I just found my little cousin's myspace page.....


TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 22, 2007
Hillside, NJ (currently Dallas, TX)
Education isn't easy but I say if that's what giving her some fun... why not? It doesn't sound like she's breaking any law or doing something inappropriate... although lying about age isn't that good, but the whole story sounds pretty 'normal' to me...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2006
Manchester, CT
I wouldn't worry too much. All teenagers go through a stage like that. I would also assume that she lied about her age becuase I think myspace makes you have a "private" profile if you are under the age of 17.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2006
Manchester, CT
Originally Posted by Zissou'sMom

According to Myspace's rules, they should delete her profile if you report it to them. Maybe try that?
They'll delete the profile, but what's to stop her from making another one? Except the next time she'll be more sneaky about it and not use her real name so that you aren't able to find it.
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Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Originally Posted by capt_jordi

I have to say I'm going to be the odd one out. I hate the whole "make rules and forbid the kids from having this or that" idea. Maybe its just because I'm young but this is the way my mother raised me and I think I turned out a heck of a lot better than two of my best friends who's parents were insanely strict. They both moved out, one moved to California and married a guy she knew for 2 weeks got a divorce 8 months later and now is married again (but truly happy now.) And my other friend went away to college and is a big drinker and smoker now. Instead of just telling your kids no you cant do this its bad, try talking to them, explaining things to them, and trusting them. Be open, and be a person they feel they can come talk to you without fear of getting screamed at. My mother has ALWAYS been very open, its been more of letting me have freedoms but with boundaries and learning things myself without getting hurt. My little cousin is 14 and has a myspace and her mother is her #2 right behind her best friend. And her mom keeps a close watch on hers and they have it protected with the cant be seen unless a friend, and approved comments only options turned on. Teach your kids to be smart, and make good decisions and dont just block them from things without telling them why. Most of the time they just end up rebelling against those rules in the long run. And I know that this isnt the case for all, and I'm not by any means telling you this is how you should raise your kids! After all I have no reason to talk since I have none! I'm just offering my
I definitely agree with educating your kids, setting some boundaries and trusting them. Unfortunately, her Mom isn't that kind of Mom and her Dad, well he's coming around but he's done a lot of damage to her emotionally and physically as well. And her Mom's boyfriend, well he sure leaves a lot to be desired...
Originally Posted by MadAboutRags

......Too bad you couldn't pick her up for a weekend or something and bring her home with you to hang out... I bet she'd love to get out of the rat race and maybe you could help her gain some perspective on reality in the process? ......
I'd love to do that, but she lives several states away. I used to spend a few weeks each summer at my Grandparent's house, and back then she also lived in the same town. My Grandparent's watched her for my cousin, so I spent my time with her that way. My parent's took her and her little brother to Disney World and she's spent a few weeks here in the summer when she was younger. The last time my Mother went to get her my cousin had fed her all these things to say about why she didn't want to come. When she had called my mother herself and asked to come! My Mom didn't ask her, she sought my Mom out! Then Mom got there and that happened. It was completely ridiculous things and everyone saw right through it, but what could Mom do...make her come? Basically it boils down to my cousin not wanting to loose her little housekeeper.
Originally Posted by arie85

Education isn't easy but I say if that's what giving her some fun... why not? It doesn't sound like she's breaking any law or doing something inappropriate... although lying about age isn't that good, but the whole story sounds pretty 'normal' to me...
I don't really have a problem with her having a Myspace page. My problem is her saying she's so much older than she is. I can see bumping her age up one year, but not four years. The problem is in just that, saying she's so much older. She easily passes for a 17 year old. I don't think she realizes, or maybe even knows, that just dating an older guy can get him arrested for statutory rape. My step-sister started dating a guy who was about that much older than her when she was around that age. Her mother verified it with the police that he could be arrested. And anyone could turn them in, even if my cousin doesn't care. As far as I know, they do have a 2 year up 2 year down law in her area.

I know kids her age are gonna do things. I have very good reason to believe that she is not a virgin. And I know that is really becoming a norm, so that's not really the issue I'm upset with either. Though I wish she'd make some different choices at this point. But let's just keep it simple, let's say she's lying about her age because she wants an older guy to like her. That older guy is assuming she's his age or that she's about to be legal. Well she's not realizing that lying to him about that can get him in serious trouble. I can understand lying for that reason, but she's not looking ahead or at it from anyones perspective but her own. But then do most young people her age?

But she's 13 and spreading her wings and just finding out who she wants to be. She's seen way more and experienced way more than any kid should have to. More than a few times my Aunt has tried to get custody of the kids, but the state never let her. So now she's a young adult who's done grown up things. And I don't just mean one thing, I mean things that were her mother's responsibility like getting her little brother off to school from the time she was in oh, about the third grade. That included making breakfast and getting him dressed. Is this just acting out? Is it cool to pretend to be older? Is it her trying to be what her mother pushes her to be (meaning grown up)?

I just want her to have a better life. She's smart and always has been. But she admitted to purposely doing her class work wrong to make her mother mad. It didn't work and she had to repeat a grade. But how can someone her age be expected to handle all she has? I know other kids go through far worse too. I just wish I could rewind to those days when she and I had a special bond and just take her away and let her be a little girl and then hit this teenage stage and be a teenager without that emotional baggage. She was always my buddy and was a junior bridesmaid in my wedding. I hate that her life has had so much hurt. Every time I've been with her from her toddler-hood up, I've told her how beautiful and smart she was and how much I love her. I just want her to have the good life she deserves.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 31, 2007
Knoxville, TN
Become her friend and educate her. They have an IM client on myspace, or you could talk on aim or something like that. Keep in touch despite the location. She probably has never had someone talk to her and is just following something that her friends are doing or something like that. Why not just ask her why she is saying shes 17? Try to be there for her without being there.

trouts mom

TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 4, 2006
Snowy Santa Land
That is so hard...and sadly it seems the way of many young girls nowadays. I wonder its becoming worse as the years roll on.

I have never been through having a young relative or friend that was doing this sort of thing, so I'm really not sure what the best way to handle it would be. If only it were as easy as having a talk with her..but young kids "know everything" so that wouldn't help.

I just hope she doesn't get herself in trouble online..there are alot of freaks and pervs out there

Best of luck..hopefully its just a phase and she will realize soon enough that she is just attracting the wrong attention.

Why can't kids just be kids anymore?


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jul 24, 2005
I would get on her page and ask her some questions? I guess you can be any age to
have a page on myspace? I don't like that whole thing, to me wouldn't predators have a hayday with all that info? I think the computer is alot of our societies downfall, but not for the catsite though! I would really let her know that you know what she's doing and your on to her! Someone has got to let her know, she may have to take care of a younger brother or sister, but she isn't totally grown yet! There are ways to come off
firm but also caring. maybe that is what she really needs, cause she thinks no one's
watching what she's doing, so why not!? If mom is not going to say anything and you found it, make it between you two, and hey it's a small world, and eyes are everywhere!
I always kinda kid around and say, 'Brainwashing is alive and well in America" when it comes to dealing with my kid! ha ha ha! I'm not here to be his buddy, maybe later, we have got to get grown first! He still thinks I'm cool! So there is a way to be cool and be firm, she'll realize and respect you for caring!!!!!
Good Luck! You might need to make some time for her! She needs postitive attention!
and away from the brother and sister!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 22, 2007
Secret Santa Land
Our almost 21-year old daughter has never given us any trouble. We always trusted and repected her and valued her opinion. She has turned into a very nice young lady. Never felt the need to check up on her myspace page. She also knows about "cyberphiles" - can thank Law and Order SVU for that.

Anyway, my cousin's daughter, who is exactly 20 years my junior, has been in a long-term menage a trois. Other 2/3 are the parents of the son they are all raising. Whatever.