I need your opinion and advice

yassora yosra

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 3, 2012
I have a cat that I take care of since he had two weeks, he is an indoor/outdoor cat , he is not neutralized , I fed him at home allow him to sleep in my room and cure him whenever he is ill

he was used to come in the morning to drink his milk and eat some food , and then to play a little and sleep in my room but from about two weeks ago(now he has about a year of age) , he started to stay outside more than usual , two days ago he left the house for about 24 hours , and even when he came home he didn't drink milk or eat any sort of food from his favourate food , he slept for 4 hours then he left home at night and today he didn't come

I'm afraid about him and I can't do anything to prevent him from going outside , please tell me whether this is a usual cat behavior

by the way this is the first time that I take care of a cat so any advice would be helpful and thanks in advance


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Hi and welcome to the TCS site, and our Forums!

It may be he is somewhat ill, "a little down under the weather" as the english says.

Another guess may be he had found another source of food.  Either he had learned to catch mices, or some friendly soul gives him food.

As a fertile tom he probably had began to wander around now seeking female cats.

But my definite guess he is growing up. He is becoming an adult tom now, and thus, becoming more and more restless.  And wanders more and more around.  Another danger he may be chased away by other tom cats.  And he will surely fight with other tom cats.

With time he may disappear, probably shortly. - in a year...

The only safe remedy is to neuter him.

His life will be easier, and so will be the life of both you - and your neighbours.   :)

It is no big deal for a decent veterinary. The vet doenst even need to be specialist on cats.

So, seek out a vet. If you are tight on money - a cheap vet. Or lend some money.

Catch him in a carrier several hours before so you dont need to stress (besides, he shouldnt preferably not eat  12 hours before), and off you go.

Good luck!
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TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Welcome to TCS !!!! :wave2: This is VERY typical behavior of an unaltered male cat. He must be neutered, please, if you can. Otherwise, he is going off to breed and then there will be more unwanted kittens born into a life of uncertainty, disease and hunger...... So if you can, please try to trap this cat inside when he returns and have a plan to get him to the vet to be neutered. This will calm him down, make him more friendly and loving towards you, and there will be no marking behavior either. Glad you found us and hope we can help you with this cat. Thank you for caring for the stray's :hugs: :vibes::vibes: