I have a 16 yr old cat that won't eat!! Please help :(


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 27, 2014
She was puking up white foam late thurs night. I noticed she wasn't feeling any better so I took her to the vet fri morning. They ran blood tests, her cell count was normal. Her liver and kidney values were normal. The only thing was her glucose was high, they said it could easily be raised by stress from being sick. They sent me home w fluids to give her. So she's staying hydrated but she won't eat at all. And she was looking weaker by last night so I've been force feeding her w tuna water , chicken broth, baby food mix together 6100ml twice throughout last night. And then I gave her some senior cats milk 200 ml today. I put some butter and coconut oil on her feet. She cleaned herself a bit last night. But she was looking weak this morning. She went to the bathroom at 4 am . She hasn't visited the water bowl today

I bet she's constipated so I gotta give her some pumpkin tonight . She's lookin ok right now .

I read if cats go more than a couple days w out food it's very bad for them, so I have to make sure she gets something in her tummy. The way she walks when she's up is better this evening so she had to be gaining some energy I hope. She uses a lot of strength tryin to fight me when I feed her.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
You can boil some chicken in plain water with no seasonings.  Shred it and add in some of the broth and offer that to her.  If it's a touch warm that might help entice her to eat.  You can also try plain meat baby food, turkey or chicken, no garlic and no onions.  As a last resort, water down some canned food and syringe feed her.  Tomorrow get her back to the vet to make sure she doesn't have a blockage or that she's not impacted (constipated).  However, if she's been given fluids, that sometimes makes a kitty not want to eat, but you're right about needing to get some nourishment in her.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Apr 30, 2013
Before I begin, obviously you need to follow up with the vet, to make sure there isn't something that needs to be addressed medically.  Since he vomited foam, he probably has nausea.  Constipation or too much stomach acid, pancreatitis, or just a viral bug can be the source of his discomfort. 

On the food front, I too have a 16 year old that is barely eating - going on two months now - so I'll share what I've been doing, and perhaps that will spark an idea for you.  First off there's about 12 open cans of cat food in the fridge.  Mine may eat/lick about 10 grams of food at a time, but show no interest in that food an hour later.  I rotate to the next canned option, throwing out what has been opened and unfinished for too long.  The food bowl follows him to various rooms, on the bed, on the couch...  I'll offer him a bit of food to lick every couple hours.  I weigh everything to keep track of total consumed. 

My cat will not syringe feed - he hates it and gives him too much stress.  I find that putting a little food in his mouth with my finger will trigger him to lick from the bowl, where he had ignored the bowl originally.  Warming the food for 10 seconds in the micro does help. 

I also cook up plain chicken or beef strips, cooked in unsalted butter, a couple ounces at a time. This isn't a balanced/complete meal, but I do add some taurine (sprinkle) and powdered eggshell (1/32 tsp per ounce meat) to the cooked meat so that at least the phosphorus/calcium is properly balanced.  He seems to eat it better if it's freshly cooked.  Again, 10 grams at a time. 

My cat is not a big fan of baby food, but eats the Gerbers Ham with broth.  It has cornstarch, which isn't ideal, but at least he gets the protein.  It supposedly has less phosphorus than the chicken or turkey varieties, if that's a concern. 

I try to give him raw egg yolk, also mixed with powdered eggshell.  That has lots of the fat soluble vitamins and provides choline which is important for the liver.  My cat won't eat the whites, but if yours will, it has lots of protein. 

I like your milk suggestion.  There are recipes for kittens, a fresher alternative to the canned KMR.  I'll have to look that up and give it a try. 

Hopefully your cat has a short term stomach upset and will be eating fine soon!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 27, 2014
I fed her 200 ml can pumpkin and chx baby food last night, she went back to my cat vet this morning. Her X-ray, blood work, liver and kidney values look great. She's just still really lethargic for 4 days now. She's getting an ultra sound right now. At er vet for free.They want to I've fluid and keep her for 24 hours. I don't want to leave her there that long obviously this is killing my heart, she's all I have. Thank so much for replying. My cat won't touch refrigerated cat food. They said her Bladder and bowels felt fine. I will try the egg yolk, I've offered her everything and she wouldn't touch it so this force feeding is what I have to result to. Has your cat tried appetitie stimulant,? Apparently there's this vet supply store
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 27, 2014
my mom just when to and bought probiotics for me to give my cat,