I Don't Know What To Do About My Aggressive Cat


TCS Member
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Jan 22, 2018
Hey guys. Long post coming atcha.

I'm writing here after months of efforts and a serious breakdown this morning. I have two cats, Lupe, Male (6) and Luna, Female (2). Both fixed. The two cats have always had no issue sharing rooms, litter boxes, food dishes, or anything since I brought Luna into our home when she was a kitten. One morning a few months ago, Luna attacked Lupe in a fit of redirected aggression thanks to a stray that was trolling outside of my window. Despite my best efforts to try and reintegrate the two, and using about every trick in the book from Feliway to Tuna to baby gates, for whatever reason Luna will randomly snap and start a fight with Lupe and try to caught as much damage as possible at any given moment.
Luna has always been relatively sassy and independent - She always hated being picked up and certain spots we all learned she didn't like being pet, but never has she outright attacked Lupe until recently.

I've been reduced to isolating Lupe into our guest room (primarily because he enjoys that area regardless but also because Luna will absolutely destroy the room in efforts to escape). But he's very attached to me and it's incredibly stressful for both of us having him isolated. After another failed re-integration session a few nights ago, my dad has decided that it's time we find a less stressful solution for all of the animals involved.

I decided to finally cave in on my doctors suggestion to getting them both on kitty anti-anxiety medicine but ultimately he made it clear that it was unlikely to change the aggression and would potentially cause more harm than good. I scheduled an appointment this morning.

The cats are used to getting into a single crate together but because of the recent change of dynamic, I had to separate the two into two different carriers. Lupe went into his without much incident. Luna was different.

Luna was being evasive, so I calmly followed her into the bathroom with a blanket. I shut the door and sat with her and slowly reached to her with a blanket to wrap her in. I reached down to pick her up calmly, and although she doesn't favor being picked up she typically tolerates it momentarily. This time, however, almost instantaneously she grabbed hold of my hand and shred it to bits with her teeth and claws. I tried to grab her by the scruff to calm her, which just sparked more hissing, spitting, rear claws gashing my arms and biting me until I screamed. She stopped once I yelled and after a few more moments of struggle I managed to throw a blanket over her and plop her in her carrier, still hissing and spitting.

I immediately started sobbing. I'm at my wits end. I've tried everything I possibly can aside from drugging her for being insane and drugging Lupe for now, reasonably, hating her and being defensive even when she is within sight

She has had fleeting moments of pet-induced aggression with people but this recent shift is character is wildly alarming, especially considering she's a wonderful little hang-out kitty otherwise. The only other times I've seen her be aggressive towards any of the animals in our house outside of this was involving food, ( The dog eating scraps while I wad cooking) and when I accidentally stepped on our dogs foot and he barked at me - Luna shortly thereafter came after him with a fury which I had to stop personally.

Almost every time I even sit down for more than five minutes she is glued to my lap, happily asleep. When she sees my car in the driveway she pokes her head in the window and as soon as I open the door she runs and scratches on her post as to show how excited she is when I get home. as a singular cat, she seems wildly happy and healthy, but definitely tempermental. Up until this recent aggression she was a wonderful, albeit sometimes moody, addition to my life and our home, and now that she's feuding with my older cat and most recently mauled me this morning, I feel entirely overwhelmed, and absolutely heartbroken.

My father has given me an ultimatum. As of this morning, she's been moved to our shaded patio/fenced back yard with a bed, food, water, and a litter box. Although this is a viable temporary solution, this is also incredibly hard because I understand the risks associated with having an outdoor cat, let alone the fact that she is a small sized queen (About two times the size of a kitten), and that if she manages to burst in through the door while someone is trying to walk out, she could attack Lupe. I'm trying to explore the option of rehoming her, and this is tough due to her recent feline on feline aggression and her newfound aggression towards me. At this point I feel like I'm in a position where I have to hope that maybe she acclimates to being an outdoor kitty or I might have to take the risk of bringing her to a shelter only to have them euthanize her because she can't be handled, which would absolutely devastate me considering she is a incredibly sweet cat outside of this shift if character.

