I Miss Them


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Oct 8, 2016
This year has been a hard one.
On May 3rd my family and I put our beloved cat May to rest. She was a wonderful cat, we'd had her for ten years, she was the first pet I'd ever had, and the first one I had to say goodbye to.
She was a pretty calico, not shy at all but still very independent. She spent her last few months relaxing in the sunroom next to a heater. She was almost twelve years old when she passed.
How it happened, She had a seizure in the middle of the night. She'd been on medication for them as it wasn't something brand new. Our closest after hours emergency clinic was over an hours drive, so I sat with her and waited for the seizure to pass. It lasted three horrible hours, and afterwards... I fed her wet food and water through a dropper and stayed close by. We called the vet to schedule her to be put down, it was hard but I knew her peaceful days were behind now and didn't want her to suffer.
We buried her and made her a memorial garden.

May was two when we adopted her, we got her from a shelter, and I didn't want her (I wanted the all black cat next to her) but I was outvoted. She was a great cat though, she chose us. I remember how at the shelter she clawed at the bars and did her best to grab our attention.
She was an amazing companion to all of us over the years. We moved houses several times with her and she always explored the place without an ounce of hesitation. She didn't shy away from anything, not small children, and not overzealous puppies.
I wrote my first book about her when I was a kid.

On June 11th my cat Suki passed on. It was so unexpected, surreal. I couldn't believe it had happened at all. Even though it happened a month ago I can't type this without crying.
On the night of the 10th, close to midnight, we found her outside in our driveway, she was crying and in pain, I brought her inside and we called the emergency vet. We drove there as quick as we could, likely speeding most of the way.
We found out she'd been hit by a car and would need surgery, the emergency vet couldn't do anything but x-rays and give her pain medicine. I brought her home and stayed up waiting for our usual vet to open so I could discuss it with them. Suki was gone before then. I thought she would make it. I thought she'd be okay, maybe she wouldn't move like before and would be missing a leg, but she'd be okay.
We expanded the memorial garden to make room for Suki.
Suki was two, just turned two actually on the 10th.

I got her as a kitten, she was my cat. Not my families, but mine. I treated her for fleas, upper respiratory, allergies, ear mites, all the fun stuff that comes with a sickly kitten. But I loved her and she was the best cat I ever had.
With her I flew from maine to alabama, then drove the way back. I was sure she'd be a large part of my life for years to come.

I decided to change degrees after Suki passed. I thought about it before, but I'm sure now. I'm going to become a veterinarian, and someway somehow, I'm going to open an emergency clinic. No one should have to drive so long with their beloved pet in pain.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
They worm their way into our hearts, and when they depart it leaves a huge hole that takes a long time to heal. Those beautiful babies were in your life for a while, they followed along on your life's journey for a while. They must follow a new path now, but their new journey will forever parallel your own. They guided you into a new profession, they will share in your triumphs and be there for your losses. They want nothing but happiness and joy in your life, for that is what love is. Just as you would want for them if you were the first to go, they want the same for you, to go forward and carry them along in your heart once again.
Yes it hurts, it hurts very much to lose someone you love. But the bond you have formed will never leave you, it can never be taken from you. Use their lives as a path to your success, use your new skills and what you do for others as a tribute to those lives. Take care and I wish you all the best......RIP dear May and Suki. You will be forever loved and dearly missed. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
I'm going to become a veterinarian, and someway somehow, I'm going to open an emergency clinic. No one should have to drive so long with their beloved pet in pain.
This would make Suki and May proud of having been pets of yours, they will be your invisible assitants at the clinic and guide your hands and heart to the utmost pets' interest.
RIP May and Suki, you will be able to say other pets at the Bridge that your Mom will be a friend of all pets!


Leroy's Mommy
Adult Cat
Apr 30, 2018
Philadelphia, PA
My heart breaks for you that you lost 2 cats so close together. Just losing one is hard enough. I am proud of you for turning that pain into motivation, and aiming to change the world for the better. We are rooting for you.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Please allow me to add my heartfelt condolences.RIP darling babies!
And yes, we are cheering you on!!


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, Sweet Friends, dream you deep. Your pawprints are on someone's heart forever.

I am so sorry that you lost both of your babies so closely together. I know you are devestated. Love does not die. Ever. Love changes form, and continues on, still Love. Love abides, and both May and Suki are with you still. One of the things I have seen over and over again in this life is that out of tragedy comes some great, unexpected good. Someday, many cats will live because this sorrow turned your heart to veterinary medicine. Someday, someone will not have to say goodbye to their beloved pet. And I promise you that on that day, both Suki and May will twine around your ankles, purring loudly.


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
This is horrible, so sad and so very sorry to hear this terrible events in your life. I am sorry that you lost them so close together, but they are fine now, no pain or suffering just fine, and you will see them again one day.

"Their last breath on Earth is their first breath in Heaven" :rbheart:

I hope that your heart heals a bit more each day, Lord Bless you......:alright: :grouphug: :rbheart: