I don’t understand my cat!


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 11, 2021
Oregon, USA
I’ve always considered myself a “cat person” as we had cats when I was growing up and I’ve had two cats as an adult (now both passed). Last summer I adopted a kitten from a feral mother. I don’t know what her short life was like before going into the shelter, but she was very well cared for there.

She is now a little over a year old and I just love her so much! But some things still puzzle me and I was wondering if anyone has some insight.

She is only socialized with me, although I have taken her to my parent’s house numerous times to try to get her used to other people. She shows interest in their cat (who unfortunately ignores Phoebe), but only tolerates being held by someone other than me.

One thing that bothers me is that about 50% of the time I reach to pet her, she dips her back like she doesn’t want to be pet and sort of slinks away. She’ll sometimes run when I walk in the door as if she’s afraid. The other 50% of the time she is the most lovable affectionate cat one could wish for, giving me head butts when I ask for a kiss, exposing her tummy and absolutely loving the belly rub.

It bothered me that she wouldn’t sleep with me, but that has recently changed. She had a bad case fleas and after treating her, she started to come sleep with me every night (on my legs of course!). However, if I’m sitting down or even trying to nap during the day, she won’t; she often hangs out in other rooms, sometimes to the point it feels like she’s avoiding me (which is so different from my previous two kitties who followed me around everywhere).

I’m just getting such mixed signals here. Everything I read seems to be a contradiction…your cat is afraid or uncomfortable around you because it runs from you, or your cat loves and trusts you because it exposes its belly.

Are there any behaviors that I can change to lessen her “scaredy-cat” behaviors or make her more comfortable with me and others? Or do I just need to accept that I have a moody cat? And that would be fine with me, after knowing I’ve exhausted all other avenues to try and get her more socialized and trusting. She has never known a harsh word or touch from me, but like I said I don’t know what her life was like before the shelter. I can live with a moody cat, but I don’t want an unhappy or frightened cat especially if something can be done to change it.

Sorry for going on and on when I know people have serious problems with cats’ health and other issues. I just feel like a bad parent because I am constantly wondering if I’m doing something wrong. Any advice is very much appreciated!



TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 24, 2021
Victoria, Australia
A lot of your lovely girl’s behaviour is similar to my Phoebe and Daisy’s. Main difference is that they’ll make friends with any woman who comes in. I’ve had Phoebe seven years and Daisy almost two, both street rescues.

I would call a lot of the apparent contradictions simple moods. No, Meowther, I’m not in the mood for pets this instant. Ask me again in two minutes and it may be different. (Dropping the back is a very common reaction.)
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 11, 2021
Oregon, USA
Thank you for your reply, catloverfromwayback! I think it’s great that you have a Phoebe too!

I am relieved to hear that you think this is moods…I value this site and the advice of everyone on here so much.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US

Poppycat does the back dip when my partner pets him, and I guess it's not that unusual since I saw a cartoon depicting this lol.

He's 17 plus, and has always hated being picked up and held by anybody although I can with his front legs draped over my shoulder.

He changes where he likes to sleep periodically.

My angel kitty Moffit would follow me around the house, but Poppy doesn't, unless he detects that I'm digging in a cupboard or drawer, then he's right there even if it's two rooms away 😋

I think your kitty will continue to develop attitudes and personality changes, maybe for her entire life. Enjoy her, she's definitely a character 🥰


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
She could still have some 'memories' of things that happened to her before you adopted her, or as the others have said, she just has her moods. The walking in the door might somehow be tied to her past, so perhaps calling out to her - "Phoebe, I'm home" - when you open the door will help some with that.

Additional exposure over time might help to relax her around others. We don't have many folks in our home much anymore, so I don't think Feeby has been all that crazy to even investigate those who do visit now. She also shies away at times from being petted, and yet when it is of her own choosing will sleep with us. Yes, mine is a 'Phoebe' too just spelled differently!!!

And, as she ages, you will likely see other behaviors - for good and bad!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 20, 2020
It’s possible it’s just her personality. Our little tortoiseshell is very similar. We know it’s nothing to do with a previous experience because we raised her with love from the time she was born. She just doesn’t like being petted and cuddled. She will always dip her back if we try to pet her. We’ve learned to pet her how she likes, on the face and belly, only when she wants, which is usually when she is sleepy. She shows her affection for us differently than our other cats. She loves to engage in play with us, she wants to be the one to pet us, by rubbing on our legs, and she likes to be near us or near our legs when she rests. She won’t tolerate anyone else but us, she hides when other people come over.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 24, 2021
Victoria, Australia
It’s possible it’s just her personality. Our little tortoiseshell is very similar. We know it’s nothing to do with a previous experience because we raised her with love from the time she was born. She just doesn’t like being petted and cuddled. She will always dip her back if we try to pet her. We’ve learned to pet her how she likes, on the face and belly, only when she wants, which is usually when she is sleepy. She shows her affection for us differently than our other cats. She loves to engage in play with us, she wants to be the one to pet us, by rubbing on our legs, and she likes to be near us or near our legs when she rests. She won’t tolerate anyone else but us, she hides when other people come over.
My tortie Phoebe has some of that - she loves rubbing her fur all over legs, but mostly on visitors, who are all women wearing black uniforms - or rather, grey marle uniforms by the time Phoebe’s finished with them! She will accept attention from anyone and initiates it often, jumping up to wash the human’s chin (usually mine) or claiming a lap to sleep on.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 11, 2021
Oregon, USA
It’s possible it’s just her personality. Our little tortoiseshell is very similar. We know it’s nothing to do with a previous experience because we raised her with love from the time she was born. She just doesn’t like being petted and cuddled. She will always dip her back if we try to pet her. We’ve learned to pet her how she likes, on the face and belly, only when she wants, which is usually when she is sleepy. She shows her affection for us differently than our other cats. She loves to engage in play with us, she wants to be the one to pet us, by rubbing on our legs, and she likes to be near us or near our legs when she rests. She won’t tolerate anyone else but us, she hides when other people come over.
Thank you! This description is almost exactly like Phoebe. She is far more affectionate when she is sleepy, and so far seems afraid of everyone besides me. I’m trying to learn exactly what she likes and when she likes it. Our cats really do control us don’t they? (She definitely showed me who was boss when we were trying to figure out which foods she would eat.)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 24, 2021
Victoria, Australia
Oh, your Phoebe reminds me of my sweet Charlotte who died at age 17 about a year before I got my Phoebe. She too loved to leave her grey hair on black pants and sweaters!

View attachment 431979
What a beauty she was!

I had a laugh today. I was fetching something out of my car, which has dark grey fabric seats, and noticed a lot of white hair on the back and headrest of the driver‘s seat. Not my hair, which is long and white and sheds everywhere, but Daisy’s! My back and head must be covered in it, she’s never been in the car except in her crate. 😸