I'm exhausted, I'm sad, I feel heartbroken because I adore this little girl but she's causing so much harm and stress in our household. I haven't stopped crying, and I feel like I can't fix this problem. I just don't know what to do.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi - I saw your post, got tangled up with stuff to do around here, then spent some minutes trying to find you again (whew). In any case, I'm so glad you came here.
First, have you gotten those scratches looked at and/or put some hydrogen peroxide on?
So, my thinking has to do with what started this situation this time. Would you-all be able to stop the feral(s) from coming around?
I'm (this is my opinion) disappointed that your vet is suggesting that Lupe needs anti aggression meds and then follows up that statement with "well, but the meds won't work". I don't understand that, and am hoping you-all told him no regarding meds for Lupe. She, however probably does but maybe only for a short time IF you can get rid of the strays/ferals, close the window shades so she can't see them etc. I've read here that people have had good results with Prozac, Elavil, Feliway, Compose. In any case, maybe your father would consider talking with another veterinarian. Also, see if you can't get him to be open to these ideas - rehoming should be a truly last-resort option and putting her outside shouldn't be considered at all, but I'm sure your dad was concerned about yours and Lupe's safety. If she stays with you and I hope that's the case, if there's a next time where she has a meltdown, try and shoo both cats into separate rooms or at least Lupe, as you did, but that's it, just leave them apart and don't interact with them for a good long while. However this'll only have good benefits if, as I mentioned, the strays/ferals are dissuaded from coming around. Let us know what happens, we're thinking of you!
Edit; by the way, she's not insane. She's a cat, no two ways about it and that's all there is to it. Also, again, I really do not see why Lupe is being considered as needing medication but I'm not there so maybe there's more to this.
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Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
A note regarding a shelter, I don't know where you are located but if it comes to it, if you can find a no-kill shelter that will take her in then you wouldn't have that bad thought hanging over your head down the road.
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TCS Member
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Jan 22, 2018
Well the strays have no longer been an issue at all. I haven't seen one in ages, amd honestly the one I did see, I'm almost positive was someones house cat that got out.

So without outside stimuli, the aggression now seems to be almost like now the two cats have beef, so to say. I think the Vet was trying to be realistic, especially since I've been wildly patient and consistent with every resource- feliway and other calming aids proved relatively ineffective. I know she's not aggressive towards humans in any direct way, and I understand the crate situation today was merely that, a situation. But my other cat, my family and I are all at wits end with this little girl.
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TCS Member
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Jan 22, 2018
The added pressure from my family members to instantaneously find a solution also makes the situation incredibly difficult and honestly quite overwhelming. My dad is 200% done with her, and initially didn't even want me to bring my cats back home with me (Recently was going out of state for college, transferred back in state to save money). It's been a really emotional few months and I've been fighting for time to figure it out but after today everyone is essentially ready to give her the boot. I can hardly stand leaving her outside let alone just dumping her at a shelter. There's a few no-kill shelters in the area that could probably help but that's also a heartbreaking process.
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TCS Member
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Jan 22, 2018
Also the cats are quite move-savvy, before anybody brings it up. I've hopped around a lot and so long as they had each other they were perfectly happy. This is a completely new experience for them.


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TCS Member
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Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Many "no-kill" shelters actually will kill aggressive animals, or those deemed "unadoptable". So if you go that route, make sure it's a true sanctuary.

I think the meds are worth a try. Sometimes you have to try a few different kinds before you find the one that works for your cat.

Can you keep her confined in your bedroom?


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Just a comment, strays, ferals, housecats, it's all the same to an alpha cat like she is. If they're around at night you won't know, but she will. Prozac or whatever meds your vet would prescribe are different than feliway. Putting her in a no kill shelter is WAY different than dumping her outside which is incredibly, unbelievably unfair to her and NOT a solution unless you want her to get hurt, starve or worse. You need to start thinking about what's best for her, because all the family stress is making it even worse for her. Best of luck.
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TCS Member
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Jan 22, 2018
Well, I have bittersweet news.
Luckily I found a home that she will more than likely be much happier and less stressed in. Unfortunately an high strong alpha queen and a passive, but very stubborn, old tom cat cannot live in harmony. As for the previous responses, I actually read that article on reintegration a few months ago and unfortunately, it appears that between Lupe's now highlt defensive and fear based demeanor and her sudden relentless aggression, I was unsuccessful with just about everything. I understand that "Kitty Prozac" is an option, but personally, I kind of take issue in having to drug an animal into submission with the risk of so many other medical issues, simply because she's just doing what comes naturally to her. It's a hard thing to accept, but rehoming my little girl into a household where she can rule to roost has proven to be the most viable and healthy for everyone involved. It definitely doesn't make parting ways any easier, but I managed to find a wonderful couple that have already absolutely fallen head over heels for her. I am heartbroken, but I also feel incredibly lucky and blessed. I'm supposed to bring her to her no home by tomorrow night for a week trial-run to see if she acclimates to being with new people. Will post updates.
Thank you all.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
I kind of take issue in having to drug an animal into submission with the risk of so many other medical issues,
Psychiatric medications do not drug anyone "into submission" unless we're talking about a sedative. They correct the brain chemistry that may have gone wrong, no different than taking insulin for diabetes. There is nothing wrong with taking psychiatric medications or giving them to pets, if they're needed. Illnesses in the brain are no less important than illnesses in the body.

Yes, undesirable side effects are possible, as with any medication, but any possible side effects are still considerably better than killing the pet or abandoning him/her outside.

I'm glad you were able to find someone to take her. I hope it works out well for her and them :crossfingers:.