in bad shape and just 35 hours from when I left her Friday when she was doing fine. They took me back to see her and I was able to stick my hand in the incubator and tell her I love her and that was it, she was gone. I cant for the life of me understand what could have happened. What could have taken her so fast? Even the doctor couldnt answer that with any certainty. It seems to me like maybe she ate something poisonous but I have no idea what it could have been. I've done a little bit of searching the internet but havent come up with anything very convincing. There are two things I'm currently wondering about and that is whether or not her eating a cockroach could kill her (I wouldnt think so) or mold. The reason I ask about mold is because within the past month Missy had learned how to open one of the kitchen cupboards and she would hangout in there when I was in the kitchen. Not only is it basically an unused cabinet but its the corner one next to the sink that is hecka deep. You know the one I'm talking about. So who knows what could be back in there but she's a feisty girl who could hold her own so I didnt think anything of it. But it is a pretty old home. I mean, I dont know if what I see in there is mold or not but I've attached a picture showing the inside. Could something in there have killed her? It just doesn't make sense that she died. It makes losing her so hard not knowing why. No matter what I dont think it will change that I feel responsible or that I feel like I failed her....but I just really need to know. That's understandable isnt it? Well thats all for now. Thanks for reading.


di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Something like mold would take a longer time to poison I would think, and unless the cockroach had just ingested a large amount of poison itself, I doubt that was it either. I would definitely get a cleaning spray with bleach and spray those areas to kill the mold, and find out and repair where the moisture is coming from, it can't be good for your own health either.
Your little one had symptoms that could point to many fatal conditions, a heart condition that was undiagnosed would top the list. Had the tests showed she had an infection of some sort? Was her white blood cell count elevated? In any case the reason is a mute point now, she is gone from your life and you are in pain. Please don't torture yourself with all these could haves, should haves, they do nothing but hurt. It's understandable you want to know the reason, especially to take care of it if it is something in the house that may jepordise more lives, but I seriously doubt it, it was more likely a massive infection or a heart condition. You would never purposely do anything to harm your little girl, so please don't feel guilty over something you had no control over.
She is at peace now, there is nothing that can be done to change things. But I know in my heart she would never want you to be so sad because of her, she loves you too much for that. Live your life in happiness and good memories, just as you would want for her if you were the first to go. The bond you have with her is spiritual, because it is love, so it is eternal. She will never be far from you, her new path will parallel yours until it crosses again. Your house will seem very empty now, but fill it with her memories, and try to celebrate knowing her, for sharing your life's journey with her for a while, what she gave you is priceless. I'll pray for you both, I know how much this hurts, it takes a long time to heal a broken heart. Take care of yourself...........RIP dear Missy, you will be forever missed but held in a loving heart forever more. Please send what comfort and love you can to the one who loves you so much, may your journey to the Rainbow Bridge be swift, may you always find that perfect spot in the sun. Sleep tight, little Princess!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 6, 2017
MsBobina. I am very sorry for your loss. Whether you see it coming or not, the loss is great and so painful. I imagine you will be like me and keep researching to see what it could have been and what you missed. Unfortunately, you may never know. I am so very sorry for what you are going through. You did everything you could in that short window of time to get her help. She knew that. At that point, it was in God's hands. You can't blame yourself. You will, but it's not your fault.

Do you have any other cats that you need to worry about? The vets had no ideas at all what it could have been?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2017
Im not a vet. But a cat salivating with a wet chest doesnt seem like a urinary tract infection to me...but im not a vet. Cats are good at hiding illness and pain. She may have been ill sometime earlier and hidden it from you.

I suggest you look for opened containers of toxic substances, wash out suspected cabinets, inspect plants for signs of chewing. Had she been outside recently? New flea collar or medicine?

If you find possible causes in the home you can remedy them. ( especially if there might be another pet).

If you dont find causes, you can reasonably suspect an illness or health concern. Either way the activity may help deal with grief and it may help you understand what might have happened.

I am sorry for your loss. 6 years old is far too young to go.
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TCS Member
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Apr 26, 2017
Thank you all so much for your kind words to help me get through this. Di and bob, thank you for the prayer. It is absolutely beautiful and really means a lot. You all are right. Missy knows I did what I could and wouldn't want me to be sad. Thank you for reminding me of that.

Since my post I got the result's of Missy's blood work and after more research..... meelasmom, I have decided it must have been kidney failure. I mean, I'm not completely sure but her blood BUN level was high which seems to point to renal failure. Either way I do believe that there isn't anything I could have done to prevent it and nothing here in the home that caused it. I have to in order for me to move forward. Again, thank you all for your help.

To my Missy girl, thank you for loving me and for making my life brighter. RIP my sweet sweet Missy girl. I love you with all of my heart and soul, and will miss you forever. Goodbye sweetheart. xo