I Need Some Information About My Cat Health


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 27, 2018
So, I've had my cat for almost two years now. She's the kitten of a stray that I adopted because her owner was moving to live on a houseboat, and she's really the best cat I could ask for. Her name is Honey and she's uber skittish but also really affectionate when we're by ourselves.

When I first got her, I noticed after a while that she had what looked to be a white, cloudy spot on one of her eyes. She seems to have pretty good vision in the sense that she doesn't really stumble or walk into things, but when I first noticed it, I thought it might be a cataract or something. I kind of forgot about it for a while and didn't do anything about it; vets are expensive, and I'm a full time secondary school student without my own income, so I put it off. She gets sore eyes every now and again, but they generally clear up within a few days.

For some context, her previous owner fed her only dry food (I feed her a mixture of dry and wet food now) and never had her vaccinated because she didn't believe in vaccines. My cat is an indoors cat and doesn't go outside, so I've never worried about her picking up something.

Anyway, my question is: is this white spot anything to worry about? Should I get it checked out? She's very nervous and absolutely hates being picked up, so if I could avoid having to take her to the vet I'd really prefer to. Does anyone else have any similar experiences?

If anyone could offer any advice, I would really appreciate it!


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Honey baby!! she sounds like a total dollbaby!!

Can you try some calming product aids - there are sprays that you could douse the carrier with, and treats that could help with her anxiety about going to the vet. Her eyes getting sore is a concern - is there anything in your house that she's coming into contact with that might be contributing?

House plants, chemicals or cleaning sprays, hobby glues or paints, dusty litter, nearby manufacturing plants emitting fumes, mold in the living area, dust in the living area, bug spray, flea treatments, scented candles or air freshener sprays or diffusers, medications that you're taking coming through your skin, pot pourri?

Also, just in case there's anything in here that might help;

No Money For Vet Care? How To Find Help And Save Your Cat's Life

Financial Aid for Pets